
gē bì
  • gobi;desert;the Gobi Desert
戈壁 [gē bì]
  • [desert] 蒙语中称沙漠,不同于一般沙漠,这种地区尽是沙子和石块,地面上缺水,植物稀少

戈壁[gē bì]
  1. 他已在从戈壁沙漠到德兰士瓦的无数地方勘探过矿藏。

    He had prospected for minerals everywhere from the Gobi Desert to the Transvaal

  2. 最后我在GoogleEarth上发现了这条穿越戈壁滩南部的模糊线条。

    And then eventually I looked on Google Earth and found this faint line crossing the south Gobi .

  3. 巴格德雷合同区b区块所在区域处于卡拉库姆大沙漠中,地面固定沙垄广布,少部分为丘状沙地与平坦戈壁。

    Block B of bagtyjiarlyk contractual area is contained in the Karakum desert , covering extensively distributed ground sand ribbons and some sand dune and flat Gobi desert .

  4. 沙尘暴阈值风速较大的地区,如戈壁、高山等,则b的值较大。

    In fact , the large value of b is found in the Gobi and high mountainous regions whereas the small value of b in the sand and dry loess regions .

  5. 戈壁沙漠组EPQ各量表分与对照组比较无明显差异(P0.05)。

    There is no significant difference in the EPQ scale between the Gobi group and the control group ( P0.05 ) .

  6. 绿洲及沙漠戈壁下垫面上的Bowen比分别为0.4和4.0;

    The Bowen ratios are 0.4 and 4.0 over oasis and desert respectively .

  7. 通过对我国西北干旱区陆-气相互作用试验强化观测期(IOP)在甘肃敦煌取得的资料合理筛选以后,探讨了荒漠戈壁地表湍流通量参数化的问题。

    The parameterization of surface turbulent fluxes over Gobi in ar-id region is researched by using rationally-screened observational data .

  8. 全省有沙漠、戈壁和荒漠化土地1428.9万hm2,占全省土地总面积的31.81%,风沙线长达1600km,并仍以543hm25a-1的速度扩展。

    The total area of desert , Gobi and desertification land is 1.43 × 107 hm2 , occupying 31.81 % of the total land area in Gansu province .

  9. 首先利用空气动力学法,计算分析了敦煌戈壁2000年9月&2001年9月的感热交换系数Ch的特征,计算得到Ch的年平均值为0.00203±0.00045。

    At first , the transfer coefficients ( C_h ) of sensible heat from September 1,2000 to September 30,2001 over the Dunhuang Gobi were computed and analyzed by aerodynamic method .

  10. 绿洲的Bowen比大约是周围荒漠戈壁的1/20,相差一个量级,这说明绿洲和周围荒漠的气候特征相差十分明显。

    The Bowen ratio of oasis is about 1 / 20 that of Gobi , showing an obvious difference in climatic features between oasis and Gobi .

  11. 这些地区比如撒哈拉大沙漠(Sahara)和戈壁滩大沙漠(Gobideserts),是数百万人类、植物、动物和矿石在一次性核毁灭中瞬间粉碎的结果。

    Such regions as the Sahara and Gobi deserts are the result of millions of humans , plants , animals and minerals shattered in the instant of a nuclear holocaust .

  12. 最后,利用RMR和GSI以及霍克-布朗准则,确定了东戈壁露天矿露天边坡抗剪强度参数。

    Finally , the shearing strength parameters of East Gobi open pit slope are identified with the RMR , GSI and Hawk-Brown criterion . 2 .

  13. 应用排序(DCA)和回归分析方法对安西砾石戈壁荒漠植物群落及优势种的分布与环境的关系进行了研究。

    The ordination ( DCA ) and the regression analysis methods were used to study the relations between the Gobi desert plant communities as well as the distribution of the dominants and the environment in Anxi .

  14. 后来,有人发现这具骨架是从蒙古的戈壁沙漠偷来的,而这位买家则是尼古拉斯·凯奇(NicolasCage),他曾经主演过几十部影片,还曾经在一部系列大片中饰演寻宝者。

    As it turns out , the skull had been stolen from the Gobi Desert in Mongolia , and the buyer was Nicolas Cage , an actor who among his dozens of films has starred in a movie franchise about the hunt for rare treasures .

  15. 本文利用黑河试验(HEIFE)1990年8月16日&9月15日的观测资料,对沙漠和戈壁的总体输送系数进行了研究。

    In this paper , the " HEIFE " data during the period from 16 August to 15 September , 1990 over desert and Gobi are used to investigate bulk transfer coefficients .

  16. 结果表明:潜水年龄多数小于50a,具有可再生的资源的属性,其中山前戈壁带和张掖盆地细土平原潜水地下水年龄小于40a,为1963年以来补给。

    The results suggest that the groundwater ages in unconfined aquifers of the basins are less than 50 a , and those in the piedmont plain and the Zhangye basin are less than 40 a. These waters are renewable resources .

  17. 小于1700m的区域广布戈壁、沙漠,不适宜人类居住;大于2900m的祁连山区,海拔较高、地表破碎,亦不适宜人类居住,居民点分布稀少。

    The desert which is less than 1700m is unfit for human habitation ; the Qilian Mountains which is over 2900m is high elevation , surface broken , unfit for human habitation , the settlements distribution is scarce .

  18. 其中,近库尔勒的70km管段所处环境虽属干旱戈壁区,但土壤腐蚀性异常之高,按全国土壤5级分类标准,属最强腐蚀性等级(Ⅴ级)。

    Especially , the 70 km long section near korla , though in a dry gobi region , has an extremely high corrosive soil environment which can be grouped into Class V according to the national five class standard for soil classification .

  19. 戈壁风蚀面与植被覆盖面地表性质粗糙度长度的确定

    Determination of Roughness Length on Gobi Deflation Plane and Vegetated Surface

  20. 戈壁风沙流若干特征研究

    A study on some characteristics of drifting sand flux over Gobi

  21. 西北地区戈壁和绿洲风蚀起沙(尘)的研究

    Studies on dust emission in Gobi and oasis of Northwest China

  22. 驻戈壁沙漠军人心理卫生状况的研究

    Study on the psychological hygiene state of soldiers in the desert

  23. 这部纪录片是在戈壁滩现场拍的。

    The documentary was made on location in the Gobi desert .

  24. 这个部落位于戈壁滩边缘。

    This is situated on the edge of the Gobi desert .

  25. 戈壁与绿洲内的风向风速关系&以新疆策勒县为例

    Relations Between Wind Velocity and direction in gobi Area and Oasis

  26. 西北戈壁荒漠区生态环境十分脆弱,以风蚀为主的水土流失非常严重;

    The environment of the desert in northwest region is fragile .

  27. 敦煌戈壁地表风蚀起沙量的计算

    Calculation of Dust Emission by Wind Erosion in Dunhuang Gobi Surface

  28. 戈壁景观区金矿化探普查找矿模式

    The pattern of geochemical gross exploration of gold in Gobi landscape

  29. 乌鲁木齐戈壁荒漠动物鼠疫自然疫源地调查

    Investigation on Animal Plague Natural Focus in Gobi Desert in Urumqi

  30. 论戈壁荒漠植物区系的基本特性

    A Fundamental Characteristics of Gobi Desert Flora in the Centre Asia