
  • 网络diaby;Abou Diaby
  1. 这件事,真的惹恼了我,所以大家都批评迪亚比。

    The thing that really annoys me is why everyone criticizes Abou Diaby .

  2. 切尔西队长被阿森纳后卫迪亚比意外踢中昏迷不醒,带着护颈支架和氧气罩离开赛场。

    The Chelsea captain was accidentally knocked unconscious by the boot of arsenal 's Abou Diaby and was left in a neck brace and given oxygen .

  3. 周六对斯托克城的比赛阿森纳有希望迎回迪亚比。

    Arsenal are hoping to have midfielder Abou Diaby available for Saturday 's game against Stoke .

  4. 我仍然想说迪亚比有潜质成为一名顶级球员,可惜他没有得到公正的评价。

    I would still say Diaby has the potential to be a top , top player .

  5. 在酋长球场,迪亚比的进球帮助他们再度以一球优势取胜。

    They followed that up with a single goal victory at the Emirates , Abou Diaby scoring .

  6. 我们第一次拥有迪亚比,加上阿德巴哟的回归。

    We have Diaby in the squad for the first time and Emmanuel Adebayor is very strongly coming back .

  7. 迪亚比有一个非常好的开枪是少数球员谁可以生产从无到有之一。

    Diaby has a very good shot and is one of the few players who can produce something out of nothing .

  8. 最后,迪亚比是一个进攻型中场谁发挥了阿森纳队已经进球的目标,定期为乐趣。

    Finally Diaby is an attacking midfielder who has played regularly in an Arsenal team that has been scoring goals for fun .

  9. 迪亚比将肯定错过周三晚上对布拉加的冠军联赛揭幕战以及周六造访桑德兰的英超联赛。

    Diaby will definitely miss Wednesday night 's Champions League opener with Braga and the Premier League trip to Sunderland on Saturday .

  10. 范佩西,科斯切尔尼,迪亚比在错过了与斯托克城的比赛后,预计可以回归。

    But Robin van Persie , Laurent Koscielny and Abou Diaby are all expected to be fit after missing the Stoke game .

  11. 在这位中场球员的脚踝发炎消退之前,阿瑟温格无法确认阿布迪亚比的缺阵时间。

    Ars è ne Wenger cannot confirm the length of Abou Diaby 's lay-off until the inflammation on the midfielder 's ankle goes down .

  12. 迪亚比(87分钟换下赫莱布)6:在阿森纳锁定胜局的最后阶段上场。

    Abou Diaby ( Replaced Hleb , 87 minutes ) - 6 : Thrown on in the dying stages as Arsenal closed out the tie .

  13. 在上周联赛杯决赛的比赛中,特里被迪亚比踢中头部后失去知觉。

    Terry was knocked unconscious by an accidental kick in the head from Abou Diaby during chelsea 's Carling Cup final win over Arsenal last weekend .

  14. 迪亚比下周肯定会回来参加训练,但是法布雷加斯肯定不会,赫莱布也不会,所以还是有很多球员缺阵。

    Diaby will certainly come back into full training next week , but Fabregas certainly not , Hleb no and so there are still a lot of players out .

  15. 看到像德尼尔森,迪亚比,特劳雷这样的年轻球员和切尔西的大牌球员对抗是另人振奋的,尽管德罗巴的梅开二度彻底击碎了他们的希望。

    It was certainly heartening to see the likes of Denilson , Abou Diaby and Armand Traore matching Chelsea 's world-famous faces , even if Didier Drogba 's double did ultimately dash their hopes .

  16. 年轻的巴西中场德尼尔森在阿森纳贡献一样不小,让纳斯里,范佩西和优点令人惊奇的阿布。迪亚比都能很好的去进攻。

    Denilson , the young Brazilian , did a similar job for Arsenal , allowing Samir Nasri , Robin van Persie and , perhaps more surprisingly , Abou Diaby to work their magic farther forward .

  17. 比如这个位置上我们有迪亚比,宋,德尼尔森,我们买入了阿隆拉姆西,年仅18,也是这个位置,现在杰克威尔希尔也在这个位置成长。

    For example we have Diaby , we have Song , we have Denilson in this position , we have bought Aaron Ramsey-18 years old-in this position , and now Jack Wilshere develops in this position .

  18. 这只阿森纳的阵容包括比如迪亚比,罗西基这样的球员,他们曾经遭受危急职业生涯的伤病,但是他们从挫折中恢复并且继续在顶级水平上踢球。

    This is an Arsenal squad that has players like Diaby , Rosicky , players who have been hit by career threatening injuries , yet they bounce back from these setbacks and continue to play at the top level .

  19. 我不认为我们的中场在上周六的表现中很糟糕,(阿布)迪亚比可以在下周回来,我们的主要问题集中在中前场。

    I don 't think we suffered in midfield ( on Saturday ) and we have ( Abou ) Diaby who can come back next week . I don 't believe we are especially short there , but we are up front .