
guāng bǎn
  • Light plate;tabula rasa;paintless
光板 [guāng bǎn]
  • [paintless] 未漆过的板子;无漆的板子

光板[guāng bǎn]
  1. 导光板主要功能是引导LED的点光源成为平面光源。

    The main function is to guide the spot light source of LED to plane light source .

  2. LCD体散射导光板的制备及其光学性能

    Preparation and Optical Properties of Volume Scattering Light Guide Plate for LCD

  3. PMMA导光板在家用音响产品显示系统中的应用

    Application of PMMA Illuminator in Display System of Audio Products

  4. 本研究显示CAE可做为设计高效导光板的有效工具。

    Moreover , CAE has been demonstrated to be promising for the design of high-efficiency light-guide plates .

  5. 基于DMD微光刻的导光板模板的制作方法

    Method of fabricating light guide plate template based on DMD micro-lithography

  6. 平面无影光源采用特殊结构的导光板改变LED照射光路,实现照射无影效果,具有反光小、照射均匀、结构紧凑等特点。

    Flat ring lights achieve no shadow through diffusion plate of special structure to change LED illumination , which have small reflection , uniform illumination , and compact structure .

  7. 本文分三个部分研究做结构成型质量与注塑工艺参数之间的关系,具体研究工作如下:1.选取导光板底部v型做槽来研究做结构角度的成型质量与工艺参数之间的关系。

    This paper is divided into three parts to research the relations between the forming quality and processing parameters . The specific research work is listed as follows : 1 .

  8. 导光板是LCD背光模组里的一个重要组件,而底面散射网点的设计是设计导光板的一项关键技术。

    Light-guide plate is an important subassembly of backlight units , and the design of scattering netted dots on underside is a key technology to constructing light-guide plate .

  9. 本文通过对导光板中光的传输原理分析,结合LED照度分布,推导出一种网点分布的计算方法。

    In this paper , the transmission process of the light crossing the light guide plate was analyzed and a calculating method of the net dot distribution was deduced according to the illumination distribution of LED .

  10. 体散射集成导光板是一种新型的液晶背光照明系统设计。基于多重米氏(Mie)散射理论和蒙特卡罗(MonteCarlo)顺序抽样方法,对该类型导光板进行了光线追迹模拟计算与仿真设计。

    Ray-tracing simulation and simulating design for volume scattering integrated light guide plates are presented , with Monte Carlo sequential sampling method based on multiple Mie scattering theory .

  11. 第四部分提出了一种采用数字微反射镜(DMD)作为输入的并行光刻系统制作导光板的方法。

    A method of fabricating light guided plates ( LGP ) is presented , based on DMD micro-lithography and micro-imprint technique .

  12. 通过PatternEditor、AutoCAD等软件制作了二维网点文件,利用激光雕刻机对模仁进行网点加工,最后通过注塑成型的方法制作了双出射导光板样品。

    First , producing 2D dot files by software , such as Pattern Editor , AutoCAD and so on . Second , making dots on the module by Laser engraver machines . At last , obtaining dual-emitting LGP samples by injection molding .

  13. 导光板中一种V-Cut槽结构的设计方法

    Design Method of Light Guide Plate with V-Cut Slot Microstructure

  14. 随着LED背光模组向轻薄化方向发展,侧入式LED背光源逐渐成为市场发展的主流,导光板的性能对背光源表面出光亮度、均匀度等性能指标起着重要的作用。

    With the LED backlight developing to the direction of lighter and thinner , side-emitting LED backlight has become the mainstream of the market . The network distribution on the bottom of the LGP plays an important role to the surface brightness , uniformity and other optical properties of LCD .

  15. 本文提出展开了基于DMD微光刻技术及微纳米压印技术的导光板设计和制作方法研究,并进行了相关的测试分析。

    The paper is focused on the design and fabrication of LGP . A method of fabricating light guided plates ( LGP ) is presented , based on DMD micro-lithography and micro-imprint technique .

  16. 与光板相比,水解时间为2h的薄膜使紫铜的腐蚀电流密度降低了1-2个数量级,而水解时间较长的薄膜使其降低了3个数量级。

    Compared with the bare copper , the corrosion current density of the specimen covered with 2 h hydrolyzed film is reduced by 1-2 orders of magnitude , while the films with longer hydrolysis time cause a decrease by about 3 orders of magnitude .

  17. 针对手工测试电路板光效率低下、测试手段不足等问题,本文提出基于S20飞针测试设备功能扩展来实现电路板光板自动化测试的方法。

    In view of the inefficiency and lack of instrument in bare board testing , In this paper approach for bare board auto-testing based on functionality expansion of S20 flying probe is proposed .

  18. 体散射液晶导光板的光线追迹模拟

    Ray Tracing Simulation of Volume Scattering Light Guide Plate for LCD

  19. 小尺寸导光板一般采用注射成型。

    Small size light guide plate was made by injection molding .

  20. 导光板散射点的初步设计

    A Preliminary Design of the Scattering Point of Light Guide Plates

  21. 测试各种导光板的亮/暗;

    Testing the state of light-guiding pale , on or off ;

  22. 优化设计了导光板注塑成型专用螺杆。

    A special screw for injection molding lightguide plate was designed .

  23. 体散射导光板的蒙特卡罗模拟研究和样品试制

    Monte Carlo Simulation Study on Volume Scattering LGP and Sample Preparation

  24. 接下来,我就想起了之前一个坏掉的发饰上拆下的光板发夹。

    Next , I memorized the naked barrette from a broken ornament .

  25. 光散射聚合物导光板的材料参数设计

    Material Design of Highly Scattering Optical Transmission Polymer for Light Guide Plates

  26. 导光板是液晶显示器背光模组中的关键器件。

    Light guide plate is the key device in LCD backlight module .

  27. (指感光板或胶片)印出照片

    ( of a plate or film ) produce a picture

  28. 光板测试中特殊图形的数据转换

    The Data Switch of Especial Figure in Bare Board Test

  29. 微特征结构对导光板翘曲变形的影响

    Effects of different micro-feature structures on warpage and deformation of light guide plate

  30. 砂光板质量缺陷特例分析和对策

    Special Quality Defects of Sanded Panel and Their Countermeasures