
  • 网络ftth;Fiber To The Home;FTTP;PON;FTTx
  1. 作为光纤到户(FTTH)的理想解决方案之一,以太无源光网络(EPON)提供了1Gbit/s的上下行带宽。

    As one of the best solutions for FTTH , EPON provides 1 Gbit / s upstream / downstream bandwidth .

  2. 以太网无源光网络(EPON)在光纤到户(FTTH)系统中是一项非常实用的技术,它可以优化网络的结构,提高网络的带宽,充分利用网络的资源。

    As a practical technique in the FTTH system , EPON can optimize the network structure , increase its bandwidth and fully utilize its resources .

  3. 随着近年来Internet的普及和宽带应用的发展,光纤到户(FiberToTheHome,FTTH)作为接入网发展的最终目标,被广泛认为是一种理想的综合接入方案。

    With the popularization of Internet and the development of wide-band network , Fiber to the home ( FTTH ) is considered to be an ideal access solution .

  4. 光纤到户(FTTH)及计量测试应对

    Fiber to the home ( FTTH ) and response to FTTH from measurement and testing

  5. 光接入是宽带接入的发展方向,无源光网络(PON)是实现光纤到户(FTTH)的首选方案。

    Broadband access network is developing toward optical access aspect , PON is the principal solution for FTTH .

  6. 光纤到户(FTTH)被视为接入网的最终解决方案。

    Fiber to the home ( FTTH ) is considered as " future-proof " solution to access network .

  7. 特别是FTTH(光纤到户)的兴起即将掀起新一轮的光通信网络建设的高潮。

    Especially FTTH will rise to whip up a new round of the optical communication network building to a climax .

  8. 伴随着近年来Internet的普及和宽带应用的发展,光纤到户(FTTH)作为一种理想的综合接入方案,已然成为接入网发展的最终追求目标。

    Recent years , with the development of popularization and broadband Internet application , FTTH is widely considered as a kind of ideal integrated access solutions with the ultimate goal of access network development .

  9. 但是FTTH(光纤到户)业务的部署成本太高,用户无法承担其高昂的费用。

    But fiber to the home business ( FTTH ) is too expensive . The end user can not afford their high cost .

  10. EPON(以太无源光网络)作为一种颇具竞争力的光纤到户最后一公里的解决方案,近些年来越来越受到人们的重视。

    Nowadays , Ethernet Passive Optical Network ( EPON ) as a competitive solution for the first mile of FTTH ( Fiber to the Home ) is becoming more and more popular .

  11. 吉比特无源光网络(GPON)是构成下一代光纤到户(FTTH)系统的支撑技术。

    Gigabit-capable passive optical network ( GPON ) is the basic technology to support the structure of the next-generation fiber to the home ( FTTH ) system .

  12. 第三章介绍了FTTH的实现方式,最后对基于EPON的光纤到户的组网模式进行了研究。

    The third chapter describes the development trends and current situation of the domestic and international fiber to the home of EPON-based fiber to the home network model has been studied .

  13. 随着接入网中逐渐使用大芯数光缆以实现光纤到户(FTTH),由于容易中途分支,骨架式带状光缆逐步被用户接受;

    With high-count fiber cable gradually used in access network to achieve FTTH , Slotted core cable has been accepted by the customer because of easy mid-span access .

  14. 就光纤到户(FTTH)工程中的建设成本分析、光缆布放、光纤分配、光纤连接、设备安装等有关问题进行了探析。

    The issues on FTTH engineering , including construction cost analysis , optical cable laying , optical fiber allotment , optical fiber connection and device installation , are discussed .

  15. 本终端可以作为现有的同轴电缆网络以及双绞线网络的接入设备,同时也能作为下一步的光纤到户FTTH的光纤接入设备。

    This terminal may take the existing coaxial cable network as well as the twisted pair line network access equipment , simultaneously also can take the next step optical fiber to the home ( FTTH ) optical fiber access equipment .

