
  • 网络Rabbits;lepus;Oryctolagus;Bunolagus;Brachylagus
  1. 中国兔属动物的分类现状和分布

    Distribution and Taxonomy of Genus Lepus ( Hares ) in China

  2. 由几个片段的系统发育树可得,兔儿风属在属下分为两个区系,即中国-日本区系和中国-喜马拉雅区系。

    From the phylogenetic tree of these fragments , the genus can be divided into two regions , that is , Sino - Japanese region and Sino - Himalayan region .

  3. 菊科兔儿风属植物全世界约有70种,分布于亚洲东南部,我国有44种,主要分布于长江流域及其以南各省区如四川、贵州、云南等地。

    The genus Ainsliaea belongs to the Compositae family and consists of around 70 species . Among them , 44 species are distributed in the south regions of China , such as Sichuan , Guizhou and Yunan provinces .

  4. 在兔年,属羊的会有好的财运,生意兴隆,事业成功。在马年,不管怎么做,他们会一路上升直到成功。

    In the year of Rabbit , Sheep will have good luck for wealth , expect booming business and make a successful career . In the year of Horse , they will rise all the way and succeed no matter what they do .

  5. 属于兔科尤其是兔属的各种哺乳动物,该属的兔类与野兔相似但有更长的耳朵和腿,并且新幼兔有活动能力且长毛。

    Any of various mammals of the family Leporidae , especially of the genus Lepus , similar to rabbits but having longer ears and legs and giving birth to active , furred young .

  6. 现代家兔起源于野生穴兔,它与山兔属的野生兔是同科而不同属的动物,学术界对家兔的起源地有外来论和原产论两种不同的观点。

    The Chinese rabbits , which originated from Oryctolagus , belong to the homologous Family but not belong to the same genus as the common hares of Lepus .