
  • 网络Superbug;MRSA;super bacteria
  1. 在实验室的测试中,微量的这些蛋白提取物就可杀死一种所谓的“超级细菌”&即所谓的耐甲氧苯青霉素金黄色葡萄球菌或者MRSA。

    In laboratory tests , tiny amounts of these protein extracts killed a so-called " superbug " called methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus , or MRSA .

  2. 从黄腿蛙的皮肤分泌物中提取出来的一种物质有望杀灭超级细菌。

    One substance isolated from the skin secretions of the Foothill Yellow-legged Frog shows promise for killing superbug .

  3. 某研究组织宣称,闻名世界的泰坦尼克号在深海中的残骸遭到海底超级细菌的侵蚀,残骸恐N年后彻底消失。

    A newly discovered species of rust-eating bacteria is eating the wreck of the Titanic , researchers say .

  4. Fan发明了纳米颗粒液体绷带,能解决抗生素滥用问题,可能会减缓超级细菌的发展。

    Fan came up with a nano particle liquid bandage that could replace the overuse of antibiotics and potentially reduce the development of superbugs .

  5. 所发现的超级细菌是耐碳青霉烯类肠杆菌,简称CRE。

    The superbug found was carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae , or CRE .

  6. 研究者给超级细菌起了一个学名“盐单胞菌属泰坦尼克号杀手”(H.titanicae)。来自加拿大以及西班牙大学的研究者称,这种超级细菌严重腐蚀沉船残骸的表面,同时也对钻油设备产生巨大威胁。

    The researchers from Dalhousie University , Canada and the University of Sevilla , Spain , say the bacterium could pose a new microbial threat to the exterior of ships and underwater metal structures such as oil rigs .

  7. 再用NDM-1重组质粒转化如大肠杆菌中,用该含有NDM-1重组质粒的大肠杆菌左右筛选具有超级细菌抗性的体外模型对中药黄连进行了评价。

    The NDM-1 recombinant was transformed into E coli which used to evaluate the anti-super-bacteria activity of Chinese Medicine Coptis chinensis Franch .

  8. 抗生素运动的发起人劳拉·JV·皮多克教授表示,卫生对于预防超级细菌的传播至关重要。

    Hygiene is very crucial to the prevention of the spread of superbugs , says Professor Laura J V Piddock , who heads Antibiotic Action . Photograph : Adnan Abidi / Reuters .

  9. 目前产NDM-1超级细菌的实验室检查主要分三步,该方法存在周期长、操作复杂、准确性不高等缺点。

    Currently , laboratory identification of the NDM-1-producing superbugs includes three steps . The method has many shortcomings , such as time-consuming , complex operations and low accuracy .

  10. 去年在她的国家掀起了一股争议的旋风,涉及高度耐药的“超级细菌”,即含有所谓的“NDM-1”酶的细菌。

    Then , last year , a whirlwind of controversy blew up in her country about the highly resistant " superbugs ", bacteria containing the so-called " NDM-1 " enzyme .

  11. 超级细菌是如何变得具有耐药性的?

    How did the phenomenon of superbugs becoming drug-resistant come about ?

  12. 过度使用抗生素被指责为超级细菌的崛起。

    Overuse of antibiotics is blamed for the rise of superbugs .

  13. 那么我们能够战胜这些超级细菌吗?

    So can we stay ahead of these superbugs ?

  14. 超级细菌到底是什么?我们应该担心这些抗生素抗药菌吗?

    Do all of us need to be worried about these multidrug-resistant bacteria ?

  15. 斯坦威克博士说,人们甚至可以通过水池传播超级细菌。

    People can even transmit a superbug through the tank , Stanwick said .

  16. 问题13:关于“超级细菌”,我们了解到了什么?

    Question 13 : What do we learn about the " superbugs " ?

  17. 我们应该如何抵御超级细菌?

    How can we protect ourselves from superbugs ?

  18. 日本科学家发表了一项对抗超级细菌的重大进展。

    Scientists in Japan have reported a big advance in the fight against superbugs .

  19. 为什么超级细菌这么可怕,人们却并不很了解它?

    Why has awareness about superbugs , which is as scary , taken longer ?

  20. 除了抗药能力之外,超级细菌与普通细菌还有什么区别吗?

    How are superbugs different from regular bugs apart from their ability to resist bacteria ?

  21. 超级细菌和‘普通'细菌的区别只是抗生素抗药性。

    Superbugs only differ from ' regular ' bugs in that they are antibiotic resistant .

  22. 鉴于此,我们必须尽快涉猎中医药对付超级细菌的研究方向。

    We should conduct the research of Chinese medicine to treat the super-bacteria as soon as possible .

  23. 专家估计这种超级细菌可能发展成为全球卫生问题。

    The expert estimated that this kind of super bacterium possibly develops into the whole world health problem .

  24. 当微生物对多数抗菌素产生耐药性时,它们常常被称为“超级细菌”。

    When the microorganisms become resistant to most antimicrobials they are often referred to as " superbugs " .

  25. 被公认为超级细菌的金黄色葡萄球菌是一种革兰氏阳性菌,它广泛地存在于人类的皮肤和粘膜表面。

    Staphylococcus aureus ( S. aureus ) is a Gram-positive bacterium that colonizes human skin and mucosal surfaces .

  26. 皮康说,她认为里约薄弱的卫生基础设施是超级细菌出现的原因。

    Picao said she believes the city 's fragile sanitation infrastructure is responsible for the presence of the super bacteria .

  27. 克罗杰认为,在最近的训练中,超级细菌可能已经导致他的一位队友出现严重皮肤感染。

    Kroger believes the super bacteria may have caused a severe skin infection in one of his teammates during recent training .

  28. 但印度卫生部表示,超级细菌起源于印度的这一推论“没有科学数据的支持”。

    But the Indian Health Ministry said the inference that the superbug originated in the country was " not supported by scientific data " .

  29. 检测到超级细菌的海滩还有莱伯伦和伊帕尼马,它们在游客和当地人中都很受欢迎。

    The other beaches that tested positive for the bacteria were Leblon and Ipanema , which are very popular among tourists and locals alike .

  30. 研究人员说:“空中旅行和移居使这种超级细菌在不同国家之间迅速传播。”

    The researchers said : " the air travel and migrates causes this kind of super bacterium between the different country the bamboo telegraph . "