
pēi rǔ
  • endosperm;albumen;style
胚乳 [pēi rǔ]
  • [endosperm] 在种子植物中,胚囊里面胚周围的营养组织,它由胚乳核分裂形成一团薄壁的3倍体(3N)细胞,这些细胞含有丰富的碳水化合物,可被发育的胚吸收,或保留到种子萌发

胚乳[pēi rǔ]
  1. 坚果的胚乳由于存在丹宁,所以有显著的涩味

    The endosperm of the nut owes its marked degree of astringency .

  2. 山核桃胚和胚乳总RNA的提取与cDNA的合成

    Isolation of Total RNA from Embryo and Endosperm of Hickory Nut and Synthesis of cDNA

  3. 在有胚乳的种子中,它保留作为成熟种子中的永久贮藏器官。

    In albuminous seeds , it remains as a permanent storage organ of the mature seed .

  4. DNA分子标记辅助选择可避免环境条件的干扰,直接对胚乳突变基因型进行选择,提高育种效率。

    DNA molecular marker assisted-selection is a useful tool to obviate interference of environments and select genotype directly .

  5. 油茶种子胚乳总RNA提取方法研究及改良

    Improvement of methods for total RNA isolation from seeds of Camellia oleifera

  6. 其中改进SDS法抽提银杏胚乳DNA为首次报道。

    Improved SDS method is first reported here .

  7. 水稻胚乳甲壳素结合蛋白的cDNA克隆

    The cDNA Clones of Chitin - Binding - Protein from Roce Seed Endosperm

  8. ~(60)Coγ-射线辐射对微胚乳超高油玉米含油率的效应研究

    Effects of ~ ( 60 ) Co γ - ray on Percent Oil in Micro-endosperm Super-high Oil Corn

  9. B组和C组醇溶蛋白是大麦胚乳的两类主要贮藏蛋白,它们分别占大麦总醇溶蛋白成分的70-80%和10-12%。

    B-hordeins andC-hordeins are two major groups and each respectively account for about 70-80 % and10-12 % of the total hordein fraction in barley endosperm .

  10. 云南松胚乳DNA提取与ISSR-PCR反应体系的建立

    Endosperm DNA Extraction from Pinus yunnanensis Seeds and Establishment of the ISSR-PCR Reaction System

  11. 旱稻、稗草、高粱属间杂交F2糯质胚乳现象及分析

    Phenomenon and Analysis of Waxy Endosperm Segregated in F_2 Derived from a Generic Hybridization among Upland Rice , Barnyard Grass and Sorghum

  12. 胚乳和外源赤霉素对五味子[Schisandrachinensis(Turcz.)Baill]种子发芽的影响

    Effects of Endosperm and Exogenous Gibberellic Acid on Seed Germination of Schisandra chinensis ( Turcz . ) Baill

  13. 环境胁迫对胚乳PCD发生具有重要的影响。

    Environment stress had an important impact on the PCD of endosperm .

  14. 结果表明:不同N、K施肥量对微胚乳超高油玉米产量有着极显著的影响,其中K1处理(150kg/hm2)显著优于K2处理(300kg/hm2);

    The results showed that different application rates of nitrogen and potassium significantly affected the grain yield of corn .

  15. 采用改良的CTAB法分别对三种落叶松的针叶和种子胚乳进行了基因组DNA提取,确定了针叶和种子胚乳DNA的提取方法;

    The genomic DNA is extracted from the needles and seed embryos of the Larch by improved CTAB method after the extraction methods are confirmed .

  16. 实验中发现,在培养基中加入适量PEG可以显著提高杜仲胚乳愈伤组织分化频率。且耦合电容具有频率选择性。

    It was found in the present study that redifferentiation frequency of callus in E. And it has frequency selectivity .

  17. 用EvansBlue对胚乳的染色图表明,玉米胚乳细胞死亡始于胚乳上端并高度有序地向下、向外扩展。

    Evans Blue staining proved that death of endosperm cell started the top of endosperm and expanded toward adown and forth of endosperm .

  18. 结果表明,4号染色体上糯性胚乳基因与白米基因间的交换值为(28.9±4.4)cM;

    As a result , the exchange value between the waxy endosperm gene and white millet gene on chromosome 4 was ( 28.9 ± 4.4 ) cM ;

  19. 小麦淀粉胚乳在发育过程中经历程序性细胞死亡(PCD)。

    The starchy endosperm of wheat underwent programmed cell death ( PCD ) during its development .

  20. 水稻品种胚乳淀粉RVA谱的稳定性分析

    Stability Analysis for the RVA Profile Properties of Rice Starch

  21. 胚乳是一种三倍体组织,而且第n世代植株上产生的胚乳已是第n+1世代。因而,胚乳性状的遗传表达显然不同于二倍体性状。

    Endosperm is a triploid tissue and , for plants of generation n , is in generation n + 1 . The expression of endosperm traits is obviously different from that of diploid traits .

  22. EvansBlue染色结果表明,水稻淀粉胚乳细胞死亡顺序是由胚乳中部向四周扩展。

    Evans Blue staining observation showed that the cell death was initially detected in the central part of starchy endosperm in rice , then expanded outward .

  23. 采用改良的CTAB法提取红松胚乳DNA,经检测,该方法提取的DNA纯度和含量较高,单粒种子胚乳DNA得率基本满足大量PCR扩增的需要。

    DNA was extracted from the endosperm of Korean pine by improved CTAB method . The purity of DNA that extracted by this method was high , which . was tested by UV-spectrophotometer .

  24. 物料含皮较多的在线粉流PPO活性高;物料来源于小麦胚乳外层的粉流PPO活性高。

    Flour flow containing more bran in its material and stemmed from material of wheat endosperm outer layer presented a higher PPO activity .

  25. 种子萌发时,胚合成的赤霉素(GA)刺激糊粉层合成并分泌各种水解酶类至胚乳贮藏器官,将其降解为小分子的营养物供胚生长,进而发育成整个植株。

    During the germination of the seed , the gibberellic acid ( GA ) synthesized by embryonic secreted to endosperm storage organ , and promoted endosperm develop into whole plants .

  26. 此外,福建明溪三尖杉种子直接沙藏种子发芽率较低似与种子胚乳ABA水平较高有关。

    Moreover , the low germination rate of seeds from Mingxi with direct sand storage seemed to be related to high ABA content in the endosperm .

  27. 结果表明,在胚乳游离核期和细胞化期,胚囊壁、细胞核和质膜上有ATP酶活性分布。

    The results indicated that , at the coenocyte and cellularization stages , active ATPase was mainly distributed in an embryo sac wall , nucleus , and plasma membrane .

  28. 花后5d胚乳细胞的细胞核开始变形,随花后天数的增加,核变形愈加剧烈。

    Starchy endosperm nucleus begin to deform on the fifth day after flowering with the developing of endosperm cells .

  29. 胚乳为胚提供养分,拟南芥胚乳中CG序列在全局水平上被去甲基化,以维持高的非甲基化水平。

    Arabidopsis thaliana endosperm , a placenta-like tissue that nourishes the embryo , is globally hypomethylated in the CG context while retaining high non-CG methylation .

  30. Opaque-2基因对不同玉米种质胚乳质地的影响

    Effect of Opaque-2 Gene on the Endosperm Quality of Different Maize Germplasms