
  1. 除了兔女郎jessica,她还喜欢睡美人和美女闯通关中的荷莉。

    Besides Jessica Rabbit , her other cartoon idols include Aurora from Sleeping Beauty and Holli Would from Cool World .

  2. 就连那些不喜欢它的人也不得不关注它。1963年,为了给《ShowMagazine》杂志写一篇揭露文章,女权主义先驱格劳丽亚·斯泰纳姆(GloriaSteinem)甚至曾经去赫夫纳旗下的夜总会卧底,做起了花花公子兔女郎。

    Even those who disliked it cared enough to pay attention - Gloria Steinem , the pioneering feminist , went undercover as a waitress , or Playboy Bunny , in one of Mr. Hefner 's spinoff clubs to write an expos é for Show Magazine in 1963 .

  3. 是,我今天戴着我的兔女郎项链。

    Buyer D : Yes , and I wore my bunny necklace today .

  4. 阿拉丁神话里性感的兔女郎!

    Aladdin mythology sexy rabbit baby !

  5. 跳舞的女人——起初这些女人就是花花公子的兔女郎,在消息中使用这个表情可能被认为很奇怪。

    Dancing women - Originally these were Playboy bunnies , and might have been seen as strange to use in a message .

  6. 为了撰写《兔子的故事》,斯泰娜姆做了三个星期的兔女郎,也就是在男性俱乐部里穿着裸露的女招待。

    To research " Bunny 's Tale " Steinem worked for3 weeks as a Playboy Bunny-a scantily clad waitress in a men 's club .

  7. 同时,青海卫视推出的选秀节目《花儿朵朵》也因为将年轻女学生刁杨打扮成兔女郎而饱受批评。

    Qinghai TV 's talent show Blossoming Flowers is also under fire for staging a young female student named Diao Yang to dress up like a bunny girl .

  8. 一个来自北卡罗来纳州的姑娘皮茜想要成为现实版大胸细腰的性感人物“兔女郎”,为此花费超过10万美元接受整容手术,锯掉了6根肋骨。

    A North Carolina woman hellbent on looking like animated 1990s movie vixen Jessica Rabbit has sunk more than $ 100000 into costly surgical procedures to fulfill her bizarre dream - including the removal of six ribs .

  9. 网球巨星罗杰·费德勒(RogerFederer)在推特上偶尔使用emoji表情,6英尺8英寸(约合2.03米)高的亚特兰大老鹰队(AtlantaHawks)前锋迈克·斯科特(MikeScott)在身上纹了几个emoji表情,其中一个是跳舞的兔耳女郎。

    The tennis star Roger Federer sprinkles his tweets with them , and Mike Scott , a 6-foot-8 forward with the Atlanta Hawks , has several emoji tattoos , including the pair of dancing girls with bunny ears .