
ɡuānɡ xiān
  • glorious;fresh and bright;honourable;bright and new
光鲜 [guāng xiān]
  • [bright;pretty;be fresh and bright] 鲜明;漂亮

  • 光鲜越雉,色丽 秦狐。-- 北周. 庾信《齐王进白兔表》

  1. 衣着光鲜的顾客们边吃边斯文地低声聊着天。

    Well-dressed clients were talking in polite undertones as they ate .

  2. 她被自己的生活中表面上的光鲜与奢华所蒙蔽。

    She was blinded by the glitter and the glamour of her own life .

  3. 他着装的光鲜告诉我他财大气粗。

    The sleekness of his appearance reminded me of his financial successes .

  4. 47岁的人,中年危机看起来并不光鲜。

    Dear 47-year-old , a mid-life crisis does not look good on you .

  5. 娜奥米·坎贝尔是起床首传自拍照的第一人。这位光鲜美丽的超模身穿简单的白色吊带睡衣,躺在奢华的白色寝具上。

    Naomi Campbell was among the first to post her picture first thing in the morning and the glamorous4 supermodel wore a simple white camisole nightie while lying among luxurious5 white bedding .

  6. 很多恶意的黑客都将目光放在这些衣着光鲜的Web应用程序上,因为从这些Web服务器或是客户端上可以获得更多他们感兴趣的信息。

    Many malicious hackers focus on the Web applications , from which they can get more useful information .

  7. 那些看过2010年电影《社交网络》(TheSocialNetwork)的人都熟知扎克伯格的故事。对于扎克伯格来说,哈佛大学(Harvard)无非是一场光鲜的社交聚会。

    Zuckerberg 's story is familiar to anyone who has seen the 2010 film " The Social Network , " in which Harvard seems little more than a glorified networking party for him .

  8. 当年,它还不是那么光鲜,游客们从特拉法加广场(TrafalgarSquare)侧面一道阶梯走下来,偷偷摸摸地蹩进来。

    In less glossy times , visitors would sneak into the crypt via a side staircase off Trafalgar Square .

  9. 因为在那片美丽的土地上,那些被残酷对待的心理变态的自我正不断满足我们对于iPod以及iPad等光鲜事物的瘾。

    destroyed because other brutalized , psychopathic selves all over that beautiful land are fueling our selves ' addiction to iPods , Pads , and bling ,

  10. 苹果公司(AppleInc.)和三星电子(SamsungElectronicsCo.)在利润丰厚的高端智能手机市场上展开厮杀时,中国不那么光鲜时髦的廉价智能手机市场却正在上演着另一场争夺战。

    While Apple Inc. and Samsung Electronics Co. take each other on in the lucrative high-end smartphone market , there is another battle taking place in the less glamorous world of inexpensive smartphones in China .

  11. 谷歌眼镜、能追踪体重的卓棒手环(Jawbone’sUp)和LiquidImage的护目镜摄像机都属于时尚光鲜的可穿戴技术,这个品种目前正在日益增加,苹果手表正是其中最新的一种,将于明年年初上市。

    The device , which will be available early next year , is the latest in slick , wearable technology , a growing category that includes Google Glass , Jawbone 's Up fitness tracker and Liquid Image 's goggle-cameras .

  12. 但在我本人出资的公司里,我总是会聘请在对口行业里做出了相关成绩的人,而不是拿着一张光鲜的MBA文凭、野心勃勃却未经考验的家伙。

    But in the firms I back I would always hire someone with a successful , relevant track record in the industry in question , rather than an unproven high flyer with a flashy MBA .

  13. 道琼斯剥去了myspace给他带来的光鲜外表,让他看上去就像一个血管里流淌着印刷业的老人。

    Dow Jones has stripped off the gloss he enjoyed from myspace and made him look like an old guy with print in his veins .

