
  • 网络marcus crassus;crassus;Marcus Licinius Crassus
  1. 我感到很荣幸能与克拉苏共事。

    I would be * Honored to serve with Marcus crassus .

  2. 他们的将军是克拉苏。

    Their general is Marcus crassus .

  3. 庞贝和克拉苏同时当选执政官。

    That Pompey and Crassus both be made consul .

  4. 你知道我为什么比你更受欢迎,克拉苏?

    You know why I am so much more popular than you , crassus ?

  5. 明天我们要掉头向克拉苏进攻。

    Tomorrow we 'll turn and attack crassus .

  6. 克拉苏认为他就是罗马。

    Crassus thinks he is rome .

  7. 克拉苏构造带是库车坳陷天然气最富集的区带之一。

    The Kelasu tectonic zone located in the Kuqa Depression of the Tarim Basin is rich in natural gas .

  8. 与此同时,克拉苏也担负着军事指挥重任,但他于公元前53年在东部被杀。

    Meanwhile , Crassus had also been given a military command , but was killed in the east in 53 BC .

  9. 公元前54年克拉苏掠夺圣殿宝物。犹太国王希律重修并扩建了圣殿,耗时四十六年之久。

    In 54 BC Marcus Licinius Crassus plundered the Temple . It was rebuilt and enlarged by Herod the Great ; construction lasted 46 years .

  10. 克拉苏地区超压形成的时间先后顺序(概念模式)为:首先因欠压实作用而出现超压,形成了封闭体系;

    The time order and conceptual model may be : ( 1 ) the initial appearance of overpressure and origin of fluid seal because of undercompaction ;

  11. 玛法里奥和克拉苏斯最终离开了暗夜精灵军,去寻找其他的龙,以请求他们来一同对抗燃烧军团。

    Malfurion and Krasus eventually left the army and sought out the rest of the dragons , intending to appeal to them for help against the Legion .

  12. 通过地表地质调查,确定了库车坳陷吐北、克拉苏、却勒和西秋四个不同地区盐构造的变形样式。

    By the method of balanced cross section , we restore the evolution history of the four different places and probe into the mechanism of salt structures deformation .

  13. 尽管她没能治好克拉苏斯的疾病,但是她很快要和克拉苏斯一齐努力,来帮助她的朋友,最近陷入翡翠梦境的玛法里奥·怒风。

    Although she could not heal Krasus of his malady , she was soon working with him to help her friend , Malfurion Stormrage , who had recently fallen comatose .

  14. 迦洛德和他的士兵的任务就是保护暗夜精灵军的四个强力施法者:玛法里奥·怒风,伊利丹·怒风,罗宁,克拉苏斯。

    Jarod and his soldiers were responsible for watching over the four strongest spellcasters of the night elf army : Malfurion and Illidan Stormrage , the human wizard Rhonin , and Krasus .

  15. 迦洛德和克拉苏斯、玛法里奥、泰兰德去联系克尔塔罗斯·鸦冠,反抗燃烧军团的暗夜精灵军队指挥官。

    Then Jarod accompanied Krasus , Malfurion , and Tyrande as they went to speak with Lord Kur'talos Ravencrest , commander of the night elf army that was fighting the Burning Legion .