
  • 网络krupp;Thyssen Krupp;Friedrich Krupp
  1. 身为美国环境保护基金(EnvironmentalDefenseFund,EDF)主席,弗雷德•克虏伯携同政商两界人士着眼于气候和节能,共同改进相关政策与企业实践。

    As president of the Environmental Defense Fund , Fred Krupp has worked with both politicians and businesspeople to improve policy and business practices for climate and energy .

  2. 他娶了伯莎克虏伯,她是克虏伯产业帝国的女继承人。

    He martied Bertha krupp , heiress to the Krupp industrial empire .

  3. 消除亚稳定奥氏体不锈钢丝形变磁性的技术克虏伯奥氏体不锈钢

    Technology of removing deformation magnetic property of metastable austenite stainless steel wire

  4. 低碳贝氏体高强钢探伤不合原因分析克虏伯奥氏体不锈钢

    Analysis of Disqualification of Low Carbon Bainite High-strength Steel in Ultrasonic Inspection

  5. 在1997年,蒂森和克虏伯合并了,开始在莱茵河畔的杜伊斯堡统一生产。

    Thyssen and Krupp merged their steel operations in1997 and consolidated production in duisburg , on the rhine .

  6. 想要扭转这个局面是不可能的,因为这需要克虏伯基金会投自己的反对票。

    It is unlikely ever to be reversed , since that would require the Krupp Foundation to vote against itself .

  7. 公司引进先进的德国克虏伯中空吹塑机,使产品质量得到充分的保证。

    Company imported advanced Krupp Blow Molding Machine from Germany , so that the quality of products are fully guaranteed .

  8. 晚清编译的克虏伯炮学书籍近二十种,对于提高晚清军事教育的水平有很大帮助。

    The translated books about the knowledge of Krupp gun in late Qing Dyn asty improved the level of Chinese military education .

  9. 公司是金茂大厦、世博园、帝森克虏伯电梯、好孩子集团、屋企汤馆、绿地万豪酒店等的长期战略伙伴。

    Is the Jinmao Tower , World Expo , Dili Senke ThyssenKrupp Elevator , boy group , family survive Tom Hall , the green Marriott hotels and other long-term strategic partner .

  10. 介绍了新建立的蒂森克虏伯钢铁集团的结构及其钢铁业务部,包括蒂森克虏伯钢铁公司、克虏伯蒂森不锈钢公司及其他子公司。

    Presented in the following is the structure of the newly established Thyssen Krupp Group and of the Steel Business Segment , comprising Thyssen Krupp Stahl , Krupp Thyssen Stainless and other subsidiaries .