
  • 网络switching center
  1. 移动交换中心(MSC)&8

    Mobile Switching Center ( MSC ) - 8

  2. 文章简单概述了传统移动交换中心(MSC)在3G时代的演进。

    This article briefly introduces the evolution of legacy mobile switching center ( MSC ) in the era of 3G mobile communication .

  3. 这个中心将作为前核科学家的研究项目的信息交换中心。

    The centre will act as a clearing house for research projects for former nuclear scientists .

  4. 虽然谷歌、微软和其他技术平台会根据全美失踪和受剥削儿童中心和其他信息交换中心提供的标识符数据库与上传的照片或电子邮件附件进行比对,但安全专家认为苹果的计划更具侵入性。

    While Google , Microsoft and other technology platforms check uploaded photos or emailed attachments against a database of identifiers provided by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and other clearing houses , security experts faulted Apple 's plan as more invasive .

  5. 一种WEB数据交换中心的设计技术

    A Designing Technology for WEB Data Exchange Center

  6. 基于XML的数据交换中心模型研究

    Research of the XML-Based Data Interchange Center Model

  7. 基于XML与J2EE技术的数据交换中心的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Data Exchange Center Based on XML and J2EE

  8. 基于FPGA的多通道串行数据交换中心的设计

    The design of multi-serial data switch center based on FPGA

  9. 在该数据交换中心的构建中,综合采用了XML,J2EE,XSLT等技术。

    In the course of constructing this data exchange center , we use XML , J2EE and XSLT compound .

  10. 提出了以XML作为数据交换中心的仪器远程Web测控及相应的测控系统软件模型。

    Combined with VI technology , the method of instrument Web measurement and control which is based on XML data exchange , and its software model , is proposed .

  11. 统一支付清结算平台一期包括以下几个子系统:业务系统、清结算系统、账户管理系统、数据交换中心、管理员运营管理web系统。

    Unified clearing and settlement platform for a payment include the following subsystems : business systems , clearing and settlement systems , account management system , data exchange center , operation and management web system administrator .

  12. 系统包括客户端和EDI交换中心两部分,客户端通过调用交换中心的接口模块来实现系统功能。

    System includes the client and the EDI conversion center , client achieve the system function by calling the client interface .

  13. 2001年9/11事件中,美国电信运营商VerizonCommunications位于曼哈顿下城的五个交换中心之一遭到破坏。华尔街公司将许多问题归咎于此。

    Wall Street firms blamed many of their problems in 2001 on the damage to one of Verizon Communications ' five switching centres in lower Manhattan .

  14. 信令适配器负责处理信令,是通信网的神经系统,是通信网必不可少、非常重要的组成部分。该部分位于移动交换中心和业务执行平台之间,处于业务执行平台的底层,负责MAP协议的解析转发。

    Signaling Adapter is the nervous system of communications network system , it is a very important component , it is between the mobile services switching center and service execution platform , under the service execute platform .

  15. 如前所述,SS7链路实现STP到STP和STP到移动交换中心(MSC)。

    As described previously , SS7 links interface STPs to STPs and STPs to the mobile switching center ( MSC ) .

  16. 介绍了构建一种实用的WEB数据交换中心模型的设计,同时讨论了如何利用ASP存取数据库中的非文本信息技术和实现在WEB上对数据库中数据的管理方法。

    In this paper , how to build a data exchange center based on WEB is introduced , at the same time , how to access non-text information using ASP and realize data management on WEB in database are also discussed .

  17. Clearinghouse(数据交换中心)与数字化地理信息共享

    Clearinghouse & Digital Geographic Information Sharing

  18. 以宁波市互联网交换中心流量计费系统为例,阐述了一种基于NetFlow的流量计费系统的设计与实现,分析了该系统的网络结构,硬件配置及实现方案。

    This paper analyses the net structure , hardware configuration and implement schema of traffic accounting system of Ningbo Internet Switch Center .

  19. 这套移动交换中心(MSC)是北电提供给ATT的MSC的升级版本。ATT在被兼并时正在对其核心网进行升级。

    The MSC is actually an upgraded version of the MSC that Nortel provided AT & T Wireless , which was in the process of upgrading its core before it was acquired .

  20. 本建议包括国际交换中心(ISC)和其有关的电路倍增设备之间的信令原则和示例。

    This Recommendation contains the principles and examples of Signalling between the International Switching Centres ( ISC ) and their associated circuit multiplication equipments .

  21. 在深入剖析HL7消息机制的若干关键技术基础之上,运用面向对象技术,设计与实现了HL7消息在医疗数据交换中心的解析和基于WebServices的验证。

    The thesis discusses some key techniques of HL7 standard message mechanism . Finally using object-oriented technology , the HL7 message is parsed in the medical data center and validation based on web services , as well as the storage of local database .

  22. 分析了多级异构空间数据库同步的关键问题和难点,提出了一种基于XML的多级异构空间数据的同步架构,该架构在全国国土资源数据交换中心试点建设项目中得到成功应用。

    This paper analyses the key problems and difficulties to keep the remote and heterogeneous databases synchronization , promotes a framework to solve the problems using XML . The framework is used in the National Land and Resources Data Exchange Center Experimental Project successfully and is proved to be feasible .

  23. 移动业务交换中心-基站系统(MSC-BSS)接口;

    Mobile-services Switching Centre-Base Station System ( MSC-BSS ) interface ;

  24. 国家糖尿病信息交换中心(NDIC)

    National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse ( NDIC )

  25. 新的移动交换中心最初建立在高级电信处理体系(ATCA)上,这是一种硬件标准,用来提升不同网络组件间的协同工作能力。

    The new MSC is first built on the Advanced Telecom Computing Architecture ( ATCA ), a hardware standard designed to promote interoperability with different network components .

  26. 提出了VTS中心应当成为所在地区船舶动态综合通信网的信息汇集与交换中心,以及VTS通信网应当纳入全国水上通信网的观点。

    And it is presented that the VTS centre should become the centre of converging and exchanging information of comprehensive vessel movement communication network in the area concerned and VTS communication network should be linked with the national water communication network .

  27. 艾默生一体化动力机房在西南通信互联网交换中心的应用

    Application of Emerson Total Power Equipment Room to Southwest Telecom IXC

  28. 建立服务于远程医疗系统的区域性的医疗信息交换中心

    To found local medical information exchange center for telemedicine system

  29. 数字气田中数据交换中心的研究与实现

    Study and implementation of data-exchanging center for digital gas field

  30. 本地互联网交换中心性能仿真研究

    Performance simulation analysis of the local Internet exchange center