
  • 网络hutuo river basin
  1. 水坝建设对滹沱河流域石家庄段生态环境的影响

    Effect of dam construction on eco-environment of Shijiazhuang section of Hutuo River Basin

  2. 应用TWINSPAN和DCA相结合的方法,对滹沱河流域湿地植被74个样方进行分类和排序,将湿地植被分为16个群丛。

    TWINSPAN and DCA were combined to classify and collate seventy five quadrats of the wetland vegetations in the Hutuo River into 16 associations .

  3. 山西滹沱河流域湿地植被生态学研究

    Study on Ecology of Wetland Vegetation in Hutuo River Valley , Shanxi

  4. 滹沱河流域湿地植被优势种群生态位研究

    Niche of Dominant Species of Wetland Vegetation In the Hutuo River Valley

  5. 黄土侵蚀与啮齿动物活动关系的观察&以滹沱河流域的黄鼠为例

    An observation on rodent activities relating to loess erosion

  6. 滹沱河流域土壤吸磷强度及磷肥施用量的研究

    Intensity of Phosphorus Absorption and the Amount of Phosphatic Fertilizer in Hutuo River

  7. 滹沱河流域湿地植被的物种多样性研究

    Species diversity of wetland vegetation in Hutuo River Valley
