
  1. 欧洲或许培育了全球第一只克隆哺乳动物——多利羊(Dolly),但是欧盟于今年9月开始禁止克隆家畜。

    Europe might have produced the first cloned mammal , Dolly the sheep , but in September the EU banned the cloning of farm animals .

  2. 北京对此既羡慕又谨慎,因为在1996年,首只克隆哺乳动物,绵羊多莉(Dolly),在苏格兰出生。

    Beijing has watched with both envy and caution since the first cloned mammal , Dolly , a sheep , was born in Scotland in 1996 .

  3. 他说,甚至第一只克隆哺乳动物,即著名的克隆羊多莉,也患有肥胖症和脑异常。

    He said that even Dolly , the famous sheep that was the first mammal to be cloned , suffered from obesity and brain abnormalities .

  4. 整体水平:移植瘤生长抑制试验。其次,通过两步PCR方法按照人的密码子偏爱性合成K5蛋白的DNA序列,克隆至哺乳动物细胞表达载体pDV,并对其生物学活性进行初步研究。

    The full DNA sequences of K5 protein were synthesized by two steps PCR , and PCR products were cloned into mammal expression plasmid pDV . Its activity of anti-tumor was studied in mouse tumor model .

  5. 1997年2月,我和我的同事们宣布了第一头从成体细胞克隆出的哺乳动物--多利羊的出生。

    In February 1997 , my colleagues and 1 announced the arrival of Dolly the sheep , the first mammal cloned from an adult cell .

  6. 这项技术带来了世界上首只克隆动物——青蛙,进而又出现了首只克隆哺乳动物——绵羊多莉。

    It led to the first cloned animal-a frog-and to the first cloned mammal , Dolly the sheep .

  7. 一些克隆动物已成功繁殖,包括全球第一例克隆哺乳动物,绵羊多利,她已生下数只健康的小羊。

    Some cloned animals have been successfully bred , including Dolly the sheep , the world 's first cloned mammal , which has given birth to several healthy lambs .

  8. 多利,世界上第一只克隆羊,是第一只成功由体细胞克隆而成哺乳动物。

    Dolly , a ewe , was the first mammal to have been successfully cloned from an adult cell .