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  • 网络Jiaozhou;Annam;jiao prefecture
  1. 纽约城市大学、罗格斯大学和印第安纳大学都遥不可及,密西西比州立大学和阿拉巴马大学也是如此,在这两所大学我还得交州外学费。

    City University of New York ( CUNY ) , Rutgers University , and Indiana University were out of reach as were Mississippi State and the University of Alabama , where I would have to pay out-of-state fees .

  2. 东汉在此设立交州,管辖两广及越南北部地区。

    The Han Dynasty administered Guangdong , Guangxi , and northern Vietnam as Jiao Province .

  3. 第三章,从内容和形式角度讨论《交州稿》,亦即讨论它所具有的记事特征和艺术特色。

    The third chapter , discusses Jiaozhou Manuscript from the content and the form angle , i.e. discusses the record and artistic feature .

  4. 建安十五年,骘受命领兵入交州,对孙吴疆域的扩大作出了不小的贡献。

    In the year of 15 of Jian An , he led the army into Jiaozhou and made great contributions to broadening the territory of Sun and Wu .

  5. 联邦法院拒绝审理某一案子,将它交州法院审理,从而使它有资格裁决涉及联邦宪法问题的一种情况。

    Us situation where a federal court may refuse to hear a case and pass it to a state court which then become copetent to decide in the federal constitutional issue raised .

  6. 自汉代在今越南地区设置交趾郡及交州以来,交趾、交州就渐成为古代越南的代名词,直到唐设立安南都护府后,才被“安南”一词所代替。

    Since the Han Dynasty established the county Jiaozhi and the state Jiaozhou in the region of Vietnam , the words " Jiaozhou " then became the pronoun of ancient Vietnam gradually .

  7. 非上市公司通常将净收益最小化,这样可以少交联邦和州政府的所得税。

    Private companies usually try to minimize net earnings and thus reduce federal and state income taxes .