
guāng jǐng
  • about;time;day;scene;around;light;circumstances;condition
光景 [guāng jǐng]
  • (1) [light]∶日月之光

  • 借光景以往来兮。--《楚辞》

  • (2) [time]∶光阴;时光

  • 照例要化去一小时光景

  • (3) [scene]∶风光、景象

  • 胜目寻芒泗水滨,无边光景一时新。--宋. 朱熹《春日》

  • (4) [circumstances;condition]∶景况,经济情况

  • 百年而后,予登岭上,与客述忠烈遗言,无不泪下如雨,想见当日围城光景。--清. 全祖望《梅花岭记》

  • (5) [day]∶犹言日子,指生命或生活

  • 太阳出来满地红,革命带来了好光景。--《王贵与李香香》

  • (1) [about;around] 一下,左右--表示估计

  • (2) 一般的情况

  • 今天太闷热,光景要下雨

  • (3) 表示大约的时间或数量

  • 别里科夫沉默地坐了十分钟光景。--《装在套子里的人》

光景[guāng jǐng]
  1. 咱俩初次见面的光景我还记得很清楚。

    I still remember very clearly the scene of our first meeting .

  2. 基于边缘信息的SAR与可见光景像匹配算法

    SAR to Optical Scene Matching Based on Edge and Contour Information

  3. 他的好光景日见衰败。

    His prosperity is on the decline .

  4. 光景一年强如一年。

    The situation is getting better year by year .

  5. 他妈要是还在世,看到这样的好光景,该有多高兴啊!

    If his mother were alive , how happy she would be to see such good times .

  6. 今天太闷热,光景是要下雨。

    The weather is stifling . It looks like rain .

  7. 这些彻底改变我们人生的深刻光景会决定我们是谁。

    These flashes of high intensity1 that completely turn our lives upside down , actually end up defining who we are .

  8. 在这样的光景下,奥巴马(Obama)是诸位能找到的最接近包治百病的神药了。

    In these circumstances Mr Obama is as close to a cure-all as you can get .

  9. KPMG在光景好和不好的时候都表现的好吗?

    Does KPMG do well in good times and bad times ?

  10. eBay公司(eBay)今年的光景不算太糟,但更准确地说是马马虎虎。

    It has not been a terrific year for eBay ( eBay ) , but more of a middling one .

  11. 马博罗公爵若少了法王路易,XIV,世,会是什么光景?

    What would the Duke of Marlborough ? have been without Louis XIV ?

  12. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)驻上海分析师AllenGui警告称,如果市场人气提升,中国IPO大幅上涨的好光景很容易再现。

    Allen Gui , an analyst with Morgan Stanley in Shanghai , warns the heady days of huge gains for Chinese IPOs could easily return if market sentiment improves .

  13. 要了解福特公司(Ford)是否已摆脱昔日糟糕光景的最新情况,请试驾一下2011款福特福克斯,准备好感受令人愉悦的惊喜吧。

    For a fresh clue about whether Ford has left its bad old days in the dust , take a test drive in the 2011 Ford Focus and be prepared for a pleasant surprise .

  14. 如今可不是俄罗斯寡头的好光景,特别是对于奥列格德里帕斯卡(olegderipaska)。

    It has been a bad time to be a Russian oligarch , particularly if you are Oleg Deripaska .

  15. 而在欧洲,多个相邻国家的联赛会相互争夺球员,薪酬方面也没有限制,这让欧洲足球界的光景跟NFL截然不同。

    But with leagues in multiple neighboring countries competing for player services and no salary cap to put on the breaks , European soccer is a different beast altogether .

  16. 自美国版《幸存者》开播已有大约十四年光景,十四年来,我们的目光期期都追随着那位皮肤黝黑、好沾沾自喜的主持人杰夫·普罗斯特(JeffProbst)。

    It 's been nearly 14 years since Survivor debuted in the United States , and we 've been stuck with Jeff Probst and his smug , tanned face ever since .

  17. 然而,若上帝抛弃你,那又是怎样的光景?

    But what must it be to feel forsaken of God ?

  18. 一秒钟的光景就无影无踪了。

    Just for a second , and then it 's gone .

  19. 如今不过短短20年的光景,我国企业大学如雨后春笋般蓬勃发展起来。

    After 20 years , Chinese corporate university develop very much .

  20. 看到这样滑稽的光景,我不禁笑出声来了。

    I cannot but laugh on seeing such a funny sight .

  21. 然而,罪人们,这正是你目前的光景。

    And yet , sinner , this is your present position .

  22. 那光景简直就像世界的末日到了!

    It looked and sounded like the end of the world .

  23. 彬格莱小姐见到这般光景,很是嫉妒,或者也可以说是她疑心病重,因此由疑而妒。

    Miss Bingley saw , or suspected enough to be jealous ;

  24. 他今年65岁光景,老态龙钟。

    He was about sixty-five years of age , venerable .

  25. 但是,它已经为离开家族式管理后的光景作准备了。

    But , it has begun preparation for life beyond family management .

  26. 但在光景好时,经济表现良好。

    But while the good times rolled , the economy did well .

  27. 然而它只维持了大约一年到一年半的光景。

    But it only lasted about one and one-half years .

  28. 眼下光景是好是坏不一定,但它会变化这是一定的。

    However good or bad a situation is , it will Change .

  29. 今天,让我们静静的在家中想象昔日的光景。

    Today , let us imagine quietly at home the past years .

  30. 我来这里已有十年光景。

    I 've been here for round about ten years .