
huā zhù
  • style;stylus;stilus;stylet
花柱[huā zhù]
  1. 同时试验发现花柱蛋白对花粉管的抑制部位在花柱的上半部。

    At the same time , the experiment found the inhibitive location that stylus protein to pollen tube is in upper part of style .

  2. 顶部则长有细细的黄色花柱,两个不平整的卷曲突起伸展而出,扎根于花冠筒的上方。

    From the top the slender yellow style rises , pushing two rough curving horns out beyond the flower-tube .

  3. 樱花的中部就是种皮,外形像一个绿色小囊,花柱从这里向外生长。

    In the centre of the cherry-flower is the seed-vessel , which looks like a little green bag , with a long point called the style rising from it .

  4. 随着花柱发育成熟,蛋白点B(28.0kDa/pI5.7)表达量逐渐增强。

    The expressions of protein B ( 28.0kDa / pI5.7 ) increased during stylar development and maturation .

  5. 日本梨活体花柱内花粉RNA的降解

    Degradation of Pollen RNA in Japanese Pear Style in Vitro

  6. 在有花植物最广泛的配子体SI系统中,亲和及不亲和的花粉管都生长到花柱中。

    In the most widespread SI system in flowering plants , both compatible and incompatible pollen tubes grow down the style .

  7. 分别采用重复授粉和切割花柱授粉两种方法克服麝香百合(SnowQueen)的受精前障碍;

    Pre-crossing barriers of lilium longiflorum ( Snow Queen ) was prevented by the methods of cut-style pollination or reduplicate pollination .

  8. 结果显示,磷酸化酶mRNA在柱头、花柱、子房壁以及维管束中大量表达,而胚珠中除合点部位外表达很弱。

    Phosphorylase mRNA was substantially expressed in the stigma , style , ovary wall and vascular bundle , but weakly in ovular tissues except chalazal portion .

  9. 授粉后12h,花粉管在花柱的引导组织中向下生长。

    12 hours after pollination , pollen tubes grow downwards in the transmitting tissue .

  10. 鸭梨花柱ABA含量变化在自花授粉24h内处于下降趋势,然后上升;

    During 24 h after pollinated , ABA content in styles of Yali pear tended to decline , then rose .

  11. SDH同工酶与叶基角以及花柱长度间存在遗传连锁。

    Similar genetic linkages were also found between SDH isozyme and leaf base le , and between SDH isozyme and style length .

  12. 2个品种自花授粉后72h内,花柱内IAA、ZR含量呈下降趋势;

    In the period of 72 h after self-pollinated , IAA , ZR contents in styles of the two cultivars tended to decline .

  13. 粉蓝烟草(Nicotianaglauca)花柱S-RNase的活性及其表达特异性研究

    Studies on the Stylar S-RNase Activity and Its Specific Expression in Nicotiana glauca

  14. 授粉6h后,花粉管生长较快且整齐,多数已经生长至花柱中部。

    Pollen tubes grow fast and uniformly at 6 hours after pollination and most of them reach the middle part of style .

  15. 影响果实发育以不切除花柱、DNA浓度250μg/mL和授粉后间隔1d处理为最佳组合。

    The best gi'oup of the effect on development of fruit is the group with uncut pollen tube , 250 g / ml DNA concentration and treated after pollination for one day .

  16. 授粉后4~8h,花粉管经柱头组织伸向花柱的引导组织。

    4 ~ 8 hours after pollination , pollen tubes extend into the transmitting tissue of the style through their stigmata .

  17. 花柱内蛋白质含量在授粉过程中都会上升,但自花授粉在授粉后最初3~5min出现一个含量峰值。

    The peak value of content reaches after 3-5 minutes in self-pollination .

  18. 在花开之前,花丝和花柱就已伸长,而且柱头高出花药2~3mm。

    Before flowering , the filament and style of flowers elongate and the stigma was 2 ~ 3 mm higher than the anther .

