
huā fěn
  • pollen;polverine
花粉 [huā fěn]
  • (1) [pollen]∶指种子植物中常表现为细粉末的一团小孢子,由细颗粒状小孢子组成,典型的小孢子由一个花粉母细胞经减数分裂形成四个小孢子,每粒花粉为单个细胞构成,外壁具雕纹,萌发时产生出一根花粉管,雄配子通过花粉管进入胚珠内同卵结合受精

  • (2) [polverine]∶地中海东部国家和岛屿所产的用于制优质玻璃的钾碱或粗碳酸钙

花粉[huā fěn]
  1. 种子和花粉是随风传播的。

    Seeds and pollen are spread by the wind .

  2. 可以买一种含蜂王浆、花粉和维生素C的配方产品。

    You can buy a formulation containing royal jelly , pollen and vitamin C.

  3. 许多人对空气传播的污染物过敏,比如花粉。

    Many people are allergic to airborne pollutants such as pollen .

  4. 花粉计数高时,尽量避免去乡村旅行。

    Avoid trips to the country while the pollen count is high .

  5. 她患上了花粉热这种讨厌的病症。

    She 's a victim of the dreaded hay fever

  6. 日子一天天过去,花粉干结成了硬块。

    As the day goes on , the pollen dries up and becomes hard

  7. 花粉热临床表现为流泪、流涕,眼睛、鼻子发痒。

    When someone has hayfever , the eyes and nose will stream and itch

  8. 马上去看病,把花粉过敏引起的打喷嚏治好。

    See your doctor now to beat summer sneezing .

  9. 花粉病初期常被误认为是风热感冒。

    When hay fever first occurs it is often mistaken for a summer cold .

  10. 男性的花粉热感染率比女性高。

    Hay fever affects males more than females .

  11. 花的作用在于吸引昆虫,然后昆虫再将花粉传到其他植株上。

    Flowers are designed to attract insects which then carry the pollen from plant to plant

  12. 他对花粉(青霉素)过敏。

    He is allergic to pollen ( penicillin ) .

  13. 蜂鸟发现花蜜和花粉是很有营养的。

    Hummingbirds have discovered that nectar and pollen are very nutritious .

  14. 它的喙上粘了很多花粉。

    Its proboscis has got stuck to a lot of pollen .

  15. 为什么这些过敏症状在花粉季节这么顽固?

    why did these allergy symptoms persist well past the pollen season ?

  16. 蜜蜂将花粉运送到蜂窝之中,与蜂蜜混合在一起。

    This pollen is taken to the hive and mixed with honey .

  17. 他对花粉过敏。

    He developed an allergy to pollen .

  18. 至于不同地区的台湾山茶之间、或是茶与阿萨姆茶之间,皆无法以花粉形态来区分

    In contrast , C. sinensis var. sinensis and assamica couldn 't be distinguished by the morphology of pollens .

  19. 花瓣之中则长有15或20个小的粉穗或雄蕊,顶部为黄色,包含很多细小的黄色花粉颗粒。

    Inside these petals are fifteen or twenty little dust-spikes or stamens , with yellow heads which are full of tiny yellow grains of pollen4 .

  20. 工蜂将那些从花朵中采集的花粉(粉末状的黄色微粒)储存在这两个“篮子”里面。

    In these two baskets the working bee stores up the pollen6 , or yellow grains like dust , which it gets from the flowers .

  21. 虽然蜜蜂传播花粉的作用被人们普遍认可,但我们却忽视了飞蛾在黑夜中也做着相同的工作。

    While bees are widely recognised for their role as pollinators , we have overlooked the same job being done by moths3 during the hours of darkness .

  22. 以北京为例,春季最常见的致敏花粉包括榆树、杨树、白蜡、合欢树和白桦的花粉。

    In Beijing , for example , the most common allergenic pollens in spring include those from the large-fruited elm tree , Cathay poplar , ash , acacia and white birch .

  23. 但日本的研究人员们发现,这些易碎的球体每个都能携带多达2000个花粉颗粒,它们温柔的轻吻足以使一棵开花的梨树受粉。

    But Japanese researchers have found that these delicate spheres can each carry up to 2000 grains of pollen2 , and their gentle kiss is strong enough to fertilise a flowering pear tree .

  24. 过敏由外部环境比如空气污染、花粉浓度等,以及内部环境如遗传和自身免疫系统因素引起。

    Allergic rhinitis is caused by both the external environment — which includes air pollution and pollen — and internal factors , in which heredity and an individual ’ s immune system come into play .

  25. 这篇发表在《生物学快报》期刊上的研究发现,花粉通常粘在蛾子毛茸茸的身体上,等到夜间活动时,随即被运送到各种各样的植物和花朵上。

    The study published in the journal Biology Letters found that pollen4 often sticks to the moth 's hairy body and is then transported to a wide range of plants and flowers during their nighttime travels .

  26. 玉米花粉粒直接PCR技术研究

    The Studies on Direct PCR using Maize Pollen Grain Suspensions

  27. 油菜花粉中槲皮素和山柰素总含量的HPLC法测定

    Determination of flavone glycosides in pollen of Brassica campestris by HPLC

  28. 神农架北坡表土常见花粉的R值研究

    A Study on the Representation of Common Pollens in Soils on the Northern Slope of Shennongjia Mountains

  29. RNA编辑是在转录后水平上影响花粉发育。

    RNA editing interfered the development of pollen at the post - transcript level .

  30. 在植物中,TAG主要在种子、花粉和许多物种的果实中积累。

    In plants , TAG mainly accumulates in seeds , pollens and fruits of many species .