
  • 网络Yanzhou;Yenchow
  1. PLC控制系统在兖州市污水处理厂的应用

    Application of PLC Controlled System in Sewage Treatment Factory in Yanzhou City

  2. 应用GPS定位技术建立兖州城市控制网及精度

    Establishment of the city control network and precision of Yanzhou using the GPS positioning technique

  3. 基于RS和GIS的兖州城区土地利用类型信息提取方法

    Information Extraction Method of Land-use Types of Based on RS and GIS in Yanzhou City

  4. 自2008年起,兖州煤业就一直对felix很有兴趣。

    Yanzhou has been interested in Felix since 2008 .

  5. 兖州煤业昨日表示,它计划通过一个协议安排(schemeofarrangement)收购felix,并补充表示,此次收购需要获得中、澳监管机构及股东的批准。

    Yanzhou said yesterday it intended to buy Felix via a scheme of arrangement , adding the offer required regulatory and shareholder approvals in Australia and China .

  6. 据悉,兖州煤业的主管们于两周前再次赶赴澳大利亚,重新考察了Felix的资产。

    It is understood that Yanzhou executives returned to Australia two weeks ago to re-examine the miner 's assets .

  7. 中国昨日正式启动对澳大利亚公司的最大收购:兖州煤业(YanzhouCoalMining)向FelixResources发出了推荐现金收购要约,价值刚好超过35亿澳元(合29亿美元)。

    China 's largest takeover bid for an Australian company was formally launched yesterday when Yanzhou Coal Mining made a recommended cash offer for Felix Resources worth just over A $ 3.5bn ( US $ 2.9bn ) .

  8. 兖州煤业(yanzhoucoal)正在就收购gloucestercoal进行谈判,这可能缔造出澳大利亚最大的煤炭集团之一,并为兖州煤业在澳大利亚的子公司提供借壳上市的机会。

    Yanzhou coal is in talks to take over Gloucester coal , which would create one of the largest coal groups in Australia and provide the Chinese group with a backdoor listing of its local subsidiary .

  9. 为了防治煤矿出现大量井筒破坏事故,采用VB语言实现了用模糊聚类算法进行破裂分析,并建立了兖州矿区井筒破坏分析与评价的模糊聚类数学模型。

    In order to prevent mine shaft destruction accidents , mine shaft destruction were analyzed by fuzzy cluster algorithm based on VB language and the fuzzy cluster mathematic model of the analysis of mine shaft destruction in Yanzhou .

  10. 更温和的调子应当受到各方欢迎尤其是兖州煤业(YanzhouCoal),该公司似乎即将宣布以30亿美元协议收购澳大利亚同行FelixResources,因而不会对一场外交争执升级感到兴奋。

    The more moderate line should be welcomed not least by Yanzhou Coal , which seems to be on the brink of announcing an agreed $ 3bn bid for Australia 's Felix Resources , and would not be thrilled at an escalation of the diplomatic row .

  11. 得到以下主要结论:用THF对兖州煤和神府煤进行抽提,兖州煤的抽提率为14.00%,神府煤的抽提率为10.72%。

    The research mainly includes the following conclusions : The extraction experiments of Yanzhou coal and Shenfu coal shown that the extraction rate of Yanzhou coal is 14.00 % and that of Shenfu coal is 10.72 % .

  12. 兖州煤田海平面升降变化与旋回的划分

    Fluctuation of Sea Level and Division of Cycles in Yanzhou Coalfield

  13. 气相添加物对兖州煤燃前预脱硫的影响研究

    Influence of gaseous additives on Desulfurization of Yanzhou coal through pyrolysis

  14. 兖州济宁煤田煤层厚度探采对比

    Results comparison between exploration and mining in Yanzhou and Jining coalfield

  15. 兖州煤环己酮抽提物的组成、结构及性质研究

    Composition , structure and pyrolysis of cyclohexanone extracts of Yanzhou Coal

  16. 应用热解质谱研究兖州煤的煤素质

    The application of pyrolysis mass spectrometry to studying macerals of Yanzhou Coal

  17. 兖州矿区基地大气环境质量状况浅析

    Preliminary analysis on atmospheric environment quality for Yanzhou Mine Area

  18. 兖州矿区地表移动规律及预测参数研究

    Research on Surface Movement Rules and Forecast Parameters of Yanzhou Mining District

  19. 开发中期阶段的煤炭资源综合评价研究&以兖州煤田为例

    Study on evaluation of coal resource of middle exploitation stage

  20. 兖州煤热解预脱硫行为(Ⅰ)热解过程中硫的迁移

    Desulfurization Behavior of Yanzhou coal through pyrolysis (ⅰ) sulfur transfer during pyrolysis

  21. 兖州卷柏化学成分及体外抗菌活性研究

    Study on the Chemical Constituents of Selaginella involvens Spring and Antibacterial Activity

  22. 兖州煤田地质构造对瓦斯的控制作用

    Control Functions of Geologic Structure Coalbed for Gas in Yanzhou Coal Basin

  23. 鞍钢和兖州煤沥青的流变性能研究

    Study on rheological properties of coal tar pitches from Angang and Yanzhou

  24. 兖州煤与渣油共处理制高等级道路沥青的研究

    Coprocessing Yanzhou Coal with Petroleum Resid for Preparing Paving Asphalt

  25. 兖州煤予热前后氯仿抽出物的性质及其结构

    Characteristics of chloroform extracts from original and preheated Yanzhou Coal

  26. 谈兖州煤业上市公司资本结构的优化

    The utilization of the capital stucture of the listed company Yanzhou Coal Industry

  27. 兖州矿区煤泥电厂粉煤灰特性研究

    Study on the characteristics of FA from Yanzhou mining area coal-mud power plants

  28. 兖州烟煤及与煤焦油共处理产物的结构特征

    Structural characteristics of Yangzhou coal and products in co-processing of coal and tar

  29. 兖州矿区开采塌陷土地复垦与综合利用研究

    Study on the mining subsidence and land reclamation in Yanzhou Coal Mine Area

  30. 低温热解处理对兖州煤孔结构的影响

    Effect of Low Temperature Pyrolysis Treatment on the Pore Structure of Yanzhou Coal