  19. 荧光观察鸭梨花粉管生长动态表明,自花授粉72h后,花粉管先端膨大,在花柱中部停止生长。

    By examining the dynamic growth process of pollen tube under fluorescence microscope , pollen tube stopped growth and enlarged at middle of the style 72 hours after self-pollination .

  20. 结果表明,授粉引起花柱内500、POD和cAT活性上升,提高了酶保护系统的保护能力;而异花授粉引起的三种酶的活性上升超过了自花授粉。

    The contents of SOD , POD and CAT enzymes , which strengthen the abilities of the enzyme protection system , rise up after pollination in styles . The contents of three enzymes in cross-pollination rise higher than that in self-pollination .

  21. 授粉48h后仍有花粉管在花柱中生长,但大多数已经通过花柱基部,进入子房。授粉53h后,只有极少花粉管还在生长。

    Few pollen tubes still grow in the style at 48 hours after pollination while most pollen tubes have gone through the base of style and grow towards ovules in the ovary .

  22. 授粉后1d,花粉管长入柱头,3d抵达花柱中部,5d抵达花柱基部,7d进入于房腔或胚囊。

    The pollen tube grows in-to the stigma 1 day , reaches the middle style , 3 days , reaches the base of style , 5 days , and enters the locule or the embryo-sac , 7 days after pollination .

  23. 试验结果表明:具有柱头外露长度在10mm以上的长花柱柱头外露棉,其雌蕊、花柱和果柄都长,成极显著正相关。

    The experimental results showed that the stigma had positive correlation to the pistil , the style and the stem of the flower when the stigma length was over 10 mm .

  24. 阿利新蓝和中性红的双重染色观察发现,花柱ECM(细胞外基质)与野生型材料一致,未发现ECM的缺失与异位,表明突变体的不育特性与ECM无关。

    Alcian blue and neutral red double staining results indicated that , both style ECM ( extracellular matrix ) and wild type material had not deletion and dystopia , which showed that mutant sterility had nothing to do with ECM . 5 .

  25. 结果表明,敖汉苜蓿在人工授粉10min后花粉粒的内壁穿过外壁的萌发孔向外突出,20min时形成花粉管,1h后花粉管触及柱头,而后沿花柱道伸长。

    The result showed that internal wall of pollen passes through the germination aperture in the external wall and protruded in 10 minutes of artificial pollination . After 20 minutes a pollen tube forms .

  26. 取花柱为2~3mm长的幼蕾用压片法观察马铃薯胚囊母细胞的减数分裂,得到细胞结构完整、染色体形态清晰的分裂相。

    By squash technique , the meiosis cells with chromosome dispersion phase were observed in EMC ( Embryo Sac Mother cell ) of potato . The ideal length of potato style was 2-3 mm .

  27. 对花冠、雄蕊、花柱和子房的可溶性蛋白的IEF-SDS双向电泳分析也确定了相应于SDS单向电泳上特异蛋白带的蛋白质斑点。

    IEF SDS two dimensional electrophoresis showed that many of the one dimensional gel bands represented several proteins dots in the2 D and that some of them were unique to an organ type of the flower .

  28. 结果表明,花柱S-RNase抑制不亲和花粉的萌发和花粉管的生长,对亲和花粉的萌发和花粉管的生长基本没有影响。

    The results showed that the stylar S-RNase inhibited the germination and pollen-tube growth of the incompatible pollens , but hardly exerted any influence on the germination and pollen-tube growth of the compatible pollens .

  29. 而533A花瓣皱缩,面积只占相应保持系的50%60%,四强雄蕊相对雌蕊花柱的位置在1/31/2;花粉败育不彻底,有微量花粉。

    But the petals of 533A was shrink , the size was 50 % - 60 % theirs maintainers , length of the four stronger stamen was 1 / 3-1 / 2 of height of pistil , pollen abortive is no thorough and had a little pollen .

  30. 授粉后4~8h,花粉管在花柱中生长。

    4-8 hours after pollination , pollen tube grows in style .