
dǔ tú
  • gambler;gambling boss
赌徒 [dǔ tú]
  • [gambling boss;gambler] 经常赌博的人

赌徒[dǔ tú]
  1. 他落了个赌徒的恶名。

    He gained a certain notoriety as a gambler .

  2. 赌徒贿赂了警察,于是可以毫无顾忌地赌博。

    The gambler bought off the police and thus was able to operate freely .

  3. 《赌徒》TheGambler费奥多尔·陀思妥耶夫斯基的《赌徒》讲述了一位在俄罗斯将军家工作的家庭教师阿列克谢的故事。

    Fyodor Dostoevsky 's The Gambler is the tale of Alexy , a tutor who works for a Russian General and his family .

  4. 那个赌徒向坐在他旁边的人讨支烟抽。

    The gambler sponged a cigarette from the man sitting next to him .

  5. 作为一个绝望的赌徒,阿列克谢参赌的热情远超他能赢的能力,他发现自己迅速失控了。与此同时,将军家也处于破产边缘,绝望地等待着富有的女主人的死亡。

    A hopeless gambler whose passion for the game greatly exceeds his ability to win , Alexy finds himself spiralling out of control .

  6. Hedging在经常下很大赌注的赌徒中间非常普遍。

    Hedging is common among gamblers who make large bets .

  7. 查尔斯J福克斯,一个知名的政治家,却是个声名狼藉的赌徒。

    Charles James Fox , the noted statesman , was a notorious gambler * cn .

  8. 为了研究家庭的潜在作用,Pisa小组评估了一组由15个男性和5个女性组成的病态赌徒。

    In order to home in on the underlying cause , the Pisa team evaluated a group of15 male and5 female pathological gamblers .

  9. 跌幅尤其明显的是VIP业务的营收。VIP业务是指为坐在包间里、出手最阔绰的赌徒提供的服务。

    Falling particularly sharply are revenues from the VIP segment of the market , which captures the money spent by high-rollers in the closed-off rooms casinos reserve for their biggest spenders .

  10. 显然,马丁内兹-或者说Dino所接待的金先生-是一个大赌徒,一个大手。

    Evidently , Martinez – or Kim , as Dino knew him – was one these high rollers .

  11. 一磅店,工厂次品店,赌徒,木板封死的窗户,单看Stoke-on-Trent火车站的景色知道这座城市跟繁华没什么关系。

    THE pound stores , factory seconds shops , bookies and boarded-up windows around Stoke-on-Trent railway station do not bespeak a thriving city .

  12. 其中一条“肥胖、粗鲁、自大、种族主义、自私”还被人升级为更加现代社会政治的“酒鬼、胖子、赌徒、流氓、Tesco”。

    The sentiments expressed in the suggestion of " Fat , rude arrogant , racist , selfish " are put into a more modern socio-political ( 9 ) setting with : " Dipso fatso bingo asbo ( 10 ) Tesco ( 11 )" .

  13. 加上StellaMcCartney黑色连身裤、MichaelKors方格布外套连衣裙、RalphLauren卡其色衬衫、MaisonUllens灰褐色西装,以及大量的Dolce&Gabbana鸡尾酒蕾丝——同品牌的赌徒衣裤套装和花卉外套,你能看出什么?

    Add up the Stella McCartney black jumpsuit , the Michael Kors gingham coat dress , the Ralph Lauren khaki shirtdress , the taupe Maison Ullens suit and the myriad Dolce & Gabbana cocktail laces , that brand 's gambler 's trouser suit and botanical day coat , and what do you have ?

  14. 就像肯尼·罗杰斯(KennyRogers)在《赌徒》(TheGambler)里唱的那样,“你得知道何时出牌,何时弃牌;何时离开,何时继续来。”小编从这首歌中得到灵感,整理了10种千万不要草率逃离的险境。

    Kenny Rogers sang , " You gotta know when to hold ' em , know when to fold ' em. Know when to walk away , know when to run . " Take a cue from " The Gambler " and check out 10 of the most dangerous threats that you should never try to outrun .

  15. 现在凯文总认为自己是一个赌徒。

    Now Kevin had always thought of himself as a gambler .

  16. 大家知道,他是个嗜赌成癖的赌徒。

    It 's common knowledge that he 's a compulsive gambler .

  17. gambler:赌徒gent:绅士,假绅士ante:赌注好了,男士们,开始。

    Gambler : All right , gents , ante up . -

  18. 恩,这通常是给赌徒的传单。

    Yeah , it 's a frequent flyer card for gamblers .

  19. 大绝招骰子大师-赌徒掷五个六面骰。

    Dice Monster - The Gambler rolls five 6 sided dice .

  20. 简言之,如今或许只有赌徒才会买进惠普股票。

    In short , buying HP shares is for gamblers only .

  21. 但话说回来,我不是个赌徒

    But then again , I 'm not a betting man .

  22. 赌徒对他所赢的那么多钱直流口水。

    The gambler was slavering overall the money he had won .

  23. 他是犯罪战略规划大师,又是千万富翁赌徒。

    He became a strategic master planner and a multimillionaire gambler .

  24. 这个赌徒在拉斯维加斯输光了他所有的钱。

    The gambler lost all his money in Las Vegas .

  25. 赌徒最后失去未曾拥有之物。

    That the gambler lost all he does not have .

  26. 报纸指责当地警察在对付赌徒方面执法不严。

    The newspapers accused local police of laxity in dealing with gamblers .

  27. 诸神在上,赌徒本该遭天谴。罗德利克爵士口气严峻。

    The gods frown on the gambler , Ser Rodrik said sternly .

  28. 赌徒对一切劝告置若罔闻。

    The gambler turned a deaf era to all advice .

  29. 他太太指责他跟一些赌徒鬼混。

    His wife accused him of messing around with gamblers .

  30. 不过,没有人怀疑中国赌徒的顽强决心。

    But no one doubts the dogged determination of the Chinese gambler .