
guāng sù
  • speed of light;velocity of light;light velocity;ray velocity
光速 [guāng sù]
  • [velocity of light; speed of light] 电磁波在真空中的传播速度,它是一个物理常数,等于299792.45800.0012千米/秒,用符号C表示

光速[guāng sù]
  1. 电线里的电脉冲以接近光速的速度传输。

    An electrical pulse in a wire travels close to the speed of light

  2. 光速是一个不变常数。

    The speed of light is an invariant constant .

  3. 根据相对论,任何东西都无法超越光速。

    According to the theory of relativity , nothing can travel faster than light .

  4. 光速约为每秒300000公里。

    The velocity of light is about 300000 kilometres per second .

  5. 《星际迷航》讲述的是一个比光速更快的航天器的故事。

    Star Trek is about a spacecraft which travels faster than the speed of light .

  6. 在宇宙飞船上的一个观测者,测得光速为C。

    An observer moving with the spaceship measures the speed of the light and obtains the value C.

  7. 第二,单周期超短脉冲光束在真空中主要以光速c沿z方向传输。

    Secondly , the single-cycle electromagnetic pulse propagates mainly along z-axis at the speed of c.

  8. 推导结果表明:新的变换关系满足相对性原理,变换关系允许超光速存在,通过合适地选择坐标的O、O′点及事件点P,可使变换得到简化。

    The conducted results show that : the new transforms satisfy the relativity principle , the transformation permits the existence of ultra-light-velocity .

  9. 它以光速前进,所以在T秒内,它前进了cT的距离。

    Well , it goes with the speed of light , so in T seconds , it moves a distance cT .

  10. Bragg空芯光纤中的群速度超光速的理论探讨

    The Theory Anticipation of Super Velocity of Light in Hollow Bragg Fiber

  11. 顺便说一下,为了让你别忘了,是光速的数值,in,case,you,cannot,remember,it,也是常数表中的第一条。

    By the way , c , the value of speed of light , C is the number one entry in your Table of Constants .

  12. 这个理论有三个不变常数,光速c,德西特半径R和普朗克长度lp。

    This theory has three constants , i.e. speed of light c , de Sitter radius R and Planck length lp .

  13. 近代物理学中普朗克常量h和光速c是两个最基本、最重要的普适恒量。

    In modern physics the two most basically important and applicable constants are Plank constant h and light-speed c which brought about the development of physics .

  14. 经过Lorentz变换,认为光速c是一切实际物体运动速度的极限。

    After Lorentz transformation , it is concluded that the light speed is the limit of any objective 's velocities .

  15. VLBI与视超光速源&(Ⅰ)观测手段与结果

    VLBI and Superluminal Sources (ⅰ) Observational Means and Results

  16. 超光速自由粒子的Klein-Gordon方程和Dirac方程

    Klein-Gordon and Dirac equation of a free particle moving at super-light-speed

  17. 光速调管FEL的小信号增益理论

    Fel small signal gain theory for transverse optical klystron

  18. 本月初,该公司从通用催化剂风险投资公司(GeneralCatalystPartners)和光速风险投资公司(LightspeedVenturePartners)等公司获得了2700万美元的投资。

    Earlier this month , the company raised $ 27 million in funding from venture capital firms like general catalyst partners and Lightspeed venture partners .

  19. CuBr激光测光速的改进

    The improvement of CuBr laser for measuring the speed of light

  20. 在近简并的封闭三能级V系统中,一束弱激光探测场的群速度可以通过控制一单色驱动场的强度实现慢光速到超光速的转换。

    This paper reveals that the group velocity of a weak laser probe field can be manipulated by controlling the intensity of the driving field applied to a near-degenerate closed three-level V system .

  21. 在无超光速中微子的框架下,检验Lorentz对称破缺模型的方法主要集中在中微子混合矩阵元的能量依赖关系上。

    In the regime without the superluminal neutrinos , the method testing the Lorentz-violation models focuses on the energy-dependence of the mixing element of the neutrinos .

  22. 结果表明,基于能量交换方程,能够确立既包含超光速运动,同时又融合Einstein狭义相对论及量子理论有关结论的一致性描述方法。

    As a result , it shows that a ( tentative ) theoretical frame which includes not only the superluminal-velocity motion but consists with Einstein special relativity and quantum theory can be established .

  23. 本文通过对迈克尔逊(Michelson)干涉实验零结果的讨论,得出实验结果未必能够证实光速与光源运动速度无关。

    It is discussed that zero result of Michelson interference experiment . The result does not prove light speed unconcerned with the speed of the light source motion .

  24. 除了MINOS合作组与OPERA合作组的报道以外,目前各种中微子实验结果表明并不存在显著的中微子超光速事例。

    Except the MINOS experiment and the OPERA experiment , kinds of the neutrinos experiments by far reveal that there is no obvious event of the superluminal neutrinos .

  25. 然而世事难料,谁会想到扎克伯格的“蜜月期”就已经光速结束,Facebook周一破发(跌破38美元的发行价),公司市值跳水至千亿美元以下,而扎克伯格的个人资产则急剧缩水13亿英镑(约合129亿元人民币)。

    It meant Mr Zuckerberg 's personal fortune had fallen by £ 1.3billion in the middle of the day 's trading , as he saw his company 's share price tumble well below its £ 24 opening on Friday .

  26. 在这些应用中,重点分析了我们感兴趣的LWI,慢光速和超光速现象。

    During the application , we focus on LWI , subluminal and superluminal , which we are interested in .

  27. 实验发现中微子的质量平方是负值.根据这一事实,对比Dirac方程和虚质量的Dirac方程,提出了一个超光速中微子的量子方程。

    Based on experimental discovery that the mass square of neutrino is negative , a quantum equation for superluminal neutrino is proposed in comparison with Dirac equation and Dirac equation with imaginary mass .

  28. 由质量的解析延拓mo→ims看出超光速粒子的存在,进而为超光速中微子建立一个三味振荡的最小模型,它可能解释最近发表的太阳中微子等实验结果。

    An analytical continuation mo → ims unveils the existence of superluminal particle ( tachyon ) . Then a minimal model for three-flavor oscillation of superluminal neutrino can be proposed to explain the recent data of solar neutrino experiment etc.

  29. 然而,由于Lorentz对称破缺的引入,不仅使得混合矩阵元是能量依赖的,同时中微子能量-动量色散关系也需要作出修正,即可能出现超光速中微子。

    However , because of the introduction of the Lorentz invariance violation , we should modify the dispersion relation of the neutrino besides the energy-dependence mixing element , which means there may be superluminal neutrinos .

  30. 隧穿时间和横向位移存在Hartman效应,使得光子隧穿过程具有超光速性质。

    On account of the Hartman effect of the tunneling time and the lateral shift , the photon tunneling shows the superluminal property .