
  • 网络fibre channel;fiber channel;Fiber-Channel;FC Fiber Channel
  1. 基于FPGA的光纤通道协议引擎的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of fibre channel protocol engine based on FPGA

  2. 光纤通道适配器FPGA设计与实现

    FPGA Design and Implementation of Fibre Channel Adapter

  3. 基于Linux的光纤通道网卡驱动程序开发

    The Development of FC NIC Driver Based on Linux

  4. 从管理角度介绍了典型的光纤通道局域网(FibreChannelStorageAreaNetwork,以下简称FCSAN)环境,并阐述了管理该环境所面临的问题。

    This paper describes the typical Fibre Channel Storage Area Network ( SAN ) environment from the management system .

  5. 光纤通道交换机MAC帧处理的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of MAC Frame Processing on Fibre Channel Switch

  6. 所获得的结论对于光纤通道接口的设计和构建SAN系统具有普遍的意义。

    The conclusions are widely benefit for design of fibre channel interface and building SAN .

  7. 适配卡采用PCIExpress接口,以光纤通道协议处理控制器作为其核心模块。

    The Fibre Channel protocol controller is the core module of the adapter with PCI Express interface .

  8. 光纤通道协议(FibreChannelProtocol,FCP)是专为存储区域网络开发的用于数据快速传输的协议。

    Fibre Channel Protocol ( FCP ) is designed for high-speed data transmission of storage area network .

  9. SNMP代理在光纤通道交换机上的嵌入式实现

    The Embedded Implementation of SNMP Agent Software on FC Switch

  10. 光纤通道存储局域网(FCSAN)管理系统的研究

    Research on the Management System of FC_SAN

  11. 在当今存储技术的研究领域中,被广泛认可的主流技术是基于光纤通道(FibreChannel)的存储区域网络(SAN,storageareanetwork)技术。

    In the research areas of storage technologies , the widely accepted mainstream technology is Fibre-Channel ( FC ) based Storage Area Network ( SAN ) .

  12. 利用光纤通道互连,SAN以千兆位的速度把大量的数据包传送给服务器。

    Using Fibre Channel interconnections , SANs deliver massive packets of data to the servers at gigabit speeds .

  13. 光纤通道仲裁环FC-AL(FibreChannelArbitratedLoop)是实现存储区域网(SAN)的一种很好的方法。

    Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop is a good technology to realize Storage Area Network .

  14. 某电网SDH光纤通道传输线路保护信号的应用

    The Application of the SDH Fiberoptics Communications on the Signals of Protection in the Electric-Net

  15. 基于光纤通道(FC)协议的高速远程通讯测控链路设计

    Design of High Speed Long-Distance Communication and Control Data Link based on Fibre Channel

  16. RAID光纤通道适配器设计

    The Adapter Design of Fibre Channel of RAID

  17. SAN的存储虚拟化分服务器、光纤通道存储网络及存储设备三层。

    Storage virtualization of SAN is divided into server level , fiber channel storage network level and storage facility level .

  18. 由于光纤通道协议不同于IP协议,光纤通道发起端在使用挑战握手认证协议进行认证时采用的是带外认证方式,而IP发起端则是带内认证。

    The Fiber Channel Protocol is different from the Internet Protocol , so the FC initiator used the out-band mode while the IP initiator used in-band mode .

  19. 因为SAN所采用的数据传输协议中最普遍的是光纤通道协议(FiberChannel:FC),它是不同于以太网的专门的技术。

    Fiber channel is the most common protocol in the data transmission of SAN . Fiber channel is a special technology which is different from the Ethernet .

  20. 支持向WPAR导出光纤通道适配器

    Support for the export of fibre channel adapters to WPARS

  21. 光纤通道(FC)技术是未来航空电子系统互连首选协议。

    Fibre Channel ( FC ) is the primary candidate protocol for the future avionics system interconnection .

  22. 光纤通道(FiberChannel简称FC)是一个为适应高性能数据传输要求而设计的计算机通信协议。

    FC ( Fiber Channel referred to as FC ) is a high-performance data transmission order to meet the requirements of the design of computer communication protocols .

  23. 光纤通道HBA卡DMA引擎的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of DMA Engine in the Fibre Channel HBA Card

  24. SAN是一个分开的高速网(通常是光纤通道),将多个客户机与高速、大容量磁盘阵列连接起来。

    A SAN is a separate high-speed network ( typically Fibre Channel ) that connects multiple clients to a high-speed , high-capacity disk array .

  25. 以模块化的方式采用自顶向下的设计思路,重点阐述了光纤通道链路层的硬件设计方法,并给出了IP核的相关接口。

    Focused on the hardware design of the fibre channel link layer , this paper applied modularization thinking in the top-down design process , with relevant IP core interfaces .

  26. 本文研究基于先锋光纤通道交换网的MPI并行通信库。

    The auther 's research is focused on MPI parallel communication library of Pioneer fibre channel network .

  27. 为了确保已在制造期间正确完成区域配置,可以通过IP地址登录到光纤通道交换机WebUI。

    To ensure that the zoning configuration had been done properly during manufacturing , you can log in to the Fiber Channel switch web UI via its IP address .

  28. 这种混合可以包括FDDI、ATM和IBM的串行存储体系结构,以及光纤通道。

    This mix can include FDDI , ATM and IBM 's Serial Storage Architecture , as well as Fibre Channel .

  29. 这仅限于显示目的,而且可能必须更改转换值才能支持多CPU或光纤通道磁盘设置。

    This is for visualization purposes only , and the transformation values may have to be changed to support your multi-CPU or fibre-channel disk setup .

  30. SAN存储中的两个LUN映射到VIOS分区上的两个光纤通道适配器。

    Two LUNs from SAN storage are mapped to the two fibre channel adapters on the VIOS partition .