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  1. 通过晶体学计算,标定出BMT主晶相存在的两种结构,1:2有序六方超晶格结构和无序立方结构。

    The two structures of BMT main phase , that is 1:2 ordered hexagonal superlattice and disordered cubic structure reflections , were marked in XRD patterns by crystallography .

  2. 六味地黄方超微细粉的有效成分熊果酸与丹皮酚溶出特性的研究

    Study of Liuwei Dihuang ultra micro-powder on dispersing and dissolving characteristics

  3. 结果发现:碳化钒中由于碳的有序缺位形成了V6C5简单六方超点阵结构;

    The results showed that due to the ordered vacancy of carbon atom the simple hexagonal superlattice V_6C_5 were formed in vanadium carbide .

  4. 在结构面连通性较好的情况下,在隧道的侧边墙同样会出现较大方量的超挖。

    Under the condition of good connectivity of discontinuity , a great quantity of overbreak on side wall may occur .

  5. 而在1996年赛季的揭幕战上,小贝以一记惊世骇俗的在本方半场的超远距离吊射破门宣告了一段传奇的开始。

    The boy wonder announced his arrival on the soccer scene in August 1996 by scoring a spectacular goal from inside his own half on the opening day of the season .

  6. 分析了这些参数对线性单自由度体系的均方响应及首超概率的影响。

    Finally , the effects of the parameters on the response and first excursion probability of a SDOF linear system are discussed .