
  • 网络STANDARD;DMB-TH;METS;Communication Standards
  1. 数据交换模块采用XML作为数据传输标准,利用WEBService机制,实现了对数据的透明访问,使得众多异构系统间的数据库得以互联互通。

    The data exchange module uses XML as a data transmission standard , the use of the Web Service mechanism , transparent access to data , the database can be interoperability between the many heterogeneous systems .

  2. DVB-S是一种被广泛采用的数字视频广播卫星传输标准。

    DVB-S is a widely adopted standard of digital video transmission .

  3. 第二章对数字电视的四种数据传输标准协议、PSI/SI表做了介绍。

    Chapter 2 gives a recommendation of data broadcasting protocol and the PSI / SI specification .

  4. 设计通过对医学数字成像与传输标准(DICOM)复合对象的引用,在诊断报告中直接插入DICOM的医学图像或者波形;

    Medical images or waveform were inserted directly in the diagnosis report through citing DICOM composite object .

  5. 美国卫生信息传输标准HL7(HealthLevelSeven)规范了医疗信息数据传输格式,能够降低医疗信息系统互联成本,提高系统间信息共享程度。

    American Health Information transmission standard HL7 ( Health Level Seven ) regulate the medical information data transmission format , can reduce medical information system interconnection costs , improve the degree of information sharing between systems .

  6. 中国地面数字电视传输标准DTMB与产业化推广

    Chinese digital television terrestrial broadcasting standard and its industrialization

  7. 近几年来,数字电视地面传输标准DVB-T技术的应用在欧洲获得了广泛的应用。

    Recent years , DVB-T , a digital terrestrial TV broadcast standard , is used in much occasion .

  8. DVB-C是欧洲有线传输标准,它以有线电视网为传输媒介。

    DVB-C is the transmission standard of Europe , which using the cable network as the transmission medium .

  9. PACS必需解决的技术问题之一是统一各种数字化影像设备的图像数据格式和数据传输标准。

    One of the technology problems that PACS has to solve is to unify all kinds of image formats from different image equipments and data communication standards .

  10. 介绍了一种基于FPGA的高速数传系统,它是空间数据传输标准AOS(高级在轨系统)的仿真和验证系统。

    This paper presents a high-speed data transmission system based on FPGA , which system is to evaluate the AOS ( Advanced Orbiting Systems ) data transmission technic .

  11. 新一代数字电视传输标准DMB-T的关键技术

    Key Technology of Digital Television Transmission Standard DMB-T

  12. 本文以中国数字电视地面广播传输标准为背景,主要研究了定时同步技术,并重点实现了基于PN的定时恢复技术。

    Under the background of the Chinese standard of DTV terrestrial broadcasting , this paper focus on timing synchronization , and then finish FPGA complementation process of timing recovery using PN .

  13. 根据最新的卫星电视传输标准,提出了一种基于FPGA的DVB-S2信道解调系统。

    According to the newly released standard for the second generation of DVB-S , a demodulation system for DVB-S2 based on FPGA is proposed in this paper .

  14. 数字电视地面传输标准ISDB-T系统传输方案

    Transmission Scheme for ISDB-T System

  15. DVB-H标准以DVB-T为基础,是为通过地面数字广播网络向手持终端提供多媒体业务所制定的传输标准。

    DVB-H based on DVB-T is a transmission standard , which is set down to provide multimedia services for handheld terminals by terrestrial digital broadcasting network .

  16. RTP/RTCP协议是IETF制订的实时流媒体传输标准,它引入时间戳和递增序号机制来传输实时数据流,利用RTCP来反馈QoS信息。

    RTP / RTCP protocol is a real-time stream transport standard put forward by IETF . It introduces timestamp and increasing sequence number for real-time data stream transport , and uses RTCP to monitor QoS Information .

  17. 在众多的视频编码标准中,H.26L是由ITU和ISO/IEC联合制定的面向无线通信和多播的低码率视频传输标准的最新版本。

    H.26L is a video coding standard proposed by ITU and ISO / IEC , it is the emerging standard for video communication and multicast in low bit rate conditions .

  18. 随着医疗信息技术的进一步发展、数字化医疗的逐渐普及,作为医学图像存储与传输标准的DICOM越来越受到医学界的重视。

    With the further development of medical information technology and the prevalence of digital medical treatment , the DICOM standard made for medical images ' storage and transmission is thought much of by the medical treatment field .

