
  • 网络guangming daily;Guang Ming Daily;Guang Ming
  1. 《光明日报》这篇文章得到了极大的支持和认可。

    The Guangming Daily article was met with significant support and approval .

  2. 《光明日报》也对中国娱乐行业“制造了社会问题”进行了批评。

    Guangming Daily newspaper criticized the country 's entertainment industry for " creating social problems . "

  3. 官方媒体《光明日报》日前刊登了一篇文章,指责《王者荣耀》“歪曲历史”。

    State media outlet Guangming Daily published an article blaming the game for " distorting history . "

  4. 正如《光明日报》所说,“大学是年轻人心理塑造和价值观养成的重要时期。”

    As Guangming Daily put it , " University is an important time in shaping young people 's personalities and values . "

  5. 但是光明日报的一篇文章指出,几乎所有作为试点的学校都面临同样的问题——缺少专业人士去教这些课程。

    But an article in Guangming Daily says almost all the pilot schools are facing the same problem - professionals to teach the courses .

  6. 《光明日报》援引意大利当地媒体的报道称,意大利一所高中已经将汉语列入了毕业考试之中,29名学生将会参加今年的考试。

    Chinese has been added to the graduation exam list by an Italian high school and 29 students will take the test this year , the Guangming Daily reports quoting Italian local media .

  7. 据《光明日报》报道,考古学家们在辽宁省大连市骆驼山一处石灰石采矿场发掘石器时发现了这处遗址。

    Archeologists were led to the discoveryafter they excavated a stone tool at a limestone quarry site on Luotuo Hill inthe northeast coastal city of Dalian in Liaoning Province , the Chinese language GuangmingDaily , said .

  8. 根据《光明日报》报道,清华大学金融学退休教授赵家和倾毕生积蓄1500余万元(折合200万美元),捐助了2000多名高中生。

    According to the Guangming Daily , Zhao Jiahe , a retired finance professor at Tsinghua University , donated his life savings of 15 million yuan ( $ 2 million ) to support over 2000 high school students across the country .

  9. 《光明日报》6月报道称,在我国,学术论文买卖已形成产业,规模超过10亿元。学术论文买卖导致了作假和腐败,也阻碍了学术创新。

    The sale of academic papers has led to cheating and corruption , and also impeded academic innovation , the Guangming Daily reported in June , pointing out that the industry already had a scale of more than 1 billion yuan .