
ɡuānɡ nénɡ lì yònɡ lǜ
  • Light energy utilization rate;efficiency of utilization of light
  1. 但是,TiO2光能利用率低限制了其实际应用。

    However , its low photoconversion efficiency limits its practical application .

  2. 基于NOAA卫星数据的北京植被光能利用率及其时空格局

    Estimation of Light Utilization Efficiency and Spatiotemporal Distribution in Beijing Based on NOAA Satellite Data

  3. 用红外线CO2气体分析法,分层测定了格木群落主要植物的光合速率和呼吸速率,计算了群落的生产力和光能利用率。

    CO 2 infra red analysis method was used to measure both photosynthesis rate and respiratory rate . The productivity and efficiency of radiation utilization were calculated .

  4. 其中,光纤布拉格光栅(FBG)以其灵敏度高、光能利用率高、易复用、适用于工程等特点成为目前光纤传感领域的研究热点之一。

    In particular , the optical fiber Bragg grating ( FBG ) sensors are widely used in engineering in virtue of their prominent characteristics .

  5. 但由于其光生电子-空穴对的复合几率较高,对太阳光能利用率低等缺点而严重阻碍了TiO2的工业化应用。

    However , fast recombination rate of photogenerated electron-hole pairs in the bulk TiO2 and the low quantum yield of photochemical conversion for solar severely hinder the industrial applications of TiO2 semiconductor material .

  6. 为了提高光能利用率、得到均匀的光学照明,我们设计和制作了PBS阵列偏振转换系统。

    In order to increase the usage of light energy and improve the equality of illumination on the screen , we design and fabricate the polarizing beam splitter array .

  7. 采用MODIS遥感数据,针对内蒙古半干旱草场生态环境特征,以光能利用率模型为基础与生态模型相结合,研究区域尺度下半干旱草地净第一性生产力遥感模型;

    This paper presents a regional net primary productivity ( NPP ) model parameterized with remote sensing information of MODIS , and tests it in areas of Inner Mongolia semi-arid grassland .

  8. 为提高液晶投影机的光能利用率和图像对比度,设计了一种宽角度宽波长的光学薄膜偏振分束器(PBS)。

    In order to improve the energy efficiency and image contrast of liquid crystal display ( LCD ) projector , a wide-angle and broadband optical thin-film polarizing beam splitter ( PBS ) was designed .

  9. 根据衍射光学束匀滑器件透过率函数的自相关系数,重新定义了表征衍射光学器件(DOE)焦面光强分布束匀滑性能的两个参数:光能利用率和顶部不均匀性。

    In this paper , based on the autocorrelation coefficient of the transmittance function of the diffractive optical element ( DOE ) for beam smoothing , two performance parameters , light efficiency and top non-uniformity , are re-defined .

  10. T2、T3与T4的净光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔导度及光能利用率日变化呈双峰曲线,第一峰出现在11:00时,第二峰出现在15:00时;

    The net photosynthetic rate , transpiration rate , stomatal conductance and light use efficiency of T2 , T3 and T4 presented a double-peak curve and the first peak appeared at 11:00 o'clock , the second one came forth at 15:00 o'clock .

  11. 这种记录和再现过程不仅操作方便,仪器简单、经济,而且避免了色串扰、莫尔(Moire)条纹与分辨率的损失,消除了互调制,大大提高了光能利用率。

    In this paper , it is proved that the proposed application can make the recording and retrieving simple and economical to implement , the color-cross-talk , Moire fringes and marginal loss in resolution avoided , the mutual modulation cleared up , the utilization ratio of light energy improved greatly .

  12. 已有研究表明,生态遥感耦合模型将是陆地NPP估算的主要发展方向,它融合了生态生理过程模型和光能利用率模型的优点,增强了NPP模型估算的可靠性和可操作性。

    Substantial studies showed that remote sensing applications , coupled with the eco-physiological process models , would be a major developing field in the estimation of terrestrial NPP . It can enhance our ability to model the spatial pattern and dynamics of NPP at both regional and global scales .

  13. 天然三大硬阔林的能量环境与光能利用率

    Energy environment and solar radiation utilization efficiency of natural hardwood forests

  14. 高产冬小麦光能利用率的研究

    Studies on utilization efficiency of solar energy of High-yielding Winter Wheat

  15. 一种提高记录多色虹全息光能利用率的方法

    A Method of increasing Energy Utilization Coefficient in Recording Multi-color Rainbow Holograms

  16. 红松人工林能量环境与光能利用率的研究

    Study on energy environment and solar radiation utilization efficiency of Korean pine plantation

  17. 小麦生长过程中光能利用率和光化学反射指数的相关性研究

    Relationship Between Photochemical Reflectance Index and Light Use Efficiency in Growth Duration of Wheat

  18. 浮游植物对光能利用率为0.18%。

    The efficiency of phytoplankton in capturing radiant energy was 0 . 18 % .

  19. 不同森林群落结构与光能利用率的关系

    The relationship between the structure and the sunlight utilization ratio of different forestry communities

  20. 秦岭华山松群落能量环境及光能利用率研究

    Energy Evironment and Utilization of Solar Energy by Pinus armandi Community in the Qinling Mountains

  21. 福建省林地林木产量和光能利用率评价

    GIS Based Assessment of Yield and Solar Energy Use Efficiency of Forestry Land in Fujian Province

  22. 鹤山乡土混交林的能量特征及光能利用率

    Energy Flux Characteristics and Solar Radiation Utilization Efficiency of the Native Species Mixed Forest in Heshan

  23. 提出一种在第一步制作主全息图时,设置狭缝,以提高第二步彩虹全息的光能利用率的制作方法。

    A new method for making two-step rainbow hologram is proposed , increasing energy utilization coefficient .

  24. 光能利用率分别提高14.6%、23.8%和47.6%。

    The light energy utilization efficiency increases by 14.6 % , 23.8 % and 47.6 % .

  25. 线辣椒/玉米套作有利于提高线辣椒的日平均光能利用率。

    In this relay intercropping system , diurnal average photo use efficiency of capsicum was enhanced .

  26. 非晶硅太阳电池方阵低光照条件下光能利用率的研究

    Research for rate of usage of solar radiation for a-Si solar array in condition of low radiation

  27. 随着玉米种植密度的增大,群体内通风透光条件变差,群体光能利用率降低。

    With the increase of planting density , the condition of ventilation and penetrating light became worse .

  28. 地理信息系统与模型集成技术在林地林木产量和光能利用率估测中的应用

    Application of GIS and integrated mathematic models on estimating forest land wood productiveness and solar energy use efficiency

  29. 滇中高原高产玉米群体光合作用及光能利用率的特点

    Characteristics of photosynthesis and percentage of solar energy utilization rate of High-yielding Maize Population in Middle Yunnan Plateau

  30. 提高光能利用率,促进水稻光合作用;

    The utilization ratio of light energy was raised up and thus the photosynthesis of the rice was promoted ;