
  • 网络Dubai World
  1. 在沉默了6天之后,迪拜世界(dubaiworld)终于开口了。

    At last , Dubai world speaks , after six days of silence .

  2. 继去年11月一度濒临债务违约的深渊之后,迪拜世界(DubaiWorld)终于从悬崖边缘退了回来。

    After peering into the abyss of default in November , Dubai World has come back from the brink .

  3. 随着迪拜世界(dubaiworld)脱离了隐性政府支持,外界开始担忧,其它有政府背景的实体也有可能违约。

    With Dubai World cut adrift from implicit government support , there are concerns about potential defaults by other state-related entities .

  4. 但迪拜世界旗下的迪拜环球港务集团(DPWorld)表示,它不在此次债务重组范围之内。该公司是全球最大港口运营商之一。

    But DP World , one of the world 's top port operators controlled by Dubai World , said it was excluded from the restructuring .

  5. 迪拜世界(DubaiWorld)的困境这家举步维艰的企业集团正试图重组220亿美元的债务也敲响了一记警钟。

    The travails of Dubai World , the struggling conglomerate that is seeking to restructure $ 22bn of debts , have also acted as a warning .

  6. 半年前,当迪拜世界(dubaiworld)暂停偿债引发全球市场动荡时,几乎没有银行家相信自己能收回资金。

    Six months ago , when Dubai World caused global market upheaval with its debt standstill , few bankers believed they would get their money back .

  7. 迪拜世界集团的一些业务仍然业绩良好,尤其是作为全球第三大港口运营商的迪拜环球港务集团(DPWorld),该集团于2006年收购了P&O集团。

    Some parts of Dubai World remain strong , in particular DP World , the third-largest international ports operator , which bought P & O in 2006 .

  8. 昨天,这个海湾酋长国最大的国有企业集团迪拜世界(DubaiWorld)宣布,将推迟6个月偿还债务。这一出人意料的决定令外国债权人大为恼火。

    Yesterday 's unexpected decision by Dubai World , the Gulf emirate 's largest state-owned conglomerate , to impose a six-month debt standstill has foreign creditors up in arms .

  9. 但就在上个月,迪拜世界(DubaiWorld)表示打算推迟偿还债务的消息再次震动了市场。现在就松一口气还为时过早,更不用说感到乐观了。

    But just last month markets were stunned when Dubai World said it wanted to postpone debt payments , and it is too soon to feel relief , let alone optimism .

  10. 管理这该市大部分政府大型发展项目的国有投资公司迪拜世界(DubaiWorld)向债权人请求暂缓偿还600亿美元的债务。

    State-owned investment company Dubai World , which manages much of the city-state 's massive development projects , is asking creditors for a delay in repaying about $ 60 billion in debt .

  11. 助长当初那种恐慌言论的,是仇外心理和正当安全忧虑的混合物,一如2006年美国反对迪拜世界港口公司(DubaiPortsWorld)企图收购六个美国港口所显示的。

    The scaremongering was fuelled by a mix of xenophobia and legitimate security concerns , illustrated by US opposition to Dubai Ports World 's attempt to acquire six US ports in 2006 .

  12. 迪拜世界(dubaiworld)负责人苏丹本苏拉耶(sultanbinsulayem)表示,监管者的类似举动带有歧视性,并且会阻止他进行投资。

    Sultan bin Sulayem , head of Dubai World , said such moves by regulators were discriminatory and would deter him from investing .

  13. 迪拜世界控制着全球第四大港口运营商迪拜世界港口(dpworld),以及引人注目的投资基金迪拜投资(istithmar)。

    Dubai World controls DP World , the fourth-biggest port operator in the world , as well as istithmar , a high-profile investment fund .

  14. 不过,这些英国银行的大量贷款据信集中在迪拜世界仍在运转的部分,其中包括迪拜世界港口公司(DPWorld)和杰拜勒阿里自由区(JebelAliFreeZone)。

    The UK banks are understood to have much of their lending focused on the still-performing parts of Dubai World , however , including DP World and Jebel Ali Free Zone .

  15. 港口运营商迪拜世界港口公司(DPWorld)掌管亚太地区业务的PeterWong表示:好消息是,我的[航运公司]客户的发货量正在企稳。

    The good thing is that volumes are stabilising for my [ shipping line ] customers , says Peter Wong , who manages terminal operator DP World 's operations in Asia Pacific .

