- 名coleoptile

The CaM level of coleoptile and root decreased rapidly at first stage of stress , and then accumulated with further stress .
In the young embryo at 3 DAP the scutellum and coleoptile appeared simultaneously directly from the proembryo . The coleoptile did not originate from the scutellum .
In grasses the leaves elongate in the dark and break through the surrounding coleoptiles .
Correlation between responses of elongation of wheat coleoptile segments to abscisic acid and exogenous ATP
The Effect of IAA on Phosphorylation of Plasma Proteins in Wheat Coleoptiles
The effect of lycorine on peroxidase and the content of ABA in wheat coleoptile
Relationship Between Coleoptile Length and Drought Resistance Index of Rice and Their QTLs
The single IAA of certain concentration encourages the growth of sheath , but the effect of GA_3 is opposite to that of IAA .
These results suggest that free Spd , free Spm and conjugated PA enhance the osmotic stress tolerance of wheat coleoptiles .
In addition , penicillin could have the antagonistic action on the inhibitive effect of ABA and 2 , 4-DNP in the elongation of wheat coleoptile segments .
There were three experiments : Firstly , initial appraisal of drought resistance by the main character indexes of the coleoptiles ' length under the circumstance of drought intimidation ;
The Effect of IAA on NAD Kinase in Wheat Coleoptile Is Mediated by Ca ~ ( 2 + ) / Calmodulin Complex
These results suggested that the growth of coleoptile and root was influenced by internal CaM and closely related to POD in wheat . Thus , it was favorable for maintain the normal CaM metabolism to growth of wheat under drought stress .
The increase in ATP and E. C. The coleoptiles ' length , germination percentage , germination energy showed downtrends with increase of the PEG concent ratio n.
The secondary metabolites of 10 strains of entomogenous fungus belong to 5 species of Paecilomyces and 2 species of Fusarium were prepared , and their effect on the growth of wheat etiolated coleoptile was studied .
Unequal Distribution of 6 methoxy 2 benzoxazolinone ( MBOA ) is the Main Reason for Phototropism in Maize Coleoptiles
First statistical analysis on the data of observation concluded that 20 % PEG and observed the coleoptiles ' length on the 5 ~ ( th ) day under drought intimidation was most suitable .
This paper mainly introduces promotion effect of penicillin on elongation growth of wheat coleoptiles . Its physiological activity is slightly less than that of IAA , but penicillin has a wider concentration range within which ' coleoptile elongation is promoted .
Pharmacological experiments indicated that low concentration of GABA could promote the growth of radicle and coleoptile and high concentration of GABA could restrained their growth , Presumedly the inhibitory effect had something to do with increase of endogenous ethylene level .
When 72 h. old etiolated seedlings of wheat ( Triticnm sativum Yang Mai No. 3 ) were water-stressed in darkness by adding mannitol to the root medium , the increase in both fresh weight and height of the coleoptiles was completely inhibited .
Coleoptiles in this paper and they covered all the areas except the tip but most frequent in the middle region when length of etiolated wheat coleoptiles changed from 1 mm to 7 mm , and disappeared when they reached and exceeded 9 mm .
The effect of cytokinin on the growth of water-stressed wheat coleoptiles
Water stress obviously restrain growth of coleoptile and main radical .
Relationship Between the Elongation of Maize Coleoptile and its Hydroxyproline-rich Protein
Elongation Characters of Wheat Coleoptiles and Effects of Cell Wall Loosening Reagents
Promotion Effect of Epi-brassinolide on the Elongation of Wheat Coleoptiles
Promotion effect of penicillin on the elongation of wheat coleoptiles
Research on the Growth and Development of Coleoptile Tiller in Common Wheat
A protective sheath enclosing the shoot tip and embryonic leaves of grasses .
Coleoptile is a tissue to protect the primary leaf from stress environment .