
guāng huán yuán
  • Photoreduction;photo-reduction
光还原[guāng huán yuán]
  1. 但是,到目前为止,BP的光还原反应被公认为仅发生在紫外光直接照射区域。

    But on the other hand , it is widely accepted that the photo-reduction reaction can be realized only on the area directly irradiated by UV-light .

  2. 方法:用氮蓝四唑(NBT)光还原法测定O2·的清除率,氧化还原法测定·OH的清除率。

    Methods : Measure the content of superoxide free radical and hydroxyl free radical by nitro blue tetrazolium ( NBT ) photo-reduction .

  3. 对二嗪N,N'-二氧化物光还原的电子自旋共振研究

    Electron spin resonance studies on the radicals produced by photoreduction of paradiazine n , n ' - dioxides

  4. Fe(Ⅲ)-邻菲啰啉配合物光还原的研究及其在铁分析中的应用

    Photoreduction of fe (ⅲ) - phen complex and its application in determination of iron

  5. Fe(Ⅲ)-5-硝基-1,10-菲啰啉配合物光还原的研究及其在铁价态分析中的应用

    Photoreduction of Fe (ⅲ) - 5-Nitro-1,10-Phenanthroline Complex and Its Application in Analysis of Iron Valence

  6. Fe(Ⅲ)-PAR络合物光还原分光光度法测定食用菌中微量铁

    Spectrophotometric determination of micro-iron in the fungus by the photoreduction of Fe (ⅲ) - PAR complex

  7. 通过溶胶-凝胶法和光还原法制备掺Ag复合纳米TiO2。

    Ag + doped Nano-TiO2 was prepared by sol-gel and photo-reduced methods .

  8. Fe(Ⅲ)-OH配合物同时引发水中Cr(Ⅵ)光还原和甲基橙光氧化

    Simultaneous Photoreduction of Cr (ⅵ) and Photooxidation of Methyl Orange in Water Induced by Fe (ⅲ) - OH Complex

  9. 电子供体影响Cr(VI)光还原速度的ESR/全息法研究

    Esr / holographic study on photoreduction of cr ( vi ) influenced by electron donors

  10. 载钯TiO2半导体悬浮催化体系中CO2的光还原

    Photoreduction of CO 2 in the suspension system of semiconductor catalyst TiO 2 modified by Palladium

  11. 本文研究了萃取过程中Fe(Ⅲ)&phen体系光还原规律。

    This paper deals with the rule of photoreduction of system of Fe (ⅱ) (ⅲ) & phen in process of extraction .

  12. 在纳米CdS颗粒表面MV ̄(2+)光还原的ESR研究

    ESR study of mv  ̄( 2 + ) photoreduction on the surface of nanometer-sized CDs

  13. 胶体半导体表面光还原反应动力学的ESR研究&I.ZnS、CdS光还原效率的ESR研究

    ESR study of photoreduction kinetics on the surface of colloidal semiconductor ──ⅰ . esr study of photoreduction efficiency of ZnS and CDs

  14. VCl2,VCl3络合物溶液的光还原氮和放氢反应

    Photoreduction of nitrogen and proton in aqueous and ethanolic solutions of vcl_2 and vcl_3

  15. 本文研究了曙红敏化NAD(P)H的模型化合物&1-苄基-1,4-二氢吡啶菸酰胺(BNAH)光还原二苯乙二酮的反应机制及光敏剂曙红的激发态行为。

    The mechanism of eosin-sensitized photoreduction of benzil with 1-benzyl-1 , 4-dihydronicotinamide , a model compound of NAD ( P ) H and the behavior of the excited states of eosin have been investigated .

  16. 光还原时间和电子牺牲剂(甲醇)的浓度对沉积Pt粒了的大小有很大的影响,而Pt粒子的大小对光催化活性又有很大的影响。

    The time of photoreduction and sacrificial agent ( methanol ) concentration had great influence on the size of doped Pt and the particle size of Pt had directly impact on photocatalytic activity .

  17. 分别用光还原沉积法制备的掺铂TiO2晶须和TiO2颗粒作为催化剂,在悬浮体系中对氯仿进行光催化降解。

    TiO2 whisker doped Pt in the method of light reduction and TiO2 granule , they are used as catalyst to do some chloroform degradation experiments in slurry system .

