
  • 网络the Gobi Desert;Gobi
  1. 他已在从戈壁沙漠到德兰士瓦的无数地方勘探过矿藏。

    He had prospected for minerals everywhere from the Gobi Desert to the Transvaal

  2. 后来,有人发现这具骨架是从蒙古的戈壁沙漠偷来的,而这位买家则是尼古拉斯·凯奇(NicolasCage),他曾经主演过几十部影片,还曾经在一部系列大片中饰演寻宝者。

    As it turns out , the skull had been stolen from the Gobi Desert in Mongolia , and the buyer was Nicolas Cage , an actor who among his dozens of films has starred in a movie franchise about the hunt for rare treasures .

  3. 戈壁沙漠组EPQ各量表分与对照组比较无明显差异(P0.05)。

    There is no significant difference in the EPQ scale between the Gobi group and the control group ( P0.05 ) .

  4. 驻戈壁沙漠军人心理卫生状况的研究

    Study on the psychological hygiene state of soldiers in the desert

  5. 戈壁沙漠地区油库接地装置的设置与管理

    Views on how to equip and manage grounding facilities in desert areas

  6. 戈壁沙漠地区干热环境对作训人员影响的研究

    Analysis of effects of xerothermic environment on trainer on Gobi and desert

  7. 驻戈壁沙漠汽车兵症状自评量表测试结果分析

    Analysis of symptom checklist-90 of automobile soldiers stationed in the Gobi desert

  8. 电子战装备在戈壁沙漠地区的防护

    EW Equipments ' Protection in the Gobi Desert Region

  9. 利用三维地震在戈壁沙漠区解决复杂地质构造问题

    Using 3D Seismic Prospecting to Find Out Complicated Structures in Gobi and Desert Areas

  10. 驻戈壁沙漠汽车兵心理健康影响因素的调查

    Investigation on the factors of mental health in military drivers settled in Gobi Desert

  11. 好几个月他们一直在戈壁沙漠中走。

    ( B ) For months they travelled through the sands of the Gobi .

  12. 硬戈壁沙漠杂波研究

    The clutter research of hard Gobi Desert

  13. 塔河油田位于塔里木盆地北部的戈壁沙漠中。

    Tahe Oilfield is located in Gobi desert in the northern part of Tarim Basin .

  14. 一个可能的北极地区气溶胶源&中国戈壁沙漠与黄土高原

    A Possible Aerosol Source to Arctic Region & Gobi Desert and Loess Plateau of China

  15. 驻戈壁沙漠汽车兵睡眠质量相关因素的研究

    Study of Related Factors on Sleep Quality among Army Truck Drivers on the Gobi Desert

  16. 戈壁沙漠夏季负荷行军人体内分泌系统变化的研究

    Study on the effect of LOAD-MARCHING in Gobi desert in summer on endocrine system in man

  17. 亚洲蒙古的戈壁沙漠就是一个内陆沙漠的例子。

    The Gobi desert in Mongolia in Asia is an example of such an inland desert .

  18. 利用计算机监督彩色编码法研究戈壁沙漠区地下水&以新疆准噶尔盆地东南部冲洪积扇地区及戈壁沙漠为例

    A Study on the Underground Water in Gobi and Desert Area through Computer Supervised Colour Coding

  19. 戈壁沙漠条件下战伤救护训练与效果

    The experience and effectiveness of rescue training for battle wounds in the field of gobi and desert

  20. 位于中国北部戈壁沙漠的九泉卫星发射中心的指挥官宣布了发射。

    The controller at the Jiuquan satellite launch center in northern China 's Gobi desert announced the lift-off .

  21. 火车经过河西走廊时,一眼望去尽是无穷无尽的戈壁沙漠尽收眼底。

    As the train passes through the long Hexi Corridor , endless views of the Gobi Desert await .

  22. 目的提高戈壁沙漠条件下战伤救护能力。

    Objective To improve the competence of rescue for battle wounds in the field of gobi and desert .

  23. 戈壁沙漠环境对护理人员机体及护理操作技术的影响与对策

    The Effect of Environment of Gobi Desert on the Body and Nursing Skills of Nurse Staff and Countermeasures

  24. 在2016年5月的6天中,他拍下了在华北戈壁沙漠中展开的植树造林项目。

    Over six days in May 2016 , he photographed tree-planting projects in the Gobi Desert in northern China .

  25. 天宫一号发射地点是在中国西北部戈壁沙漠中的酒泉卫星发射基地,没有载人任务。

    The unmanned Tiangong-1 will blast off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in the Gobi Desert in Northwest China .

  26. 驻戈壁沙漠某试验场区军人心理卫生状况的调查及对策

    The investigation and countermeasure of the psychological hygiene status of the serviceman of a certain proving ground in the Gobi

  27. 一直到影片最后一幕,我们穿越历史久远的丝绸之路,穿过偏僻的雪山和戈壁沙漠。

    During the last act of the film takes us along the historic Silk Road as it crosses remote mountains and deserts .

  28. 1887年,他显示了他的勇气和固执,从北京出发穿越了戈壁沙漠,从马兹他山口进入印度。

    Showing his courage and tenacity in1887 , he crossed the Gobi desert from Peking and entered India by crossing Mustagh pass .

  29. 戈壁沙漠上空水汽含量相对较少,绿洲上空水汽含量相对较大;

    The water vapor content , in all , is relatively less over the gobi and hungriness and more over the oasis ;

  30. 平凉盛产苹果,当地大量种植果树为抵挡戈壁沙漠的大风沙。

    Pingliang is famous for its apples , and orchards are being planted to battle dust storms from the nearby Gobi Desert .