  14. 但格勒登此后的生活一点也不光鲜:过去20年,他主要是靠在迪利广场上向游客兜售详细介绍了其理论的书籍和DVD维持生计。

    But Mr. Groden 's life has been far from glamorous since : He has largely made his living for the past 20 years on Dealey Plaza , hawking books and DVDs detailing his theory to tourists .

  15. 然后,我就在新搬去的地方遇到了光鲜的居家妈妈们。我后来简称她们为GlamSAHM。

    Then I met the women I came to call the Glam SAHMs , for glamorous stay-at-home-moms , of my new habitat .

  16. 为了创作这系列作品,巴里顿将来自Instagram的照片放进各种伪造的背景,来展示社交媒体用户想让他们的生活看起来光鲜是多么容易。

    To create the series , Baritone has placed an Instagram picture into fake surroundings to show how easy it is for social media users to make their lives look perfect .

  17. 针对C-130J光鲜的使用手册,我们努力验证它的能力,发现它的缺点,并且确定它的实用限制。

    We intended to validate its capabilities , discover its shortcomings , and identify the practical limits of the C-130J as opposed to what appeared in the glossy brochures .

  18. 去年秋天的一个周五晚上,位于纽约地狱厨房区的一处公寓楼内,50位衣着光鲜的客人接踵而至。他们前来参加为前纽约市芭蕾舞团舞蹈演员、57岁的茜拉·玛丽·帕吉特(Sheela-MariePadgett)举行的派对。

    One Friday night last fall , 50 well-dressed guests piled into an apartment in Hell 's Kitchen for a party celebrating Sheela-Marie Padgett , a 57-year-old former dancer with the New York City Ballet .

  19. 正在中国走红的电视连续剧《蜗居》(DwellingNarrowness)描写了姐妹两人在繁华的大都市上海经受的各种困难,将镜头对准了大城市中不那么光鲜的房奴的一面:房价的上涨、以及由此给年轻人的理想造成的巨大打击。

    Dwelling Narrowness , ' a hit TV series about the struggles of two sisters to make it in the dynamic metropolis of Shanghai , focuses on a decidedly less glamorous aspect of in the big city : rising property prices , and they havoc this wreaks on youthful ambitions .

  20. 1986年,日本精神病专家太田广明(HiroakiOta)提出了“巴黎综合症”:当首次来到“光之城”(巴黎别称——译者注)的日本游客发现巴黎远非他们所期待的那么光鲜的时候,他们会经历一种心理创伤状态。

    Back in 1986 , Hiroaki Ota , a Japanese psychiatrist , identified Paris Syndrome : a state of psychological trauma experienced by first-time Japanese visitors to the City of Light when they discovered that the French capital was far grittier than the glamorous vision they were expecting .

  21. 孩子们穿上最好的衣服,打扮得十分光鲜。

    The children were all decked out in their Sunday best .

  22. 妈妈:她们能够打扮光鲜并且享受生活。

    Mom : They get to dress up and enjoy life .

  23. 我们衣着光鲜,就像银幕上的女王,快乐又心碎

    Now we 're all queens on the screen happy and torn

  24. 当死亡降临并掏出他钱包中所有崭新光鲜的钱币

    When death comes and takes all the bright coins from his purse

  25. 在台湾一个时髦光鲜的夜店里,“女王”正在主持晚宴。

    In a sleek uptown nightclub , the queen is holding court .

  26. 你学识好,衣着光鲜。

    Whadda ya know ? You 're well read , well dressed .

  27. 手工制皮带,精致,独特,光鲜的身份象征。

    Handmade belts are refined and unique , distinctive elements of class .

  28. 但光鲜建筑的背后掩盖着各城市惊人的相似性。

    Cities too have distinctive charms-but are surprisingly alike behind their facades .

  29. 近处的榕树银杏经过雨水的滋润之后更显得光鲜。

    Leaves of banyans nearby are so bright after the rain wash .

  30. 一个更实惠、更好、更光鲜的选择仅在一键之遥。

    A cheaper , better , shinier option is just one click away .