
  1. 公共决策的执行环节,传媒功能主要表现在:政策解释、政治动员、效果宣传、决策监督。

    The main function of mass media lies in the following respects : interpretation of policies , political campaigns , propaganda of effects and supervision of policy decision .

  2. 与此同时,一个重要的理论问题随之提出,这就是电视如何顺应大众接受需求,从而赢得大众接受,并进而在大众文化繁荣中发挥电视的强势传媒功能。

    Meanwhile , an important theoretic problem occurs , which is TV how to meet the requirements of the masses and be accepted by the masses as well as play a dominant communication role in the development of mass culture .

  3. 这些功能的提出,是以科学发展观为指导,以西方传媒功能理论为基础,以中国视域为基点,在深刻剖析社会现实问题的情况下提出来的,具有较强的针对性和现实指导意义。

    The expansion of the media functions is guided by the concept of scientific development , based upon the western theory of the media function and the profound analysis of the practical problems in China . It is well-targeted and has practical significance .

  4. 要完善传媒功能、治理社会风险,根本的出路在于制度创新,在于对公平正义的追求,传媒要做政治变革的推动者、社会关系的协调者、司法公正的监督者、先进文化的倡导者。

    To improve their function , social risk management , the fundamental solution lies in institutional innovation is the pursuit of fairness and justice ; the media do the agents of political change , community relations coordinator , supervisor of justice , the advocates of advanced culture .

  5. 构建和谐社会:新闻传媒的功能、使命与作用

    Setup of Harmonious Society : Historical Mission and Function Mass Media

  6. 全球化时代的文学及传媒的功能

    The function of news media in the age of globalization

  7. 改革开放中的大陆英语传媒及功能分析

    English media and its functions in the Chinese mainland

  8. 化农民与农民化:乡村建设运动中大众传媒的功能与策略分析&以《农民》报为中心

    The Role of Mass Media and Strategy in Village Construction Movement : An Analysis

  9. 这是大众传媒基本功能的回归,也是社会进步的体现。

    This is the basic functional regression in mass media , and is also the embodiment of social progress .

  10. 其中,传媒经济功能和文化功能的凸显,为传媒伦理问题的生成与存在提供了新的可能。

    In consequence , the highlighting of economic and cultural functions offers new possibilities for the formation of ethical problems of mass media .

  11. 网络传播是大众传播的方式之一,而提供娱乐,是大众传媒的功能之一。

    Online dissemination is one of the disseminating ways of mass media , while providing amusement is one of the roles by the mass media .

  12. 第三部分探索了全球化背景下我国充分发挥大众传媒政治功能的途径及方法。

    The third part planned for the developing direction of Mass Media in order to make full use of political function of Mass Media in the trend of Globalization .

  13. 本文结合大众传媒的功能和语体学的理论,以跨体式新闻语言为例,并在实证研究和问卷调查的基础上,对传媒语言的规范进行了全新的阐释。

    Based on an analysis of the functions of the mass media and the theory of stylistics as well as some case studies of the cross-style language and questionnaires , this paper gives a brand-new interpretation of the norm of the media language .

  14. 校内传媒的育人功能研究

    Study on the Educational Function of the Medium within the Campus

  15. 网络传媒的社会功能及风险分析

    Analyses of the Social Functions and Risks of the Network Media

  16. 社会主义新农村建设呼唤新闻传媒重新进行功能定位。

    New socialist countryside construction calls to renew functional location of news medium .

  17. 论消费社会中大众传媒的意识形态功能

    On the Ideological Functions of Mass Media in a " Consumptive Society "

  18. 论传媒的教育功能

    On the Educational Function of the Mass Media

  19. 公信力是新闻传媒发挥社会功能的前提;

    The public credibility is the prerequisite that the news media play the social function ;

  20. 大众传媒的直接功能是进行事实报道和宣传鼓动。

    Mass media functions directly as a way to report the facts as well as propaganda for agitation .

  21. 建国以后,作为大众传媒的电影功能单一化,成为最高权力阶层进行革命史影像化的工具。

    Since 1949 , as one of the mass media , film lost other functions except ideology , became the tool of highest governor .

  22. 因此,要在这两者之间取得平衡,合理地发挥新闻传媒的社会功能,必须恰当地奠定新闻传媒伦理基础。

    In order to properly playing a role in contemporary society , first , the News Media should has its proper ethical ends or telos , ie.

  23. 因而,研究新时期中国大众传媒政治文化功能具有迫切的现实意义。

    As a result , it is of great importance and much significance to study on the functions of China 's mass media in political culture .

  24. 安全是大众传媒的现代功能,大众传媒可以让社会更安全。

    Security serves as the modern function of mass media , and in turn , mass media have the function of making the society more secured .

  25. 电视在恢复大众传媒的经济功能后,积极参与到社会转型的建构之中,成为启蒙大众的巨人。

    After being renewed the function of economy , TV participated in the construction of social transform , and became a Titan of enlighten the masses .

  26. 大众传媒发挥教化功能的方式总体上可分为三种:第一,通过无处不在的传媒将人们包围其中。

    The mass media play the way education function can be divided into three types in general : firstly , encircle people through the ubiquity of the media .

  27. 即大众传媒在发挥功能的同时,由于现阶段政策制定各方面因素,给大众传媒在政策制定中带来的局限,即政策制定中公共性的匮乏、商业化的冲击以及政治权利的干预。

    Namely function of mass media in the meanwhile , because present policy formulation of various factors , give media in policy making in bring limitations , i.e. the lack of public policy in the commercialization of impact and , political rights intervention .

  28. 同时,科技的发展和媒体自身的变革也导致了传媒的社会功能随之发生变化,加之我国改革歼放以来的社会转型带来了社会阶层结构的深刻变化。

    At the same time , the rapidly change of the science & technology and the change of the media have also led to changes in the social function of the media . In addition , the social transformation also brings great changes to the structure of social strata .

  29. 从北京奥运会看大众传媒的议程设置功能

    The Agenda Set - up Function of the Media in Beijing Olympics

  30. 传播新闻信息是新闻传媒最基本的功能。

    Transmitting news and information constitute the main function of news media .