
  1. 建设雄安新区是千年大计。

    The establishment of the Xiongan New Area is a strategy crucial for a millennium1 to come .

  2. 起步区作为雄安新区主城区,肩负着集中承接北京非首都功能疏解的时代重任。起步区规划面积约198平方公里。

    The start-up area will be part of the Xiongan city proper , which will cover 198 square km .

  3. 北京至雄安新区城际铁路(京雄城际铁路)12月27日全线开通运营。

    The Beijing-Xiong'an intercity railway opened to traffic on Dec 27 , connecting the Chinese capital with the Xiong'an New Area .

  4. 建设雄安新区是千年大计。新区首先就要新在规划、建设的理念上,要体现出前瞻性、引领性。要全面贯彻新发展理念,坚持高质量发展要求,努力创造新时代高质量发展的标杆。

    Developing Xiong'an New Area is a strategy that will have lasting new development concepts and stick to high-quality growth so as to build Xiong'an New Area into a model of high-quality development in the new era .

  5. 北京西站至雄安新区间最快旅行时间50分钟,大兴机场至雄安新区间最快19分钟可达。

    Passengers can take high-speed trains from Beijing West Railway Station directly to Xiong'an New Area with the shortest commuting time at 50 minutes . The journey between Beijing Daxing International Airport and Xiong'an will be about 19 minutes .

  6. 中国电信与中兴通讯推出了5G创新示范网络,并在雄安新区建立了规模较大的5G测试网络。

    China Telecom has launched a 5G innovative demonstration network with ZTE and built a scale 5G test network in the Xiongan New Area .

  7. 雄安新区是5G技术和垂直应用的试验城市,目的是为了促进5G技术在全国的商业化。

    The Xiongan New Area is the test field for 5G technology and vertical applications with the aim of promoting the national commercialization of 5G technology .

  8. 三家中国电信运营商已经制定了雄安新区的专项规划。

    Three Chinese telecom operators have set out special agendas for the Xiongan New Area .

  9. 上周三,中国中央批准了雄安新区2018-2035年总体规划。

    China 's central authorities approved the 2018-2035 master plan for the Xiongan New Area last Wednesday .

  10. 此外,北大还将与国家有关部门合作建立政府和社会资本合作中心,推动雄安新区的发展。

    It will also work with governmental departments to launch Public-Private Partnership programs for Xiongan 's development .

  11. 中国三大电信运营商于日前纷纷表态,将全力支持在雄安新区发展世界一流的电信系统。

    China 's three telecom operators have all vowed full support for world-class telecommunication development in Xiongan New Area .

  12. 中国三大科技巨头——百度、阿里巴巴和腾讯——都已经在雄安新区落地了项目。

    China 's top three tech powerhouses - Baidu , Alibaba and Tencent - have all launched projects there .

  13. 郝平书记表示,北京大学将充分利用学校资源,在医疗和教育培训等方面积极支持雄安新区的发展。

    Hao said the university will take advantage of its strengths in medical and educational training to support Xiongan 's growth .

  14. 经批准,雄安新区将率先适度部署智能基础设施。

    According to this approval , the Xiongan New Area will take the lead in deploying smart infrastructure at a moderate pace .

  15. 在其它举措当中,北京大学光华管理学院还将在雄安新区建立高端培训中心。

    Among other measures , the university 's Guanghua School of Management will establish a training center in Xiongan for business and management talents .

  16. 金砖国家建立的新开发银行现在正在与当地政府讨论加入雄安新区建设问题。

    The New Development Bank , formed by BRICS nations , is in talks with the local government to on the building of Xiong'An .

  17. 中国于2017年宣布建立雄安新区的计划,以疏解北京非首都功能。

    China announced plans to establish the Xiong'an New Area in 2017 to relieve Beijing of functions non-essential to its role as China 's capital .

  18. 城际铁路将毗邻河北省的雄安新区与包括北京大兴国际机场在内的北京城区连接起来。

    The intercity railroad links Xiong'an New Area in neighboring Hebei Province with urban areas of the Chinese capital , including the Beijing Daxing International Airport .

  19. 雄安新区最初将覆盖约100平方公里,中期规划扩展到约200平方公里,长期规划面积约2000平方公里。

    The new area will cover around 100 square km initially and be expanded to 200 square kilometers in the mid-term and about 2000 square km in the long term .

  20. 雄安新区是我国的一个新经济特区,位于北京西南方向约100公里。北京大学已经承诺全力支持雄安新区的建设,并计划在此新建用于开展高端人才培训的医学中心。

    Peking University has vowed to fully support the Xiongan New Area , a new economic zone about 100 kilometers southwest of Beijing , including opening a medical center to train high-level professionals .

  21. 到周五为止,雄安新区有关部门已经调查并处理了765起非法房地产交易和建设问题,拘留了7名嫌疑人,关闭了71家房地产销售部门和35家房屋中介。

    Friday , authorities in Xiong'an New Area have investigated and dealt with 765 illegal real estate transactions and construction issues , detaining 7 suspects , and closing 71 estate sales departments and 35 housing agencies .

  22. 4月1日,我国宣布设立雄安新区,规划范围涉及到河北省雄县、容城和安新3县,其中安新县是中国北部主要湿地白洋淀的所在地。

    On April 1 , China announced the plan to create the Xiongan New Area , which spans the counties of Xiongxian , Rongcheng and Anxin in Hebei Province , and is home to Baiyangdian , a major wetland in northern China .