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  • New Orleans
新奥尔良[xīn ào ěr liáng]
  1. 他们力图在黄昏前赶到新奥尔良。

    They were trying to make New Orleans by nightfall .

  2. 新奥尔良以其美食而著称。

    New Orleans is famous for its cuisine .

  3. 舞者们在新奥尔良的大街上跳着希米舞。

    Dancers shimmied in the streets of New Orleans

  4. 甚至他骑摩托车在新奥尔良撞桥身亡的事也轰动一时。

    Even his death , after crashing his motorcycle on a bridge in New Orleans , was spectacular

  5. 密西西比河上驳船漏油事件危及新奥尔良市的饮用水。

    Oil leaking from a barge in the Mississippi River poses a hazard to the drinking water of New Orleans .

  6. 在新奥尔良,一个看不清面目的杀手翻找着埃利斯的随身物品,寻找线索。

    In New Orleans , an unseen killer rummages through Ellis ' belongings looking for clues .

  7. 在这方面,非营利机构IdeaVillage在新奥尔良取得了出色的成就。

    The nonprofit idea village has done this with great success in New Orleans .

  8. 新奥尔良法官抛出1500000元奖励对创造v。

    New judge throws out fifteen million dollars award against makers of V.

  9. 轻度脑损伤患者的加拿大头部CT准则和新奥尔良标准之比较

    Comparison of the Canadian CT head rule and the New Orleans criteria in patients with minor head injury

  10. 唐纳德·林克(DonaldLink),Herbsaint,新奥尔良

    Donald Link , Herbsaint , New Orleans

  11. Arnaud’sFrench75Bar,新奥尔良

    Arnaud 's French 75 Bar , New Orleans

  12. 研究数据的组织和管理,按照新奥尔良(NewOrleans)法对公共安全数据库进行了总体设计和具体设计。

    Studies the organization and management of data , uses the New Orleans method to make overall and specific design on community safety database .

  13. “波特罗是一位非常有特色的描述人类生活的艺术家,”新奥尔良美术馆经理E。

    " Botero is an artist that uses his distinctive style to comment on all facets of human life ," said New Orleans Museum of Art Director E.

  14. Ellen在新奥尔良的一个叫Jimmy俱乐部的夏令营度过了一个夏天

    Ellen spend her summer in a camp of New Orleans called the Jimmy club .

  15. 比如,新奥尔良《时代花絮报》(Times-Picayune)的幕后老板是先进出版公司(AdvancePublications)。

    The New Orleans Times-Picayune , for example , is owned by advance publications .

  16. 在卡特里娜飓风(HurricaneKatrina)来临之前,新奥尔良知道其防洪设施非常脆弱。

    Before Hurricane Katrina , New Orleans knew that its flood defences were vulnerable .

  17. Cooper社区和其他新奥尔良的主要房屋,重建以适合不同收入人群居住的项目。

    Cooper and other major New Orleans housing projects and replace them with mixed income developments .

  18. Mary-BelleNelsonJones从1947年就住在新奥尔良了,卡特里娜飓风过后,她不得不重建家园。

    Mary-Belle Nelson Jones has lived in New Orleans since 1947 and had to rebuild her home after Katrina .

  19. NPR新闻,埃琳·弗莱明新奥尔良报道。

    For NPR news , I 'm Elin Flaming in New Orleans .

  20. NPR新闻,艾琳·弗莱明新奥尔良报道。

    From NPR News , I 'm Ilene Fleming in New Orleans .

  21. 最佳当代城市音乐专辑的提名包括:ChrisBrown,Miguel和凭借首张专辑ChannelOrange入围的新奥尔良歌手兼词曲创作人FrankOcean。

    The nominees for Best Urban Contemporary Album are Chris Brown , Miguel , and New Orleans singer-songwriter Frank Ocean for his debut album Channel Orange .

  22. 在新奥尔良以南的普拉克明县,大水漫过一座防洪堤,冲击了附近的居住区,美国国民警卫队(NationalGuard)对几十名未注意到疏散令的居民实施了营救。

    In Plaquemines parish , south of New Orleans , a levee was overtopped , flooding surrounding neighbourhoods and forcing the National Guard to rescue dozens of residents who had not heeded evacuation orders .

  23. 我们联系一下CNN记者DavidMattingly,他现在正在新奥尔良。

    And for that , we go to CNN 's David Mattingly . He is in New Orleans .

  24. 系统的数据库采用规范化设计中的新奥尔良方法进行设计,并基于E-R模型。

    The system database is designed by the standardization New Orleans method and based on E-R model .

  25. 共和党全国委员会(republicannationalcommittee)已经取消了原定昨晚举行的活动,如果新奥尔良也爆发灾难的话,该委员会对于在黄金时间召开共和党及其候选人的庆祝会感到担忧。

    Having already cancelled events scheduled for yesterday evening , the Republican National Committee is concerned about hosting a primetime celebration of the party and its candidate if a disaster is also unfolding in New Orleans .

  26. MeganHolfmen来自路易斯安那州新奥尔良市我奶奶带我去拍了这张艺术照当时我只有七年级

    Megan Holfmen from New Orleans Louisiana.My grandmother got me this glamor shot when I was in 7th grade

  27. Rebekah在新奥尔良想重新开始,去上大学,和帅哥谈恋爱,Julie说。

    Rebekah wants to start over in New Orleans , go to college , and meet boys , says Julie .

  28. 据NPR新闻的杰夫·布拉迪报道,这起事件的民事审判正在新奥尔良进行,目前案件审理工作已进入第二周。

    As NPR 's Jeff Brady reports , a civil trial in New Orleans is entering its second week .

  29. 新奥尔良的居民希望飓风Isaac的阴影已经过去。这座城市在飓风到来时受到了强风和暴雨的侵袭。

    New Orleans is hoping the worst is over following hurricane Isaac , The city was pounded by strong winds and unrelenting rain .

  30. 本周四,新奥尔良的一位联邦法官首次直截了当地驳回了这些论点,称BP确实是这起事故的罪魁祸首,只有它在无视已知风险,明知故犯。

    On Thursday , a federal judge here for the first time bluntly rejected those arguments , finding that BP was indeed the primary culprit and that only it had acted with conscious disregard of known risks .