
  • 网络traditional apprenticeship
  1. 现代学徒制培训在传统学徒制一对一指导、耳提面命、切身受教、循序渐进等特点的基础上,又被赋予了新的内涵与特征。

    Modern apprentice-system makes its foundation on traditional apprentice-system , which is characterized by one-to-one guidance , face-to-face teaching , advancing step-by-step etc , but has been endowed with new connotation and characteristics .

  2. 另一个因素是,传统的银行学徒制在瑞士进行扩张的其它市场中,很大程度上不为人所知。

    Another factor is that traditional bank apprenticeships are largely unknown in the other markets into which the Swiss have expanded .