  19. 使用三维实体造型软件Solidworks,建立了航炮系统的三维实体模型,并找出Solidworks软件与机械动力学仿真软件ADAMS之间最合适的文件传输标准,将航炮系统的三维实体模型顺利导入ADAMS软件。

    Secondly , a 3-dimensional digital model is established by the CAD software , Solidworks . The best file transfer protocol between Solidworks and ADAMS is found , and the model of the gun system is successfully imported to ADAMS software .

  20. 通过对无线VoIP、普通VoIP和移动电话的比较分析,分别从他们的优缺点、安全性、呼叫质量、传输标准、用户群和价格等方面,探讨了目前人们比较关注的两种通信方式。

    This article compares and contrasts VoIP over Wi-Fi , general VoIP with cell phones , and discusses the two kinds of arrestive communication ways in the aspects of advantages and disadvantages , security , quality , standards , users and price .

  21. 第一章介绍了宽带接入技术、HFC/CATV网络及其数据传输标准以及嵌入式系统(我们系统方案使用),然后引出了本文的主要工作。

    The paper is organized as follow : Chapter 1 gives a brief survey on broadband access techniques , HFC / CATV network , protocols and standards for data transmission technology over HFC network and overview of embedded technologies we used .

  22. 本文在全面了解国内外电子病历的应用和标准化建设现状的基础上,重点对HL7医疗信息传输标准和临床文档结构(CDA)标准进行了深入研究。

    Based on the broad review of the status quo of EPR application and standardization in China and abroad , the HL7 messaging standards and the clinical document architecture ( CDA ) specifications are deeply researched .

  23. S-57作为IHO数字化海道测量数据传输标准,旨在规范各国海道测量部门用于传输的数字海道数据。

    As transfer standard for digital hydrographic data , S-57 is a norm of various countries seaway measure department use for digital seaway datum that transmits .

  24. 实现阶段运用开源的ESB环境,引入了医疗数据传输标准HL7和安全协议WS-Security,增加了医疗数据通信的互操作性,保证了通信安全。

    In the implementation phase , we use the open source ESB environment to introduce medical data exchange standard ( HL7 ) and security protocol ( WS-Security ), which improve the interoperability of medical data communication and guarantee the communication security .

  25. 在中国数字电视广播地面传输标准(DTMB)中,使用了非规则准循环LDPC码(QC-LDPC)作为前向纠错编码的核心部分。

    In Chinese national standard for Digital Terrestrial Multimedia Broadcasting ( DTMB ), irregular Quasi Cyclic LDPC ( QC-LDPC ) code is used as core part of forward error correction coding .

  26. DVB-S2作为第二代卫星广播传输标准,在传输效率、系统容量、可扩展性等方面的性能指标有显著提高,同时很好地兼顾了可实现性。

    Being the standard of the second generation satellite broadcasting transmission , DVB_S2 advances much in performance guide line such as transmission efficiency , system capacity and flexibility , moreover in feasibility .

  27. 本文基于HL7医疗信息传输标准实现患者转诊信息的传递,最后详细阐述了HL7标准传输信息的原理。(3)基于数据仓库的双向转诊决策支持子系统详细设计。

    This paper used HL7 messaging standards to achieve the transfer of patients ' information and explained the principle of HL7 standards for transmission of information . Thirdly , the detailed design of decision support subsystem based on the referral data warehouse .

  28. 2005年由数字视频广播(DVB)项目组织正式发布的新一代宽带卫星应用传输标准DVB-S2采用了BCH码与LDPC(LowDensityParityCheck)码级联的信道编码方案。

    DVB-S2 , the new generation transmission specification for satellite broad-band applications , issued by the Digital Video Broadcasting ( DVB ) Project in 2005 , adopts a scheme of channel coding which carrys out concatenation of BCH outer codes and LDPC ( Low Density Parity Check ) inner codes .

  29. 本文主要针对现有的DVBT地面传输标准提出相应的改进方案,设计并实现了一套基于第二代芯片和新的接收方式的DVBT系统方案。

    An improved opinion on the mobile reception and transmission performance for the existing DVB T transmission standard is presented in this paper . I designed the DVB T system project based on the secondary chip and new reception mode , then made it come true .

  30. 据此探讨如何建立符合中国国情的医学数据传输标准、如何实现电子病历和建立医学数据中心,以及HL7对中医药行业发展的意义。

    This article discussed how to establish the transport exchange standard of medical data in accordance with Chinese actual situations , how to implement electronic medical record system and establish medical data center , and its significance to the development of traditional Chinese medicine .