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xióng pèi zǐ
  • Male gamete;andro gamete
雄配子[xióng pèi zǐ]
  1. 很多生物体中雄配子与雌配子是不同的。

    In many organisms the male and female gametes are different .

  2. (普通小麦/长穗偃麦草)F1小孢子发生和雄配子体发育的细胞学特点

    Cytological characteristic on Microsporogenesis and male gametophyte development of ( t.aestivum/e.elongata ) f 1

  3. 栽培大豆(GlycineMax)与野生大豆(G.soja)解剖学的比较研究&Ⅰ.雄配子体的发育

    Comparative-study on male gametophyte development between Glycine max and Glycine soja

  4. 羊草(Leymuschinensis(Trin)Kitag.)的小孢子发生和雄配子体形成

    The Microsporogenesis and the Formation of Male Gametophytes in Leymus Chinensis ( Trin . ) Kitag

  5. 甜菜无融合生殖单体附加系M14的小孢子发生与雄配子体发育的观察

    The observation of Microsporogenesis and the development of male gametophytes in the monosomic addition lines of apomictic beet M14

  6. 因此,本论文主要针对用秋水仙碱人工诱导银杏2n雄配子及其相关技术进行了探索性研究,为通过用二倍体花粉与正常银杏雌株授粉培育三倍体植株打下初步基础。

    The research on the technology using colchicines to manually induce 2n pollen was described This paper , and would establish a base for the triploids breeding by pollinating to female Ginkgo biloba with 2n pollen .

  7. 雌、雄配子体克隆细胞杂交16d,排卵率为100%;

    Under the proportion of 2 ∶ 1 ( cells count ), female and male clone cultures 16 d , the ovulate rate is 100 % .

  8. 海带雄配子体的发育研究

    Study on the development of male gametophytes of Laminaria japonica Aresch

  9. 银杏雄配子体发育的细胞学研究

    Cytological Study of the Development of Male Gametophytes of Ginkgo biloba

  10. 单性生殖动物的进化海带雄配子体单性生殖叶状体的特性

    Properties of Monogenetic Thalli From Male Gametophytes of Laminaria japonica Aresch

  11. 毛百合小孢子发生和雄配子体发育过程的解剖学研究

    Anatomic Study on Microsporogenesis and Male Gametophyte Development of Lilium dauricum

  12. 4种沙棘雄配子体发育的研究

    Investigation on the Development of Male Gametophytes in Four Species of Hippophae

  13. 牡丹小孢子发生与雄配子体发育的超微结构研究

    Ultrastructural studies of microsporogenesis and development of male gametophyte in Paeonia suffruticosa

  14. 雄配子不能与雌配子结合。

    The male gamete could not unite with the female .

  15. 小花盾叶薯蓣减数分裂与雄配子发育细胞学观察

    Cytological Studies on the Meiosis and Male Gametophyte Development of Dioscorea parviflora

  16. 雷竹的小孢子发生和雄配子体形成

    The Formation of Microspore and the Development of Male Gametophyte of Phyllostachys praecox

  17. 白桦雄配子体的形成

    Form ation of the Male Gametophyte of Betula platyphylla

  18. 柴胡大、小孢子发生及雌、雄配子体发育

    Megasporogenesis , Microsporogenesis and Development of Female and Male Gametophyte of Bupleurum chinense

  19. 雄配子体选择的遗传分化效应及其在植物改良中的应用

    Genetic Effect of Male Gametophytic Selection and its Application in Plant Genetic Improvement

  20. 蒙古莸小孢子发生和雄配子体发育的研究

    Microsporogenesis and Development of Male Gametophyte in Caryopteris mongholica

  21. 狼毒大戟的小孢子发生与雄配子体发育

    Microsporogenesis and Development of Male Gametophyte of Euphorbia fischeriana

  22. 夏蜡梅花芽分化及雄配子体发育

    The Differentiation of Flower Bud and Development of Male Gametophyte in Calycanthus chinensis

  23. 雄配子体选择在遗传偏分离中的效应分析

    Effect of Segregation Distortion Causing by Male Gametic Selection

  24. 糜子绒毡层及雄配子体的超微结构

    Ultrastructure of Tapetum and Male Gametophyte in Panicum miliaceum

  25. 耳叶补血草大、小孢子发生与雌、雄配子体的发育

    Development of megaspore and microspore , male and female gametophytes in Ribes Grossularia

  26. 激光显微切割技术推进全面解析植物雄配子发生的分子机制

    Laser Microdissection Facilitates a Comprehensive Understanding of Molecular Mechanisms of Plant Male Gametes Production

  27. 杜松小孢子的发生和雄配子体的发育

    Microsporogenesis and Male Gametophyte Development of Juniperus rigida

  28. 动物的雄配子。

    In animals , a male gamete ① .

  29. 雌雄配子体的发育进程有明显的差异:小孢子与雄配子体发生较早,持续时间较长;

    There is an obvious difference in the developing process of female and male gametophytes .

  30. 杜仲胚胎学的研究&Ⅱ.雄配子体的发育

    The study of embryology of Eucommia ulmoides Oliv ⅱ . the development of male gametophyte