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xióng wěi
  • majestic;magnificent;grand;imposing;splendour
雄伟 [xióng wěi]
  • [grand;imposing;magnificent;majestic] 体貌勇壮魁梧

雄伟[xióng wěi]
  1. 油画再现了红军过雪山的雄伟场面。

    The oil painting depicts up the grand scene of the Red Army crossing the snow-capped mountains .

  2. 南京长江大桥非常雄伟壮丽。

    The Nanjing Yangtse River Brigdge is very grand and magnificent .

  3. 从旅馆可饱览峰峦叠嶂的雄伟景观。

    There is a superb panorama of the mountains from the hotel .

  4. 这栋大楼外观雄伟,与照片中所见一模一样。

    The building looked as impressive in actuality as it did in photographs .

  5. 活动在雄伟的阿特拉斯山脉举行。

    The events took place against the dramatic backdrop of the Atlas mountains .

  6. 雄伟的加沙金字塔矗立在我们面前。

    There rose before us the great pyramid of Gaza

  7. 这座大桥并不像有些导游说的那么雄伟。

    The bridge is not as impressive as some guides would have you believe

  8. 你可以给那个正面为红砖的雄伟建筑照张相。

    You can take a photo of the impressive building with a red brick facade .

  9. 从山上可以清楚地看到雄伟的南京长江大桥的全景。

    The hill commands an overall view of the magnificent Nanjing Yangtse River Bridge .

  10. 大火过后,寺院里的那些雄伟建筑已荡然无存。

    After the fire , nothing remained of the magnificent buildings of the temple .

  11. 大峡谷的雄伟令人望而生畏。

    The grandeur of the Grand Canyon is awesome .

  12. 大楼外观雄伟。

    The building has a magnificent outside .

  13. 雄伟的金字塔和狮身人面像就在附近

    The Great Pyramids and the Sphinx are nearby .

  14. 雄伟的长江滚滚东流。

    The waters of the Changjiang River rolled to the east on majestically .

  15. 远处耸立着雄伟的阿尔卑斯山。

    In the distance rose the majestic Alps .

  16. 看到雄伟的长城,游客们惊叹不已

    The visitors broke into exclamations of wonder when they saw the magnificent Great Wall .

  17. 登上大沙丘之巅,终于目睹了雄伟的吉萨大金字塔(theGreatPyramid),两座护卫在侧的小金字塔,当然还有神话中恶贯满盈的斯芬克斯石像。

    As you summit a massive sand dune , you catch the first glimpse of the Great Pyramid , flanked by two smaller pyramids and the infamous stone-faced sphinx . Now , the reality .

  18. nián)。马克:许多人认为应该使用更雄伟一点的词,比如rooster(公鸡),ram(公羊)或者boar(公猪)

    Mark : A lot of people think you should go with the word that sounds more majestic , like rooster , ram , or boar .

  19. 在接下来的一个小时里,我们将沿着不丹雄伟壮丽的富毕卡谷地(PhobjikhaValley)一路飘游,从空中欣赏绵延不绝的喜马拉雅山(Himalayan)的壮美景色。

    For the next hour we drift down Bhutan 's majestic Phobjikha Valley , savouring a bird 's-eye view of the Himalayan scenery unfolding around us .

  20. 雄伟他们受威严冰雪覆盖山脉的启发。vt.提到,谈到;

    majesty They were inspired by the majesty of the snow covered mountains .

  21. 就在几周前,英国的一家小型船舶(small-ship)邮轮公司雄伟游轮公司(MajesticLine)宣布,明年的每艘新船上,将有七个套间客舱中将有两间留给单人旅行者,而且不会收取任何单人附加费。

    A few weeks earlier , the Majestic Line , a small-ship cruising company based in Britain , announced that next year two of the seven en-suite cabins on a new ship will be for solo travelers and won 't have single supplements .

  22. 系高出地面的建筑物底U叫建筑时时潮防腐,同时可弥补中国古建筑单体建筑不甚高大雄伟的欠缺。

    Its surface is higher than ground . Base is for bolstering the building and protecting it against damp or corrosion . In the meantime , it can make up for the imperfection that the single-building in Chinese ancient architecture is insufficient in grandness and height .

  23. 本人曾流连忘返于莫拉村建于14世纪的SantaMarialaMayor教堂、一座恢宏的哥特式风格的谷仓以及灰褐色石头盖成的雄伟城堡,它与《权力的游戏》(GameofThrones)中的城堡相比也丝毫不逊色。

    I have been enchanted by Mora 's 14th-century church of Santa Maria la Mayor , a glorious Gothic barn , and the village 's mighty castle in dust-coloured stone , which would not look out of place in Game of Thrones .

  24. 雄伟的钟山下,是我的可爱的家乡。

    Under grand Zhong Mount , it is my lovely hometown .

  25. 雄伟的人民大会堂给他们留下深刻印象。

    The magnificent Great Hall of the People impressed them tremendously .

  26. 雄伟的狮子捉住了小小的老鼠,准备掐死他。

    The big lion caught the little mouse to kill it .

  27. 这枚导弹是这个小个子男人的雄伟的外表。

    This missile is pompous grandstanding by a very small man .

  28. 诚朴雄伟,厉学敦行。

    Be honest and intelligent , study hard and act sincerely .

  29. 那古塔雄伟的景色在雾中消失了。

    The magnificent view of the ancient pagoda dissolved in mist .

  30. 气势雄伟的龙门石窟,是佛门珍贵的古代雕刻艺术。

    The magnificent Longmen Grottoes are ancient sculptures priceless to Buddhists .