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  • ovule
胚珠 [pēi zhū]
  • [ovule] 种子植物子房的一个圆形增生,通常只是在受精后发育成种子,由生于珠心中央的一个胚囊组成,胚囊包于1个或多个珠皮内

胚珠[pēi zhū]
  1. 以每胚珠鲜重计,DNA含量随胚珠的发育而逐渐增加。

    DNA content per ovule would be gradually increased with the development of ovule .

  2. 小麦果皮绿色层中~(14)C标记同化物在胚珠内的分配与定位

    Distribution and Localization of ~ ( 14 ) C-labelled Assimilates of Pericarp Green Layer Within the Ovule of Wheat Caryopsis

  3. 只有少数林木可以从未授粉的胚珠发育成有活力的种子。

    Only a few forest tree species can develop viable seed from unpollinated ovules .

  4. 将外源DNA导入子房或胚珠中;

    ⑵ The introduction of exogenous DNA into ovules and ovaries ;

  5. 蝶兰胚珠的cDNA文库构建及其特异基因表达的研究

    Construction of the ovule cDNA library and gene expression during ovule development in Phalaenopsis Orchid

  6. IBA、GA3对无核葡萄胚珠培养的影响

    Effect of IBA and GA_3 on Ovule Culture of Seedless Grapes

  7. FlameSeedless葡萄胚珠、胚乳及胚发育与败育的研究

    Development and Abortion of the Ovules , Endosperms and Embryos of Flame Seedless Grape

  8. 本文以银杏雌株的幼小胚珠为材料,对其体细胞染色体进行了Ag-NOR染色研究。

    In this paper , the Ag-NOR of somatic chromosomes of young ovulum in Ginkgo biloba was studied .

  9. M99上的外植体,胚珠内尤其是珠心组织中DNA、RNA含量增加,薄壁细胞内DNA含量逐渐减少;

    In explants of M99 , DNA and RNA content increased in ovules , especially in nucellus .

  10. 结果显示,磷酸化酶mRNA在柱头、花柱、子房壁以及维管束中大量表达,而胚珠中除合点部位外表达很弱。

    Phosphorylase mRNA was substantially expressed in the stigma , style , ovary wall and vascular bundle , but weakly in ovular tissues except chalazal portion .

  11. 用苹果(MaluspumilaMill)胚珠诱导愈伤组织并建立悬浮细胞系。

    Calli were induced and suspension cell lines were set up from ovule of Malus pumila Mill .

  12. 因此,获得1个葡萄胚珠特异表达MADS-Box基因。

    Therefore , we got an ovule-specific expressed gene . 3 .

  13. 以每克胚珠鲜重计,蛋白质含量变化与核酸的变化基本相似;以每胚珠鲜重计,蛋白质的积累基本上与RNA的积累同步进行。

    Changes of protein content per gram of ovule resembled that of nucleic acid , and accumulation of protein per ovule was basically parallel to that of RNA .

  14. 采用CTAB-PVP法提取胚珠RNA,得到纯度高、完整性好的RNA。

    The CTAB-PVP method was adopted to extract RNA of ovules and high quality RNA was obtained .

  15. 利用Y-RACE法进行棉花胚珠cDNA末端快速扩增

    Rapid Amplification of Cotton Ovule cDNA Ends by Y-RACE

  16. 植物花器官的发育是由器官特异性基因决定的,这些基因包括ABC模型的A、B、C功能基因,同时还有决定胚珠发育的D功能基因和E功能基因。

    Floral organ development is controlled by organ identity genes , including A - , B - , C-function genes of ABC model and SEP genes . Moreover ovules development is determined by D genes .

  17. 小草蔻(AlpiniahenryiK.Schum)胚珠倒生,厚珠心,双珠被。

    The ovules of Alpinia henryi K. Schum are anatropous , crassinucellate and bitegmic .

  18. 因此,获得了这3个在无核、有核葡萄胚珠发育过程中差异表达的MADS-Box基因。

    Therefore , we got three differentially expressed genes involed in ovule development . 4 .

  19. 取得的主要结果如下:1.以无核葡萄胚珠败育过程全长cDNA文库库液为模板,利用A-T克隆法得到7个MADS-Box基因。

    The main results were as follows : 1 . Seven MADS-Box cDNA sequences were cloned from the ovule-abort cDNA library .

  20. 由WUS建立的信号体系还参与胚珠的发育。

    The signal system established by WUS is also involved in ovule development .

  21. 授粉后8~14h,花粉管在子房中生长并通过珠孔进入胚珠。自花粉萌发至花粉管长入珠孔大约需要1h。

    8-14 hours after pollination , pollen tube grows in ovary and gets into ovule via micropyle . It is about 1 h from germination to the arrival at micropyle .

  22. 子房中部胚珠发生受精大约在授粉30h。

    Ovules in middle part of ovary finish fertilization at 30h after pollination . 6 .

  23. 由于花药和胚珠中雌雄配子体发育异常的相似性,推测雌性不孕和雄性不育均是显性核不育基因Ms造成的结果,暗示着ms在雌性配子体减数分裂过程中均发挥着重要作用。

    As the similarity of the abnormal development in anthers and ovules , suggesting dominant male sterile gene Ms causes the male and female sterility , it implied ms plays an important role in meiosis of the female gametophyte .

  24. 在败育胚珠中其含量及IAA氧化酶活性均显著高于正常胚珠,IAA水平则明显低于正常胚珠(P<0.01)。

    In abortive ovules , p-HBA content and IAA oxidase activity were much higher ; IAA content was much lower than those in normal ovules ( P < 0.01 ) .

  25. 我们利用本研究的新方法检测了棉花胚珠和棉叶,并将该方法与以前的GA3的检测方法相比较。

    The new method was compared with previous methods of separation and determination by measuring GA3 levels in the ovules and young leaves of Gossypium hirsutum .

  26. C1株系绝大多数胚珠结构正常,部分胚珠能正常受精并进一步发育为球形、心形、鱼雷形及子叶胚。

    The results of anatomise observation showed that the structure of most ovules was normal , and some developed to globular embryo , heart-shape embryo or torpedo embryo stage after fertilization .

  27. 在吐水时用花粉植物激素粗提液涂抹胚珠可使雌花在处理后5d继续生长,但在第10d亦达到峰值,花粉携带的植物激素不足以促进雌花的生长与坐种。

    Female flower would continue to grow but reached its peak weight on the 10th day after guttation if it was treated with phytohormone extracts of pollen .

  28. Ostryavirginiana(Betulaceae)的胚珠和胚囊发育及其系统学意义

    Development of ovules and embryo sacs in Ostrya virginiana ( betulaceae ) and its systematic significance

  29. 经过用卡诺氏固定子房,系列酒精入水,25℃酶解2h,苏木精整体染色24h后取胚珠制片。

    After passing through a series of alcohol and distilled water , the ovaries were treated in 2 % driselase aqueous solution for 2 hours at 25 ℃, and then dyed by hematoxylin for 24 hours .

  30. 叶生拟胚珠的形成期比正常胚珠滞后15d,而且在授粉期的叶生拟胚珠上始终未发现传粉滴的出现;

    The ovule-like organ lagged behind the normal ovule for fifteen days at initial stage , moreover no pollination drop was found on the ovule-like organ .