
  1. 前东京都知事石原慎太郎(shintaroishihara)最近组建新政党,他说该党的宗旨是建立起“更强大、更强硬的日本”。

    Shintaro Ishihara , the former governor of Tokyo , recently unveiled a new political party which , he says , will help build a " stronger and tougher Japan " .

  2. 党的宗旨的历史考察

    A Historical Study of the Tenets of the Chinese Communist Party

  3. 对党的宗旨的再思考

    Rethinking on the Aim of the Communist Party of China

  4. 建立服务型税务管理体系符合我们党的宗旨和政府的性质。

    To establish service model taxation administration system matches with our party .

  5. 坚定党的宗旨意识,树立正确的权力观

    Strengthen the Aim Consciousness of the Party , Establish Correct Power View

  6. 加强党的宗旨教育,提高教职工党员为人民服务的自觉性;

    Enforce the Party 's goal education , heighten their consciousness of serving the people ;

  7. 在改革开放的新形势下更好地坚持党的宗旨

    Better Adherence to the Party 's Ultimate Aim in the Now Situation of Carrying Out the Open and Reform Policy

  8. 第五部分,从新时期如何发扬和贯彻党的宗旨展开研究。

    Part Five is the research on how to develop and carry out the Party aim in the new period .

  9. 本文结合了当前实际,阐述了在改革开放的新条件下,坚持党的宗旨的重要意义.我们党员干部要努力增强党的宗旨意识;

    The article expounds the great significance of adhering to the Party 's ultimate aim in the light of present situation .

  10. 全心全意为人民服务的思想既是党的宗旨,也是无产阶级的世界观。

    To serve the people wholeheartedly is the purpose of our party and the universal view of the proletariat as well .

  11. 我们党的宗旨是全心全意为人民服务,这是我们党的立党之本。

    The aim of our party behaves the people to serve whole heartedly , this is our party to sign the party originally .

  12. 论坚持以人为本与实践党的宗旨的统一&兼论高校以人为本问题

    On the Unity of Adhering to People Foremost and Practicing the Party 's Tenet & Also on the People Foremost in Universities and Colleges

  13. 前者是党的宗旨,后者是党的工作方法,二者是辩证统一的。

    The former is a aim of the party , the latter is a work method of the party , the two are dialectical unity .

  14. 一小伙与党的宗旨格格不入的党员分裂出去,成立了一个新的政治团体。

    A small group of party members , who no longer agreed with the party thought , splintered off and formed a new political movement .

  15. 从加强理想信念、党的宗旨、组织纪律等三方面的修养,阐述了党员领导干部做表率的实施途径。

    Besides , the article also demonstrates the performing ways of setting examples of leading cadres by strengthening ideological belief , aim and organizing principles of the Party .

  16. 领导干部要树立正确的人生观,把党的宗旨作为参加革命是为什么的出发点;

    Lead cadre to want , set up correct outlook on life , is the purpose of party , the starting point of " attend revolution , is why ";

  17. 实践党的宗旨必须以政治要求为根本,以道德自律为条件,以制度规范为保证。

    Practising the Party aim must be based on the political demands , moral discipline and systematic standard as its guide , as its condition and as its guarantee .

  18. 为人民服务作为党的宗旨,在不同的历史阶段,由于党在每一个阶段的具体任务不同,而具有不同的历史内涵。

    Serving the people wholeheartedly as the aim of our party , it has different historical meanings during different periods because of the different missions of the Party in each period .

  19. 第一部分,对党的宗旨进行语义分析,主要对党的宗旨、人民范畴、人民利益的科学内涵作出界定。

    Part One is the semantic analysis of the Party aim , defining the Party aim , the scope of the people and the scientific intension of the interests of the people .

  20. 因此,马克思科技观的人本维度实际上包含着个体维度、自然维度以及社会维度三个层次。党的宗旨的先进性决定了和谐社会政治文化构建的人本取向;

    Accordingly , it includes three dimensions about personal , natural and social dimension . The advancement of the Party 's tenet determines the people-oriented tropism of the construction of political culture of harmonious society .

  21. 论文从理想信念、理论武装、党的宗旨、义利观、组织纪律性等五个方面论述了加强党性修养应遵循的原则、基本途径和方法。

    Discusses the principles , basic approaches and ways to strengthen Party member 's self-cultivating from five aspects of ideal and faith , theory arming , CPC 's tenet , the view on justice and benefit , organization and discipline .

  22. 本文试图以政治思想家的理论、我们党的宗旨、我们国家的性质为依据,来构建我国政府绩效评估的基本标准,并使其具有可操作性。

    This article tries to take the theories of political thinkers , the goal of our party and the nature of our nation as the basis to construct the basic standards of governmental performance evaluation and to make it operative .

  23. 社会的阶段性发展与党的根本宗旨&兼论三个代表思想的历史意义

    Social Development in Different Stages and the Party 's Basic Aim

  24. 两个务必体现了党的根本宗旨。

    " Two Necessary 's " shows original aim of the Party .

  25. 坚持党的根本宗旨;

    Sticking to the fundamental purpose of the Party ;

  26. 始终代表人民的根本利益是党的根本宗旨

    To Represent Unswervingly the Fundamental Interests of the People Is the Basic Task of the Party

  27. 党的根本宗旨就是自觉地代表和维护最广大人民的根本利益。

    The Party 's basic aim is to represent and safeguard conscientiously the basic interests of the broad masses .

  28. 全心全意为人民服务是我们党的根本宗旨,也是我们人民政府的本质。

    Serving the people wholeheartedly is the fundamental purpose of our party , but also the nature of our government .

  29. 三个代表重要思想是对新时期党的性质宗旨和任务的科学概括;

    It is the scientific generalization of the nature , goal and task of the Party in the new stage ;

  30. 本文主要从参政党的参政宗旨、参政方式、参政产品三个方面论述了其参政行为的公共性。

    The essay mainly expounds the participation behavior 's public nature from the aspects of participation purpose , participation method and participation products .