
chāo shēnɡ xiǎn xiànɡ
  • Ultrasound imaging;ultrasonoscopy
  1. 高频超声显像诊断小儿常见阴囊睾丸疾病

    Common infantile scrotum or testicle disease diagnosed by high frequency ultrasonoscopy

  2. 超声显像与CT对阻塞性黄疸诊断的准确性比较(附56例病例分析)

    Comparison of the Diagnostic Accuracy between Ultrasonography and Computed Tomography for the Obstructive Jaundice .

  3. 超声显像在TIPS围手术期的应用研究

    Study of the Application of Ultrasonography Pre-and Post-TIPS

  4. 乳腺肿块SONOCT高频超声显像与钼靶X线诊断对照研究

    Sono CT High Frequency Ultrasonography and Mammography in Diagnosing Breast Tumor

  5. 方法应用彩超与CT联合检查,对30例结节性甲状腺肿的患者的超声显像及CT扫描进行分析。

    Methods Combined with colour ultrasonography and CT , 30 cases of nodular goiter were examined in the hospital . The image of ultrasonography and CT was analysed carefully .

  6. 目的:估价应用血管内超声显像(IVUS)对研究正常及动脉粥样硬化动脉的价值。

    Objective : Experimental study of intravascular ultrasound imaging technique in diagnosis of atherosclerosis .

  7. 兔肾VX2肿瘤模型超声显像与肿瘤增殖活性及侵袭性的关系

    Ultrasonographic observations on proliferative activity and invasiveness of rabbit renal VX_2 tumor

  8. 方法:用二维超声显像检测65例Lp(a)异常和正常的老年人颈动脉结构和血流状态。

    METHODS : The carotid structure and blood flow in65 Lp ( a ) abnormal and normal elderly persons were surveyed and compared by ultrasound .

  9. 间歇式超声显像评价兔肝VX2肿瘤血流灌注的实验研究

    Experimental study of VX_2 tumors of liver with contrast agent in intermittent ultrasound imaging

  10. B-flow超声显像技术诊断乳腺混浊性囊性肿块

    Ultrasound B-flow Imaging for Detecting Turbid Breast Cystic Lesions

  11. 目的:探讨二维(2DE)超声显像在诊断重复肾合并输尿管异常中的实用价值。

    Objective : To discuss the practical value of 2D ultrasonic diagnosis on the duplex kidney with abnormal ureters .

  12. 目的:研究经颅彩色双功超声显像(TCCD)方法学及诊断颅内占位性病变和脑血管畸形的可靠性。

    Purpose : To study the methodology and reliability of transcranial color-coded real-time duplex sonography ( TCCD ) .

  13. 目的探讨血管内超声显像(IVUS)在冠状动脉造影无显著狭窄病变的急性冠状动脉综合征的病变检测和指导治疗中的应用价值。

    Objective To assess the value of intravascular ultrasound imaging ( IVUS ) in patients diagnosed as acute coronary syndrome but without significant stenosis by angiography .

  14. 其中116例胚胎停止发育的类型两项检查完全一致,X2检验显示超声显像与病理检查对胚胎发育停止类型的判定没有显著性差异(P>0.05)。

    116 of these patients were confirmed by histopathology , there were no significant difference between B ultrasound and histopathology by X 2 test ( P > 0.05 ) .

  15. 应用B型超声显像仪测定了63例非胰岛素依赖型糖尿病(NIDDM)患者、16例糖耐量减低(IGT)患者和22例正常对照者的肾脏体积。

    Kidney volumes ( KV ) were measured by B-ultrasound in 63 non-insulin-dependent diabetes melli-tus ( NIDDM ) , 16 impared glucose tolerance ( IGT ) patients and 22 control subjects .

  16. 造影多普勒超声显像检测兔肝VX2肿瘤血液供给与肿瘤血管生成相关性的实验研究

    Correlation Between Tumor Angiogenesis and Blood Perfusion of Hepatic VX 2 Tumors in Rabbits Assessed with Contrast Doppler Ultrasound Imaging : An Experimental Study

  17. 目的应用高频超声显像技术观察低剂量长期激素替代疗法(HRT)对绝经后妇女颈动脉粥样硬化的影响。

    Objective The aim of this study was to determine the influence of long - term low - dose hormone replacement therapy ( HRT ) on the carotid atherosclerosis of postmenopausal women by means of ultrasonic imaging .

  18. 对30倒房间隔缺损(ASD),12例室间隔缺损(VSD)患者进行多平面经食管体元模型动态三维重建超声显像研究。

    Thirty patients with atrial septal defect ( ASD ) and twelve patients with ventricular septal defect ( VSD ) were studied by dynamic three-dimensional voxel imaging ( 3-D ) to evaluate its diagnostic potential in clinics .

  19. 目的和方法:对5例患Budd-Chiari综合征(B-CS)妊娠28~36周孕妇的胎儿胎盘发育异常的超声显像进行研究。

    Objective and Methods : : To survey the development of fetus and placenta of 28 36 weeks gestations in 5 patients suffered Budd Chiari syndrome ( B CS ) by duplex Doppler .

  20. 本文介绍CCX-I型线阵超声显像仪的扫描原理。

    In this paper , the scanning principle of model CCX-I linear array ultrasonic imaging system is introduced .

  21. 结论:超声显像能够发现OEC的早期病变,对临床分期有一定的提示作用,CD10免疫组化检测有助于OEC的进一步确诊。

    Conclusion : Ultrasonography is valuable in finding out the early features of OEC and of suggestive value in early clinical staging . CD10 is useful in further confirming the diagnosis of the OEC .

  22. 为了评价冠状动脉内超声显像(ICUI)在支架植入术中的作用,我们对4例冠心病患者经皮冠状动脉成形术(PTCA)术前、术后及支架植入术后行ICUI检查。

    To assess the value of intracoronary ultrasound imaging ( ICUI ) in the stent implantation , ICUI were performed in 4 patients pre-and post-percutaneous coronary angioplasty ( PTCA ) and after stenting .

  23. 通过对16个置入人造血管的金属支架模型,8条离体正常血管和2例冠心病人的血管腔内超声显像体元模型三维重建(3DR)研究。

    O evaluate the accuracy of the shape and size of stents and arteries by three dimensional reconstruction ( 3 DR ) using Voxel model , 16 mental stent models with different shape and size , 8 canine arteries and 2 patients with coronary artery disease were studied .

  24. 经颅超声显像与颅骨结构的关系研究

    To Study the Relationship Between Transcranial Ultrasonography and Structure of Skull

  25. 血管内超声显像在冠心病支架植入术中的应用

    Application of intravascular ultrasound in stent implantation for coronary artery disease

  26. 肠道肿瘤的超声显像检查水浸式超声检测成象系统

    Ultrasonic imaging detection of the intestinal tumors IMMERSION ULTRASONIC IMAGING SYSTEM

  27. 不同类型血供轴型皮瓣轴心动脉超声显像的探讨

    Analysis of Various Axial Pattern Skin Flap Axial Artery by Ultrasonography

  28. 超声显像检查蒙古绵羊早期胚胎发育的初步研究

    Preliminary Studies on Early Embryo Development by Ultrasonography in Mongolian Sheep

  29. 超声显像检测胎盘后间隙的临床意义

    Clinical Significance of the Ultrasonograhy in Detection of Posterior Placenta Space

  30. 眼球病变的超声显像及彩阶图

    The Sonography and It ′ s Color Scale in Eye Disease