
fāng yuán
  • about;circumference
方圆 [fāng yuán]
  • (1) [circumference]∶指定半径范围内的面积

  • 20公里方圆之内的40个内湖

  • (2) [about]∶围绕;在周围地

  • 这个湖方圆一里,宽半里

方圆[fāng yuán]
  1. 那个湖方圆800里。

    The lake has a circumference of 800 li .

  2. 金字塔的基座方圆有好几里,规模很大。

    The foundation bed of the pyramid has a large circumference of several miles .

  3. 这座城堡坐落于一片方圆25英亩、风景秀丽的土地上。

    The castle is set in 25 acres of beautiful grounds

  4. 沉船方圆一英里内仍然禁止进入。

    A one-mile area around the wreck is still off limits

  5. 河水决堤,淹没了方圆数英里的乡村。

    The river broke through its banks , and flooded the country for many miles around .

  6. 那个湖方圆八百公里。

    The lake has an area of800 square kilometres .

  7. 一些农场和农舍散落在方圆几英里的荒原上。

    There are farms and cottages scattered all over the moors for miles around .

  8. 方圆左近的人,他都认识。

    He knows everyone in the neighbourhood .

  9. 由于方圆5公里内没有城镇,且25公里内只有一个县中心,这里的周边区域出现了“无线电静默”现象

    The surrounding area has " radio silence " as there are no towns and cities within a 5-kilometer radius and only one county center within 25 kilometers .

  10. 方圆20英里之内都是他的地产

    His domain extends for 20 miles in every direction .

  11. 例句我们住在乡下一个农庄,方圆好几里都找不到任何商店!

    We live on a farm in the countryside . There are no shops in a country mile !

  12. K型方圆钢管搭接相贯节点非线性有限元分析

    Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Overlap Tubular K-Joints Made of Square Chord and Circular Braces

  13. 对于搭接的K形方圆相贯节点,我国规范考虑的参数不够全面。

    The code about the rectangular and circular penetration overlap joint k joins is not overall .

  14. 我国钢结构规范对K形方圆相贯节点承载力公式的规定只用一句话简要提及。

    The code for design of steel structures in our country about the ultimate bearing capacity design formulas of K joins in rectangular and circular penetration is very simple .

  15. 而本文直接对K形方圆相贯节点进行数值模拟及参数研究,回归K形方圆相贯节点极限承载力计算公式。

    While , in this article institute the parameters and numerical simulation are all about the rectangular and circular penetration directly , to regress the ultimate bearing capacity functions .

  16. 局域网(LAN)是处于同一建筑,同一单位或方圆几千米区域类的专用网络。

    Local Area Network ( LAN ) is private network , which is in the same building , or a radius of several kilometers .

  17. 新增的食堂中包括专门供应亚洲美食的CafeGia和Cafe150,后者供应的食物原材料全部来自于方圆150英里内的地方。

    Options continue to include the Asian-themed Cafe GIA and cafe 150 , a restaurant that only uses ingredients sourced from within 150 miles .

  18. marwan一定就在方圆50英里之内。

    Marwan has to be within a50-mile radius .

  19. 负责协调多国搜救行动的澳大利亚空军上将休斯敦(AngusHouston)说,澳大利亚军舰“海洋之盾”号(OceanShield)和英国海军“回声”号将在有关部门认为最可能是飞机触海地点的方圆240公里海域进行搜索。

    Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston , who is coordinating the multinational search off the coast of Australia , said the Australian defense vessel Ocean Shield and HMS Echo would cover a 240 kilometer area of ocean where authorities think the plane is most likely to have gone down .

  20. 这是方圆数英里最好的学校之一。

    It 's one of the best schools for miles around .

  21. 苏州方圆升降机械有限公司期待着您的光临!

    Suzhou Fangyuan Lift Machine Co. , Ltd hope your coming .

  22. 分裂的碎片如雨点般落在方圆250英里的地面上。

    The debris from the disintegration rained across A250 mile stretch .

  23. 这附近方圆几哩都没小河。

    There are no creeks around here , not for miles .

  24. 圆度评定中最小二乘方圆的研究

    A Study on the Least Square Circle for Roundness Evaluation

  25. 方圆几百里都是平原。

    In this area , the plains extend for hundreds of li .

  26. 参天大树还覆盖着方圆数英里的土地。

    Great trees had covered the countryside for miles around .

  27. 我们还要使用方圆一英里的农舍。

    We have to use every farmhouse for miles around .

  28. 他以前常在那乡间方圆好几哩处走动。

    He used to walk the country for miles round .

  29. 方圆数英里之内这是惟一的一座现代化建筑。

    This is the only modern building for miles around .

  30. 这是方圆几英里内最好的餐馆之一。

    It 's one of the most popular restaurants for miles around .