  16. 正在准备年终账目的审计师们表示,今年主权债务担忧的影响极小,因为只有受到迪拜世界(DubaiWorld)220亿美元债务重组计划影响的银行,才必须考虑作出亏损拨备。

    Auditors preparing end-of - year accounts say that the impact of sovereign debt concerns this year is minimal as only banks with exposure to Dubai World 's $ 22bn debt restructuring must consider provisions against potential losses .

  17. 迪拜世界(DubaiWorld)约220亿美元的债务重组已经展开,但是和债权人的首次会面显示快速解决问题的可能性微乎其微。

    The Year 's Buzziest Fashion Brands Dubai World Launches Revamp Talks Dubai World 's bid to restructure about $ 22 billion of debt kicked off , but an initial meeting with creditors delivered little hope of a quick settlement .

  18. 10年前,基于国家安全考虑的政治和监管阻力很大(想想竞购优尼科(Unocal)、迪拜世界港口(DubaiWorldPorts)和3Com公司的失败)。

    A decade ago , political and regulatory resistance based on national security concerns was strong ( consider failed bids for Unocal , Dubai World Ports and 3Com ) .

  19. 迪拜世界(DubaiWorld)一直在寻求出售港口及航运代理商InchcapeShippingServices(ISS)。这家国有综合企业正努力筹集现金,这是其235亿美元债务重组计划的一部分。

    Dubai World has been seeking to sell Inchcape Shipping Services , a port and shipping agent , as the state-owned conglomerate seeks to raise cash as part of a restructuring of its $ 23.5bn of debts .

  20. 而这一切都与迪拜世界集团下属的棕榈岛集团(Nakheel)有关。

    All of it is linked to Nakheel , which is part of Dubai World .

  21. 站上距离顶层不远的天台媒体开放区,你还能看到海岸线旁若干尚未开发的小岛,它们是迪拜世界(DubaiWorld)瑰丽蓝图的一部分,而今则成了迪拜地产市场溃败的象征。

    At the media opening of the skydeck close to the top of the world 's tallest skyscraper Monday , you could also just make out the undeveloped islands that make up the offshore Dubai World project that is synonymous with the sheikdom 's collapsing real estate industry .

  22. 自迪拜世界上周三宣布暂停偿还债务以来,迪拜统治者谢赫穆罕默德本拉希德阿勒马克图姆(SheikhMohammedBinRashidAlMaktoum)首度发表公开声明,对阿联酋经济倍加称赞,称其已变得更强劲、更具有凝聚力。

    In his first public statement since Dubai World announced a debt standstill last Wednesday , Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum , Dubai 's ruler , lauded the United Arab Emirates economy , saying it had become stronger and more cohesive .

  23. 迪拜世界曾经是迪拜酋长阿勒马克图姆(SheikMohammedbinRashidAlMaktoum)为这个商业王国所打造的一顶王冠,该公司在11月25日宣布暂停偿债六个月,将整个国家拖入了危机。

    Dubai World , once a crown jewel in the business empire of Dubai 's ruler Sheik Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum , tipped the emirate into crisis on Nov. 25 , saying it would seek to freeze its debts for six months .

  24. 包括美国对冲基金qvt在内的该集团是由债券持有者组成的这些债券由迪拜世界提供担保,目前交易价约为面值的55%。

    The group , which includes US hedge fund QVT , is made up of holders of bonds which carry a guarantee from Dubai World and are currently trading around 55 per cent of face value .

  25. 代表90余家借款机构的银行家周一齐聚迪拜世界贸易中心的马克图姆酋长(SheikMaktoum)会议大厅,听取迪拜世界债务重组小组的首次情况介绍,但是并没有就这家企业巨头停止偿债提出正式建议。

    Bankers representing more than 90 lenders gathered Monday at the Dubai World Trade Center 's Sheik Maktoum conference hall to hear an initial presentation from Dubai World 's restructuring team , but there was no formal proposal for a standstill on the conglomerate 's debts .

  26. 迪拜世界共欠债务人600亿美元资金。

    Dubai World owes creditors a total of sixty billion dollars .

  27. GhiyathNakshbendi表示,迪拜世界必须改变自己的方式。

    Ghiyath Nakshbendi says Dubai World will have to change its ways .

  28. 迪拜世界集团归政府所有,因此政府将控制其重组过程。

    The government owns Dubai World and will its restructuring .

  29. 迪拜世界集团正在寻求就260亿美元的债务进行重新谈判。

    Dubai World Group is seeking to renegotiate on twenty-six billion dollars in debt .

  30. 受委托为迪拜世界岛中的东京岛完成规划设计。

    MAD is commissioned to design the Tokyo Island in the WORLD , Dubai .