
dí sī ní
  • Disney;Walt Disney
  1. 迪斯尼出品的电影《美女与野兽》赢得了众多好评。

    Disney 's ' Beauty And The Beast ' has won rave reviews

  2. 迪斯尼将保留该项目51%的控股权。

    Disney will retain a 51 percent controlling interest in the venture .

  3. 英国新的主题乐园可与迪斯尼乐园媲美。

    The new theme park will be Britain 's answer to Disneyland .

  4. 欧洲迪斯尼乐园在法国首都的开业就是一个有力的标志。

    The opening of a Euro-Disneyland in the very heart of France is a potent symbol

  5. 欧洲迪斯尼的股票价格迅速上涨了17便士。

    Shares in Euro Disney jumped 17p .

  6. 迪斯尼又回到了它最擅长的领域:制作动画长片。

    Disney has returned to what it does best : making full-length animated feature films .

  7. 他和迪斯尼的协议很快就要到期,这样他就可以腾出身来发展自己的项目了。

    His deal with Disney will run out shortly , freeing him to pursue his own project

  8. 1937年迪斯尼推出的经典之作《白雪公主和七个小矮人》魅力不减当年。

    ' Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs ' , the 1937 Disney classic , has lost none of its original charm

  9. 迪斯尼游乐场在洛杉矶的近郊。

    Disneyland is in Los Angeles suburb .

  10. 沃巴赫给出了加利福尼亚州阿纳海姆几家迪斯尼乐园酒店研究的例子,这些酒店使用大型电子排行榜来展示洗衣工人相互之间的工作效率并进行比较。

    Werbach gives the example of several Disneyland hotels in Anaheim , California , which used large digital leaderboards to display how efficiently laundry workers were working compared to one another .

  11. 我真想和你在迪斯尼乐园拍些照片。

    I really want to take some photos with you in Disneyland .

  12. 我得说我更喜欢美国迪斯尼乐园。

    Well , I have to say I prefer the American Disneyland .

  13. 你什么时候能和我一起去迪斯尼乐园?

    When can you go to Disneyland with me ?

  14. 顺便问一下,你愿意和我一起去迪斯尼乐园吗?

    By the way , would you like to go to Disney land with me ?

  15. 你知道我非常喜欢迪斯尼的著名卡通人物,例如白雪公主和米老鼠。

    You know I love the famous cartoon characters of Disney such as Snow White and Mickey Mouse very much .

  16. 我们只在法国首都逗留了一个下午,因为我的朋友们真的很想去巴黎东边的欧洲迪斯尼乐园。

    We only stayed for one afternoon in he French capital because my friends really wanted to visit Euro Disney which is to the east of Paris .

  17. 为什么大多数迪斯尼角色戴手套?

    Why do most Disney characters wear gloves ?

  18. 一位顾客给有线电视台的负责部门打电话,她抱怨了有关迪斯尼那个频道的接收质量。

    One day a customer called to a service representative at a cable-television company . She complained about the reception on the Disney Channel .

  19. 除了保持动画简单,沃尔特迪斯尼告诉他的传记作者鲍勃托马斯,手套的存在是出于另一个原因:人性化鼠标。

    Besides keeping the animation simple , Walt Disney told his biographer , Bob Thomas , that the gloves exist for another reason : to humanize the mouse .

  20. 现在,他将出演《美国队长4》,该片由斯佩尔曼与迪斯尼+漫威系列编剧达兰·穆森共同撰写剧本。

    Now he 's set to board Captain America 4 , with Spellman to pen the script with Dalan Musson , a staff writer on the Disney + Marvel series .

  21. 他的作品包括梦工厂的《雪人奇缘》,迪斯尼的《无敌破坏王2:大闹互联网》、《疯狂动物城》、《超能陆战队6》和《无敌破坏王》以及电影版《辛普森一家》。

    A talented Disney animation artist , Matsuda 's name came to the fore , Disney 's Ralph Breaks the Internet , Zootopia , Big Hero 6 and Wreck-It Ralph , and The Simpsons Movie .

  22. 迪斯尼的大作使用新3D效果使观众似乎从屏幕中跳出来。

    Disney 's great new3D effects make the characters seem to jump out from the screen .

  23. 迪斯尼公司将关闭其纽约市剧院演出,和时代广场将成为X级了。

    Disney will close its NYC theater productions , and Times Square will become X-rated again .

  24. Mr.Rogers,迪斯尼,NickJunior

    Mr. Rogers , Walt Disney , Nick Junior ,

  25. 它们看上去像是来自某部迪斯尼(disney)电影。

    They look like something out of a Disney movie .

  26. 但是,2003年这位“X战警”还不够出名,因此迪斯尼剧组选择了德普。

    However , back in 2003 the X-Men star wasn 't famous enough for the role , so the Disney crew opted for Depp .

  27. Lucy为什么去迪斯尼乐园?

    Why is Lucy going to Disneyland ?

  28. 迪斯尼去年10月开始在iTunes上销售自己的新电影。

    Disney began selling its new movies on iTunes in October .

  29. (迪斯尼公司CEO)鲍勃o伊格尔是一个令人印象深刻的人,我喜欢跟他聊天,他说。

    [ Disney CEO ] Bob Iger is a very impressive guy , and I enjoy talking to him , he said .

  30. Pumpkin将成为迪斯尼乐园感恩节仪仗队的大元帅。

    ( Laughter . ) Pumpkin will be the honorary Grand Marshal of Disneyland 's Thanksgiving Day Parade .