
  1. 克隆绵羊&多莉(DOLLY)的研究进展

    Research Advances on Cloned Sheep - Dolly

  2. 自1996年克隆绵羊多莉(Dolly)诞生以来,研究人员已经克隆出大约20个不同物种,包括兔子、山羊、奶牛和猫。

    Since the birth of Dolly the sheep in 1996 , researchers have cloned about 20 different species , including rabbits , goats , cows and cats .

  3. 体细胞克隆绵羊“多莉”(dolly)的诞生,表明成年哺乳动物体细胞具有基因组的全能性。

    The birth of cloned sheep " dolly " produced by nuclear transfer from a somatic cell manifests that the somatic cell is of genomic totipotency in mammals .

  4. PPL(克隆绵羊多莉的那家公司)已经提出一项专利申请,其中包括将克隆的人类胚胎作为知识产品。

    PPL , the company that cloned the sheep named Dolly has applied for a patent that includes cloned human embryos as intellectual property .

  5. 结果如下:根据牛的基因序列和绵羊ESTs数据库,设计特异性扩增引物,克隆绵羊CAST、MC4R和BTG1基因的部分序列,推导其相应的氨基酸序列,并与其它物种进行同源性分析。

    The results were as follows : Primers were designed based on cattle sequences and the contigs from ESTs database of sheep , the partial fragments of three genes were isolated , and the corresponding protein sequences were deduced and compared with some of other species .

  6. 不同融合条件及激活方法对体细胞克隆绵羊胚胎发育的影响

    Effect of Different Fusion Conditions and Activated Methods on the Embryo Growth of Sheep Cloned from Somatic Cells

  7. 他们是首批用成熟的细胞克隆出绵羊的人。

    They were the first to clone a sheep from adult cells .

  8. 北京对此既羡慕又谨慎,因为在1996年,首只克隆哺乳动物,绵羊多莉(Dolly),在苏格兰出生。

    Beijing has watched with both envy and caution since the first cloned mammal , Dolly , a sheep , was born in Scotland in 1996 .

  9. 米克先生持有一张专营许可证,可使用一种专项技术(1996年曾用其克隆出了绵羊多莉)克隆曾经或可能的马球赛马。

    Mr Meeker holds an exclusive licence to use a specific technique ( the one used to create Dolly the sheep in 1996 ) to clone horses that have been , or might be , used for polo .

  10. 我知道英国科学家已经克隆出一只绵羊。

    I know that English scientists had cloned a sheep .

  11. 克隆技术与社会伦理&对克隆绵羊的科学哲学与科学伦理学的反思

    Cloning and Social Ethics

  12. 这项技术带来了世界上首只克隆动物——青蛙,进而又出现了首只克隆哺乳动物——绵羊多莉。

    It led to the first cloned animal-a frog-and to the first cloned mammal , Dolly the sheep .

  13. 一些克隆动物已成功繁殖,包括全球第一例克隆哺乳动物,绵羊多利,她已生下数只健康的小羊。

    Some cloned animals have been successfully bred , including Dolly the sheep , the world 's first cloned mammal , which has given birth to several healthy lambs .