
  1. 上周四,中国颇受欢迎的传统相声演员郭德纲与澳大利亚国家博物馆(NWA)签署了一份协议书,成为了该博物馆在中国的文化大使。在澳大利亚国家博物馆举行的签字仪式上,郭德纲表示自己很荣幸能够担任这个角色。

    Guo Degang , a popular Chinese traditional crosstalk performer , signed a letter of agreement last Thursday with the National Museum of Australia ( NWA ) to become the museum 's cultural ambassador in China . At the signing ceremony held at the NWA , Guo said he was honored to take the role .

  2. 郭德纲及其传统相声的真与善

    GUO De-gang and the Truth and Goodness in His Traditional So Called Chinese Crosstalk

  3. 王洒(2006)研究中国传统相声中的刻意曲解。

    Wang Sa ( 2006 ) has studied deliberate misinterpretation in traditional Chinese Cross Talk .

  4. 取材于现实生活进行创作的作品,是传统相声的主干。

    Drawn from real life to creative works , is the backbone of the traditional comic dialogue .

  5. 这些问题不单影响作为个体的经济利益问题,同时也影响着整个传统相声艺术能否持续发展的问题。

    This will affect the economic interests as individuals , but also affect the sustainability of the traditional dialogue artistic development .

  6. 他们认为,相声新编不仅可以让传统相声在校园中更加接地气,更为这种艺术形式注入了新的活力。

    They believe their adaptation of traditional cross talk not only makes it relevant to student audiences , but also injects new vitality into the art form .

  7. 中国传统相声的领军人物、家喻户晓的郭德纲在社交媒体网站新浪微博上拥有超过6800万名粉丝。

    Guo , a leading character in China 's traditional crosstalk comedy and a household name in China , enjoys more than 68 million followers on social media site Weibo .

  8. 相声剧出现之后,仍有一大部分观众对相声和相声剧的界定不清晰,其主要原因是没有明确相声剧对传统相声的吸收与改造。

    There is still a large audience are confused on Crosstalk drama and traditional Crosstalk , largely because they did not catch Crosstalk drama on the absorption and transformation of the traditional Crosstalk .

  9. 传统的相声表演可以追溯到秦朝,已使全国人民笑了千百年了。

    Dating back to the Qin dynasty , the traditional crosstalk shows have made people all over China roar with laughter for centuries .

  10. “包袱”手法是中国传统艺术形式相声特有的幽默表现手法。

    " Cloth-wrapper " technique is the special skill of organizing the language to bring about a humorous effect in the traditional Chinese artistic form-Crosstalk .

  11. 作为一种传统艺术,相声在新的社会历史条件下,不能不遭遇到诸多传统艺术所面临的一个共性问题,即如何处理继承与革新关系的问题。

    As a traditional art , cross talk unavoidably meets with a general problem which is faced by many other traditional arts , that is , how to deal with the problem of inheritance and innovation .

  12. 如今,在法治社会和经济社会的条件下,如何保护传统曲艺以及传统相声的著作权与如何使传统艺术继续流传发展非常值得我们去深思和讨论。

    In the legal and economical and social conditions , how to protect the copyright of the traditional dialogue art is worthy of us to ponder .