
huā qīnɡ sù
  • anthocyanin;cyanidin
  1. 以上结果说明,GAs可以负调节低氮诱导的花青素积累。

    The above results show that GAs could negatively regulate anthocyanin accumulation in low nitrogen . 4 .

  2. 花青素HPLC指纹图谱可以区分不同酒龄葡萄酒,是区分鉴定葡萄酒酒龄可行的方法。

    The method of anthocyanin HPLC fingerprints is feasible for distinguishing the age ( vintage ) of red wine .

  3. 葡萄籽中的原花青素含量高于葡萄皮中的含量(P<0.01);

    The contents of procyanidins from grape seeds are higher than that from grape skins .

  4. 超临界CO2流体提取含原花青素的葡萄籽油

    Supercritical CO_2 fluid extracting technique for grape seed oil with proanthocyanidins

  5. HPLC法测定黑米中花青素的主要成分及含量

    Determination of the Main Component and Its Content of Anthocyanidin in Black Rice by HPLC

  6. 原花青素(Procyanidins,PC)是从多种植物中提取的一类物质。

    · Procyanidins ( PC ) is extracted from many plants .

  7. 对花青素和PH值相关分析显示:花青素含量和花蕾内部PH值与花蕾寿命相关关系不强,对花蕾寿命影响不明显。

    The correlation analysis show that there are not strong correlation ships of anthocyanidin and PH value with flower bud storage-life span .

  8. 山葡萄籽和皮中原花青素类SOD活性的测定

    Determination of Superoxide Dismutase ( SOD ) - like Activity of Proanthocyanidins in Seeds and Peels of Vitaceae amurensis

  9. 高粱原花青素对α-淀粉酶和蛋白酶活力影响的DSC研究

    Effects of Procyanidins from Sorghum Episperm on Activity of α - amylase and Protease by DSC

  10. 原花青素对脑缺血再灌注损伤大鼠Bcl-2表达和神经元凋亡的影响

    Influence of procyanidin on neural cell apoptosis and expression of Bcl-2 in rats with cerebral ischemic reperfusion injury

  11. 非硫解HPLC分析羟基肉桂酸类、原花青素B2、花青素及儿茶素单体。

    Unthiolysis HPLC will be better for the hydroxycinnamic acids , procyanidin B2 and catechin monomers .

  12. 苹果花青素形成与PAL活性及蛋白质含量的关系

    The Relationship of Anthocyanidin Formation , PAL Activity and Protein Content During Apple Colouring

  13. 增强UV-B辐射下,仙客来花瓣中的花青素含量增加。

    Anthocyanin contents in the petals of C. persicum increased under UV-B radiation .

  14. GAs可以负调节低氮诱导的花青素积累;DELLA蛋白的作用与GAs相反。

    GAs could negatively regulate the anthocyanins accumulation induced by low nitrogen . The action of DELLA protein is the opposite to that of GAs .

  15. 果实花青素含量与PAL活性关系的研究

    Studies on Relationship between Anthocyanidin and PAL

  16. 原花青素具有较强的抗氧化能力,在体内其抗氧化、清除自由基能力是维生素E的50倍、维生素C的20倍。

    Proanthocyanidins have strong anti-oxidative and radical scavenging activities and its intensity of this effection is 50 times as that of VE 、 20 times as that of VC .

  17. 目的:建立通用H点标准加入法快速测定保健食品中的原花青素方法。

    Objective : To develop a rapid method for the determination of oligoprocyanidins ( OPC ) in health food by generalized H-point standard addition method ( GHPSAM ) .

  18. 对吉林地区野生地榆根低聚原花青素(OPC)进行了提取分离工艺研究。

    The extraction and separation techniques of oligoprocyanidins ( OPC ) from the root of wild Sanguisorba officinalis Linn .

  19. 葡萄籽提取物原花青素诱导乳腺癌MCF-7细胞脱落凋亡

    Inducing effect of proanthocyanidin from seed of Vitis vinifera on anoikis of breast cancer cells MCF-7

  20. 大孔吸附树脂对紫甘薯花青素静态吸附2h后便基本达到饱和。

    The macroporous resin was basically saturated after two hours static adsorption of purple sweet potato anthocyanin .

  21. 通过HPLC对原花青素低聚物进行了成分分析,结果表明,所提取的产品与原花青素标准品成分基本一致。

    The composition analysis of procyanidins low polymer by HPLC showed that the compositions of the extracted product were the almost same as the compositions of standard procyanidins .

  22. 山楂是一种重要的前花青素(procyanidin,简称PC)的潜在资源。

    Hawthorn ( Crataegus ) contains a large of procyanidin ( PC ) and is a sort of important latent resource .

  23. 月季花(RosachinesisJacq.)花瓣花青素含量日周期变化的时间生物学意义初步研究

    Daily Quantity Variety of Anthocyanin in Petals of Rosa chinesis Jacq . and Signification of Chronobiology

  24. 天然抗氧化剂&葡萄及红葡萄酒提取物,主要是原花青素类化合物对乙醇引起的氧化性DNA损伤具有显著的保护作用,提示这些抗氧化物质可以应用到预防和治疗乙醇滥用相关性的中毒性疾病中。

    Natural antioxidants , grape and red wine procyanidins , showed protective effects on ethanol-induced genotoxicity , which could be used in prevention and treatment of the ailments in central nervous system induced by ethanol abuse .

  25. 花青素生成相关基因dfr研究进展

    The Research Advances on dfr Gene of Anthocyanin Biosynthesis

  26. 原花青素对前列腺癌LNCaP细胞增殖和凋亡的影响

    Procyanidins inhibit proliferation and promote apoptosis of the prostate cancer cell line LNCaP

  27. 果蔬抗氧化作用的物质基础除维生素C、维生素E、β-胡萝卜素和微量元素外,还与茄红素、黄酮、花青素、儿茶素等黄酮类化合物密切相关;

    In addition to Vit C , E , β - carotene , carotenoid and micro-elements in fruits and vegetables , the contents of lycopene flavonoids , anthocyanin and catechin are also closely related to antioxidant activities .

  28. 另外,利用HPLC液相分析系统,对两品种的光处理和暗处理样品中花青素和主要糖分(果糖、葡萄糖、蔗糖和麦芽糖)的含量进行了检测分析。

    The content of anthocyanin and main sugars ( fructose , glucose , sucrose and maltose ) in the light-exposed and light-interrupted samples of the two turnip cultivars were analyzed by HPLC .

  29. 通过对花青素提取液进行光线、温度、pH值、氧化还原剂、金属离子和食品添加剂处理,对处理液进行光谱扫描,初步明确了紫色小白菜花青素的理化性质。

    Based on the spectral scanning of anthocyanidin solution treated with light , temperature , pH values , oxidization-reductant , metal ions and food additives , the physicochemical property of anthocyanidin in purple pakchoi were studied .

  30. 白藜芦醇(resveratrol)、白藜芦醇苷(piceid)和原花青素(OPC)是存在于葡萄中的结构相似、功能相近的功效成份。

    Resveratrol , Piceid and OPC , existing in grapes , were of active composition with similar structure and functions .