
  • 网络Male reproductive system
  1. PCR检测结果表明,钙粘蛋白基因在棉铃虫雄性生殖系统中表达。

    PCR detection showed that cadherin mRNA was expressed in male reproductive system of H.armigera .

  2. 结论氟可降低生殖细胞TERT、PCNA的表达,对雄性生殖系统造成损害。

    Conclusion Fluorine possibly damages the male reproductive system by reducing the expression of TERT and PCNA .

  3. 目的了解SO2对哺乳动物和人雄性生殖系统有无氧化损伤作用,探讨SO2污染对生殖的影响。

    Objective To study lexicological effects of sulfur dioxide ( SO2 ) on reproductive system of male mammals .

  4. 充分说明TDI在形态学、酶和基因水平上对雄性生殖系统均具有一定的毒性作用。

    All the evidences sufficiently proved that TDI had certain arrenotokous toxic action on the level of morphology , enzyme and gene .

  5. 本研究将通过动物实验观察8Hz、90dB/130dB次声对雄性生殖系统的影响,以为次声防护提供依据。

    In this paper , we observed some bioeffects of infrasound on male reproduction by animal experiment , which will provide basis for protection against infrasound .

  6. 氯化镉对雄性生殖系统生理机能的影响

    Effect of cadmium chloride on physiological function of male reproductive system

  7. 铅暴露对雄性生殖系统毒性的研究进展

    Research progress on male reproductive toxicity induced by lead exposure

  8. 有机磷农药对雄性生殖系统的损伤作用

    The damage of organophosphorous pesticide on male reproductive system

  9. 雄性生殖系统的蛋白成分复杂,具有多样性。

    The protein content of male reproductive system was complicate and protein diversity .

  10. 表皮生长因子及其受体对雄性生殖系统的影响

    The Influence of Epidermal Growth Factor and Its Receptor on Male Reproductive System

  11. 甲氧滴滴涕对雄性生殖系统的氧化损伤作用

    Oxidative damage of methoxychlor on male reproductive system

  12. 外源性物质对雄性生殖系统的影响

    Impact of Exogenous Agents on Male Reproductive Systems

  13. 结论氯化镉可影响雄性生殖系统的生理机能,导致生育力下降。

    Conclusion Cadmium chloride affected physiological function of male reproductive system , lowered genitality .

  14. 结论研究表明,淫羊藿总黄酮对雄性生殖系统和生殖内分泌的功能具有促进作用。

    Conclusions FHE invigorates the reproductive system and reproductive endocrine function in male rats .

  15. 一氧化氮与雄性生殖系统

    Nitric Oxide in Male Reproductive System

  16. 通过对大鼠雄性生殖系统的解剖学研究,对大鼠雄性生殖系统各个器官的解剖学特征进行了详细的描述,并发现了前列腺腹叶和尿道球腺的特征和以前的报道不同。

    I found that the ventral lobules of prostate gland and bulbourethral gland have different characteristics with other studys .

  17. 雄激素:一组主要影响雄性生殖系统生长发育的激素(荷尔蒙)。

    Androgen : Any of a group of hormones that mainly influence the development of the male reproductive system .

  18. 低碘大鼠补充不同剂量碘酸钾和碘化钾对雄性生殖系统影响的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Effects of Potassium Iodate and Potassium Iodide in Different Dosage on Male Reproductive System of Iodine Deficiency Rat

  19. 成熟的雄性生殖系统主要由一对精巢,一对输精管,一对附腺,一对储精囊和一根射精管组成。

    The mature male reproductive system is composed of testis , vas deferens , accessory glands , seminal vesicles and ejaculatory duct .

  20. 日本沼虾雄性生殖系统的研究&雄性生殖系统的结构及发育

    Studies on the male reproductive system of the freshwater prawn , Macrobrachium nipponense ── the structure and development of the male reproductive system

  21. 铅对雄性生殖系统的毒性作用机理十分复杂,涉及精子发生过程、类固醇生成及氧化还原系统等。

    The mechanism by which lead exerts toxic effects on testis is quite complex . It involves spermatogenesis , steroidogenesis , and red-ox system .

  22. 目的建立小鼠睾丸支持细胞培养方法,为从细胞和分子水平研究环境化合物对雄性生殖系统的影响提供条件。

    Objective To establish culture method of ICR mice sertoli cells and to study the effects of the environmental chemicals on the male reproductive system at the cell molecular level .

  23. 大量的研究指出,高浓度的铅可对雄性生殖系统产生毒害,包括对睾丸组织的损伤和对生精功能的影响。

    A large body of literature indicates that high lead concentrations are associated with reproductive toxicity in men , including testicular tissue disruption as well as altered spermatogenesis and increased sperm pathologies .

  24. 主要结果如下:1.长角血蜱雄性生殖系统由精巢、输精管、射精管和附腺复合物组成。

    The main results were as follows : 1 . The male reproductive system of H. longicornis consisted of two tubular testes , paired vas deferens , ejaculatory duct and an accessory gland complex .

  25. 本实验研究了三氟化硼三乙醇胺(以下简称BTT)对雄性家兔生殖系统的影响。设三个实验组,分别以每次25、50和100mg/kg剂量经口染毒,隔日一次,连续三个月。

    In this study , boron trifluoride-triethanolamine ( BTT ) was administered to male rabbits by gavage once every 2 days for 3 months at dosages of 25 , 56 and 100 nig / Kg respectively .

  26. 亚慢性硝酸钐染毒对雄性小鼠生殖系统影响的实验研究

    Experimental Study on the Effect of Subchronic Samarium Nitrate Exposure on Reproductive System in Male Mice

  27. 大蜕的雄性生殖管道系统包括4种管道。

    Genital tubes included four ducts .

  28. 观察活精子数、计算精子死亡率和附睾溃疡率,证实雄性鼠生殖系统受到严重损伤;

    The number of live sperms , sperm motality and epididymides ulcer rate was observed , which confirmed that reproductive system of male was seriously damaged by Holo propanediol derivative .

  29. 孕期暴露壬基酚和雌二醇对F1雄性大鼠生殖系统的联合作用

    The Combined Effects on F1 Male Rats Reproductive System after Exposure to Nonylphenol and Estradiol during Gestation

  30. 目的观察甲氧滴滴涕(MXC)对雄性小鼠的生殖系统毒性作用并探讨其毒性作用的可能机制。

    Objective The aim of this study is to observe the toxic effect of MXC on genital system of male mice and to explore the possible toxic mechanism .