  16. 本文首先介绍光纤到户FTTH的市场背景、光纤接入网基本概念和模型、网络管理标准、网络管理功能要求及FTTH网络管理系统的现状。

    In this paper , the market background of FTTH network , the model and conception of OAN ( optical access network ), the standard and function requirement of network management , and the actuality of FTTH network management are introduced at the first .

  17. FTTH(光纤到户)是接入网发展的最终形式,无源光网络(PON)由于其简洁、廉价、可靠的网络拓扑结构是实现FTTH的最终解决方案。

    FTTH ( fiber to the home ) is the final form of the access network development . Passive optical network ( PON ) due to its simple , inexpensive , and reliable network topology is generally considered to be the ultimate solution to achieve FTTH .

  18. 在日益增长的宽带服务业务和接入需求的驱使下,光纤到户(FTTH)凭借其极大的带宽成为最理想的接入网技术。

    Driven by increasing demand for broadband services and access network , fi-ber-to-the-home ( FTTH ) has been intensively investigated for its potential application in access network . Passive Optical Network ( PON ) is an ideal choice for FTTH because of its unlimited bandwidth and cost-effective system .

  19. 电信公司的竞争已经延伸到光纤到户为基础的服务。

    Competing telcos are expanding the reach of FttX-based services .

  20. 利用微管资源,特别适用于骨干网,接入网和光纤到户。

    Adopted to backbone network , access network and fiber to the home .

  21. 一种用于CATV/ISDN/VOD的新型光纤到户无源光网络

    A new type of fiber-to-the-home passive optic fiber network for CATV / ISDN / VOD

  22. 光纤到户宽带网络的发展,将直接影响光网络和光器件技术的发展。

    The development of FTTH broadband network will directly affect the development of optical networks and optical device technologies .

  23. 现在,人们已经清楚,光纤到户用的塑料光纤质量的优劣主要在于其衰减和色散等性能。

    Now , the properties , mainly attenuation and dispersion , of FTTH-used plastic fibers can be clearly discriminated .

  24. 但是,谁将最先打开光纤到户的大门呢?是广电部门,还是电信运营商,或者房地产商?

    Who will be the first one to open the door to this era , The Cable operators Carriers , or the real estate developers ?

  25. 介绍了第53届国际线缆会议报道的光纤到户用的新光缆结构、性能和应用。

    The structures , performance , and applications of new types of fiber optic cable for FTTH , which were reported in the53rd IWCS , are introduced .

  26. 随着光纤到户在世界范围内的快速发展,对高可靠性、低价位的平面光波导的需求不断增长。

    With the rapid development of Fiber To The Home , the demand of high reliability , low-cost PLC ( Planar Optical Waveguide ) are growing continuously in the World .

  27. 产品主要涉及安防行业及数据通信行业,并广泛应用于城域网、接入网、光纤到户网络、电信、电力、教育、军队、平安城市等系统。

    Which are widely apply to metropolitan network , access network , fiber to home network , telecom , electric power , education , army , safety city and some other important system .

  28. 随着光纤到户和下一代广播电视网的迅速发展,光纤通讯技术迎来了自密集波分复用以来的第二个发展高潮。

    With the development of fiber to the home ( FTTH ) and next generation broadcasting ( NGB ), the optical fiber communication comes into its second climax after dense wavelength division multiplexing .

  29. 然后针对不同的电气结构对塔楼、板楼、别墅、农村建筑、商业用户等五种建筑结构进行电力光纤到户组网方案设计,并总结建设方案的特点。

    Taking account of five kinds of electrical structures , such as tower , cored , villas , rural and commercial building , his paper proposes different network designs accordingly and summarizes the characteristics .

  30. 我们找到两个主要学派:一看到完整的移动或至少无线优势,另一个是快乐共存在移动和光纤到户或接近。

    We find two major schools of thought : one sees complete mobile or at least wireless dominance , the other a happy coexistence between mobile and Fibre To The Home or somewhere near .