
gāo zhōng
  • high school;senior high school;senior middle school;senior school;success in imperial exam
高中 [gāo zhōng]
  • [senior high school] 大学与初中之间的一个学习阶段

  • [success in imperial exam] 敬称科举考试考中

  • 恭贺高中

高中[gāo zhōng]
  1. 以期评价简单易行,合乎高中学生实际,从而发挥其对学生学习的激励和调控作用

    Therefore , the appraisement is easy and practical for senior middle school students .

  2. 目的研究LASS(初中生版)在高中生中使用的信度和效度。

    Objective To explore the validity and reliability of LASS for students in senior middle school .

  3. 随便一个高中生都可以告诉你答案。

    Any high school student could tell you the answer .

  4. 玛莎两年前高中毕业。

    Martha graduated from high school two years ago .

  5. 十几岁时,他上了塔尔斯山高中。

    As a teenager he attended Tulse Hill Senior High School .

  6. 高中时我怕你怕得要命。

    In high school I was scared to death of you

  7. 进入大学或高中的资格受到限制。

    Entrance to universities and senior secondary schools was restricted .

  8. 在我弟弟的高中毕业典礼上,学生们朗诵了一首诗。

    At my brother 's high school graduation the students recited a poem .

  9. 当儿子们高中毕业后,安搬到佛蒙特州的一个小镇上居住。

    When the boys graduated from high school , Ann moved to a small town in Vermont

  10. 高中毕业生当中排名前1/3的学生可以进入加利福尼亚州立大学深造。

    The top one-third of all high school graduates are entitled to an education at the California State University .

  11. 我侄女是个高中毕业生。

    My niece is a high-school graduate .

  12. 他找到了一份工作,在一所高中当老师。

    He got a job as a teacher in one of the senior middle schools .

  13. 另外,为了表示对您成就的赞誉,我们将给您就读的高中发放奖旗,表彰您的中学有一名06-07的西门子准决赛获得者。

    In addition , to acknowledge your achievement we will be mailing your high school a banner to display announcing that there is a2006-07 Siemens competition semifinalist at your high school .

  14. 高中数学竞赛参赛学生的最大的供应者之一,包括那些最终参加国际奥林匹克数学大赛的学生,是个叫MathCounts的中学项目。

    One of the largest feeders for high school math competitions — including those that eventually lead to the IMO — is a middle school program called Math Counts .

  15. 琼斯高中时参与了一项普林斯顿大学的大学入学计划。

    Jones became involved with a college-access program through Princeton University in high school .

  16. 我读高中的时候,单单是在我们班就会有几十个同学这么回答。

    When I was in high school , dozens in my class alone would have answered differently .

  17. 当然,大学毕业生的生活仍然会比那些只有高中学历的人好。

    College graduates will still fare better than those with only a high school education , of course .

  18. 在过去的35年里,那些只有高中文凭的人的收入下降了13%。

    Those with only a high school diploma have seen their incomes decline by 13 percent over the past 35 years .

  19. 那些努力教孩子要有复原力的父母或许会因为一个高中生熬夜到凌晨3点来完成一个科学展上的项目而赞扬他。

    Parents trying to teach their children resilience might celebrate a high school student staying up until 3 am to finish a science fair project .

  20. 杜克大学的一项新研究表明,有儿童早期注意力问题的孩子高中毕业的可能性会降低40%。

    Children with attention problems in early childhood were 40 % less likely to graduate from high school , says a new study from Duke University .

  21. 在接下来的五年里这个团体帮助学生们加入其他优秀的暑期数学项目,进入优质高中,最终到大学学习。

    Over the next five years , the group helps the students get into other elite summer math programs , high-performing high schools , and eventually college .

  22. 皮尤发现,71%拥有大学学位的父母称他们要求孩子每天都进行朗读,而高中或更低学历的父母仅有33%要求孩子这么做。

    71 % of parents with a college degree say they do it every day , compared with 33 % of those with a high school diploma or less .

  23. 五年级的阅读成绩和学分越低,初中的成绩就越低,因此高中毕业率也就会低40%。

    Lower reading achievement scores and grades in fifth grade contributed to reduced grades in middle school and thereby contributed to a 40 % lower high school graduation rate .

  24. 当我开始上大学时,希望奖学金得到了乔治亚州的资助,并颁发给平均学分绩点为3。0或以上的高中毕业生。

    When I started college , the HOPE scholarship was funded by the state of Georgia and offered to graduating high school seniors with a GPA of 3.0 or higher .

  25. 与一些刻板印象相反,大部分青少年认为他们必须容忍个体差异(虽然他们发现在拉帮结派风气盛行的高中,这并不是很容易)。

    Contrary to some stereotypes , most adolescents believe they must be tolerant of differences among individuals ( though they do not always find this easy in the cliquish environment of high school ) .

  26. 她说,和其他刚进入令人生畏的高等教育领域的学生一样,她在上大学的道路上遇到了很多困难,"在我的高中并没有真正的大学文化。"。

    Like other student new to the intimidating higher-education world , she often struggled on her path to college , " There wasn 't really a college-bound culture at my high school , " she said .

  27. 教育层次还导致家长处罚子女的差异:具有研究生学位且声称经常打孩子屁股的父母占比为8%,而高中或高中以下学历的父母,经常这样做的比例达到22%。

    Discipline techniques vary by education level : 8 % of those with a postgraduate degree say they often beat their children , compared with 22 % of those with a high school degree or less .

  28. 我用高中时赚到的钱支付生活费和书本费,已故祖父留给我一小笔,大学基金和我出生时父母开设的一个普通存储账户作为补充。

    Living costs and books I paid for with money earned during high school , supplemented by a small college fund my deceased grandfather left for me and a modest savings account my parents created when I was born .

  29. 近年来,人们对精英高中教学竟赛的兴趣越来越大。去年夏天,美囯在囯际数学奥林匹克竟赛中摘取桂冠,这是20多年来美囯队的第一次胜出。鉴于此,这种趋势很可能会继续下去。

    Interest in elite high school math competitions has grown in recent years , and in light of last summer 's U.S. win at the International Math Olympiad ( IMO ) --- the first for an American team in more than two decades — the trend is likely to continue .

  30. 教育者将其简称为pre-K,意思是“幼儿园之前的教育”——其主要目标是让四岁甚至更小的儿童做好准备,以便他们能在K-12阶段(即从幼儿园到高中结束的基础教育阶段)取得成功。

    The shorthand educators use for this is " pre-K " — meaning instruction before kindergarten — and the big idea is to prepare 4-year-olds and even younger kids to be ready to succeed on their K-12 journey .