  18. 几种植物PSⅡ颗粒的水裂解活性、DCIP光还原活性与某些性质的比较

    A Comparison of Water-splitting Activity , DCIP Photoreduction Activity and Some other Characteristics in PS ⅱ Particles Isolated from Several Species of Plants

  19. VCl2(PPh3)2甲醇溶液光还原氮和放氢反应动力学及氮还原氢化机理的探讨

    Studies on kinetics and mechanism of light induced nitrogen reduction and hydrogen evolution in vcl_2 ( PPH _3 ) _2 complex methanol solution

  20. Cd~(2+)使叶绿体和PSⅡ制剂的DCIP光还原活性降低;可变荧光也受到抑制。

    Cd ~ ( 2 + ) reduced the activity of photoreduction of DCIP and the variable fluorescence of chloroplasts and PS ⅱ preparation .

  21. 对老化的叶绿体则伤害明显,DCIP光还原速率依老化时间的延长而降低。

    The rate of DCIP photoreduction decreased as the aging process was prolonged .

  22. 牛血清蛋白对被胰蛋白酶消化过的叶绿体光还原DCIP的活性有恢复作用。

    Bovine serum albumin stimulates the DCIP photoreduction activity of lettuce chloroplasts which has been treated with trypsin .

  23. 钙调素(CaM)抑制剂三氟拉嗪(TFP)、Ca2+通道阻断剂Co2+,以及Zn2+抑制离体叶绿体的光还原活性,外加Ca2+可以部分地减少TFP、Co2+和Zn2+的抑制作用。

    Trifluoperazine ( TFP , a calmodulin inhibitor ), Co2 + ( a calcium channel blocker ), and Zn2 + inhibited photoreduction activities of isolated chloroplasts , and which were partially decreased by the Ca2 + .

  24. 当提供DCIP和抗坏血酸时,被压碎的异形胞能够光还原甲基紫精,其活性为360消耗O2的微克分子/毫克叶绿素/小时。

    The DCIP + ascorbate → methyl viologen activity of this isolated heterocysts was 360 μ mol O_2 consumed / mg Chl . h.

  25. 实验中还观察到了沿光束传播方向的彩虹细丝,Mie散射理论和数值计算均证实该现象来自于光还原反应生成的银纳米颗粒的表面等离激元共振散射。

    In addition , we observed rainbow filaments along the light propagation . Mie Theory and numerical calculations show that it can be attributed to the scattering caused by surface plasmon resonance on the silver nanoparticles which were generated via photoreduction mechanism .

  26. 可以合理解释修饰物S~(2-)的浓度越高,Efb负移越大,越有利于光还原反应的实验事实。

    By using this formula , experiment facts may be explained rationally , the higher the concentration , the greater the amount of negative shift Δ Efb , and thus the more favourable to photoreduction reaction .

  27. 采用光还原方法,在线性壳聚糖膜内原位还原获得球形银粒子(粒径10~30nm)和外观呈三角形、六边形的银单晶体(边长200~2000nm);

    In the present paper , in situ preparation of spherical silver nanoparticles ( 10 ~ 30 nm ), triangular and hexangular single silver crystal ( 200 ~ 2000 nm ) have been conducted in linear chitosan films by photochemical reduction .

  28. 用密度泛涵理论的离散变分方法(DFT-DVM),对[Mo7O24]6-及其光还原产物[Mo7O23(OH)]6-的电子结构进行了系统的计算。

    The discrete variational method together with density functional theory ( DFT-DVM ) was employed to calculate the electronic structures of anion [ Mo 7O 24 ] 6 - and it 's reduced form [ Mo 7O 23 ( OH ) ] 6 - so as to clarify the question .

  29. 而碳源的加入,利于光还原反应,但对氨氮的氧化有抑制作用。

    But addition of carbon source inhibited oxidation while promoting reduction .

  30. 超分子体系中醌类光还原的研究

    Studies on the Photoreduction of Quinones in Supramolecular System of Cyclodextrin