
  • 网络goyard;Francisco Goya
  1. 该公司发言人夏洛蒂莱塔尔(charlotteletard)表示:“戈雅非常关注环境问题,但这一主题没有列在该品牌的交流战略中。”

    Charlotte letard , a spokesperson for the company , says : " Goyard is very sensitive to the questions of environment , but this subject is not in the communication strategy of the brand . "

  2. 国际媒体不断询问关于S-21的事,他都耐心作答。媒体称他是柬埔寨的戈雅,他对此不置臧否。

    The international media , whose questions about S-21 he patiently answered time after time , called him Cambodia 's Goya . He brushed it off .

  3. 2007年建筑师拉斐尔·莫尼奥(RafaelMoneo)重新设计了该博物馆,提高了人群的流动性,让人们更容易看到委拉斯开兹(Velázquez)和戈雅(Goya)的杰作。

    That followed a redesign in 2007 by the architect Rafael Moneo that improved the circulation at the museum , making it easier to see masterpieces by Vel á zquez and Goya .

  4. 戈雅是我们教堂宝贵的成员。

    That Goya is a valuable member of the church .

  5. 我拍了外国独立电影《戈雅之灵》,

    I made Gotya 's Ghost , a foreign independent film

  6. 你们知道戈雅用什么人作天使的模特吗?

    Whom do you think Goya is using as models for his angels ?

  7. 战争与和平&西班牙艺术大师戈雅作品在渝展出

    War and Peace & Works of Great Master of Arts Goya Displayed in Chongqing

  8. 戈雅,这的确是副最棒的作品。

    A most marvellous work indeed , goya .

  9. 他藏有戈雅的一幅画儿。

    He has a painting by Goya .

  10. 艾米莉·迪金森通过诗歌诠释它,戈雅通过绘画表达

    Emily Dickinson was able to convey it in language , Goya in an image .

  11. 但他从没卖出过自己的作品他特别擅长修复戈雅的作品

    But his own work never took off . He 's particularly good at Goya restorations .

  12. 为此我学习艺术史,连续四个月我每天研读戈雅和西班牙裁判所。

    and study our history visiting the produce everyday for 4 months as I read about Goya and the Spanish Inquisition .

  13. 上海戈雅建筑设计有限公司,成立于2002年,业务领域涵盖了规划设计、建筑设计、景观设计。

    Shanghai GoYa Architectural Design Limited Company was established in2002 , whose businesses cover planning and design , architectural design and landscape design .

  14. 1999年查普曼兄弟又回到了戈雅的主题上,出版了战争的悲剧,一本基于这个有名的系列组成的83张手绘版画的书。

    In1999 the Chapmans returned to Goya and published Disasters of War , a book of eighty-three hand-painted etchings based on the famous series .

  15. 索米斯走到屋角上挂着的那张戈雅真迹面前,那张“摘葡萄”的壁画摹本也并排挂着。

    Soames passed into the corner where , side by side , hung his real Goya and the copy of the fresco La vendimia .

  16. 女公爵的财产包括遍布西班牙大片的宫殿和豪宅,迭戈委拉兹开斯,戈雅和鲁宾斯的名画以及大片的土地。

    The duchess 's fortune includes palaces and mansions throughout Spain , paintings by the likes of Velazquez , Goya and Rubens and huge stretches of land .

  17. 米勒将之比较成创作天才梵谷与戈雅,这两人不顾社会期望,开创出迥异于同时代的异端风格。

    Miller draws parallels to creative geniuses such as Vincent van Gogh and Francisco Goya , who ignored social expectations and developed unorthodox styles that opposed contemporary conventions .

  18. 针对戈雅的作品,他说,“衣服和头发感觉上去很相似,我不是很能分得清。”

    On the copy of the Goya painting , he said , " the clothing and the hair felt so similar that I couldn 't distinguish them well . "

  19. 我拍了外国独立电影《戈雅之灵》,为此我学习历史,连续4个月我每天研读戈雅和西班牙裁判所。

    I made Cotaya 's Ghost , a foreign independent film and studied history , visiting the Prada every day for four months as I read about goya and the Spanish Inquisition .

  20. 由此,他一方面延续了中国传统艺术大师发展的传统,另一方面延续了伦勃朗、戈雅、毕加索和巴塞利兹等西方艺术家所代表的西方传统。

    In this way Jin is as well continuing a tradition that is developed and set by great Chinese masters , but also by a western tradition of painters like Rembrandt , Goya , Picasso and Baselitz .

  21. 在这一时期的作品中,戈雅将黑色漫布于他的整个画面,使其成为作品的主体和主要表达方式,并从中寄托了其对于艺术、人生、国家民族乃至人性的深刻思考。

    In the works of this period , general appearance of his pictures is full of ' black ' which is the main body and major expressional manner . He has placed his profound thinking of art , life , nation and humanity on his works .