
  1. 不过,虽然这些地方也许没有奢华的弗雷特(frette)床上用品和随时待命的客房服务,但你却能身临其境的体验到建筑艺术带来的独特感受。

    But while such a place may mean living without frette bed linen and wall-to-wall service , they present a unique architectural experience that you can have entirely to yourself .

  2. 评析者的接受理解力、独特感受力对文学作品的阐释起着至关重要的作用。

    The reader 's understanding and perception play a crucial part in literary interpretation .

  3. 每个作者,都应该在作品中显现他对于美的独特感受和理解。

    Each author , should be in the works to show his unique beauty feelings and the understanding .

  4. 在北京购物的独特感受是在其它任何地方都体会不到的。

    C2 : There is a unique feeling about shopping in Beijing that cannot be found anywhere else .

  5. 因而他的作品有一种独有的苦难情结,作品中贮满了路遥对于人生苦难的独特感受和体验。

    Therefore , his works are full of the experience of hardship , known as a unique bitter memory .

  6. 我们希望产品能诠释这一点,并给使用者带来独特感受。

    ' We want the user to be presented with this and feel special about what they 're getting .

  7. 她对死亡的偏爱、对死亡的独特感受和体验表现了她感受和探索生命的独特方式。

    Her preference to death , her unique feeling and experience of death are an expression of her unique ways of feeling and exploring life .

  8. 教学活动必须尊重学生已有的知识与经验,教学要尊重学生的独特感受和理解;

    The Class activities must emphasize the knowledge and experience which have been attained by students , and teaching should be respect students ' particular sensing and comprehension .

  9. 《新课程标准》要求阅读教学注重学生的独特感受、体验和理解,倡导体验式阅读教学。

    《 New course standards 》 request to read " special feeling , experience and comprehension " that the teaching pays attention to a student , initiate experience type to read teaching .

  10. 教师在课堂上应改变以教师自我为中心的模式,促进学生个性化的阅读,重视学生在阅读过程中的主体地位与独特感受,并充分发挥教师的引导作用。

    So , teachers should change the mode of self-centered , and respect the students main-body status and particular feeling , fully exert an leading influence on students and improve the capacity of individualized reading .

  11. 透过这些颇具历史性文学价值作品的浏览,我们可以感受到葡语作家和诗人对澳门的人和事、风俗习惯及生活方式所作描述的独特感受。

    From reading this valuable , historical literature on the people , events , custom , and also on the ways of life in that special historical period of time , we can perceive the particular feelings the Portuguese writers had .

  12. 在《中学语文课程标准》总目标里,关于7-9年级的写作分目标的第二条是这样表述的:写作要感情真挚,力求表达自己对自然、社会、人生的独特感受和真切体验。

    As mentioned in the 7-9 grade ' writing branch goals which included in the total goals of middle school Chinese class standards , writing should had real sensation in order to try to express unique feeling and true experience toward nature , society and life .

  13. 生命体验是个体生命在成长中不可或缺的独特感受,是对现实中生死及一系列生存状态的情感经历和反思提炼,通过经历生命的积极行为而获得的生命意识的强化和情感的升华。

    Life experience is essential element in the growing process of individual life . Life experience is the emotional states and refinement of thinking to life and death and a series of experiences . Life experience is the strengthen awareness of life and emotion sublimation gained by actively experience life .

  14. 这是一种独特的感受。”泰勒说道。

    It 's really a very unique feeling , " said Taylor .

  15. 我很高兴可以感觉到不同的东西,每种东西都有其独特的感受。

    I love being able to feel different things , everything has its own unique feel .

  16. 对于即将到来的春节,在中国已经生活了十五年的马库斯也有着自己独特的感受。

    After living in China for15 years , Markus has his own feelings for the approaching Spring Festival .

  17. 每个意义带来一份独特的感受或情绪,而你的生活质量也和你的情绪息息相关。

    With each meaning comes a unique feeling or emotion and the quality of your life involves where you live emotionally .

  18. 它已经组织了旅游团到伊朗、俄罗斯这样能够带给游客独特地域感受的国家进行旅游。

    It 's been organizing tourism groups to countries such as Iran and Russia to give travelers a unique taste of the region .

  19. 再进行创作时要分析古人笔墨汲取养分,更要通过对笔墨现代性的提炼画出画家新时代的独特审美感受。

    Then to analyze the creation of text to draw nutrients , but through the ink modern refining paint painter new era of unique aesthetic feelings .

  20. 同时对因文化的折射而产生的语义变化乃至语源进行探究,从而揭示日本民族独特的感受以及善于采取诙谐、生动的手法表达事物的语言特色。

    The paper will also explore the semantic change and etymological development as influenced by the complex , thus to demonstrate the unique experience of the $

  21. 小学生更是对美有一种独特的感受和向往,作文实际上也是他们一种感受美、鉴赏美和创造美的过程。

    Primary scholars especially have particular feeling and yearning about beauty . Composition is actually a process for them to feel , appreciate and create the beauty .

  22. 这一时期,蒙古诗歌创作虽然取得了一定的成果,但也存在以政治的空洞呐喊取代诗人个人独特的感受、忽视诗歌审美特征等问题。

    In this period , there were achievement in Mongolian poetry creating , but exist weakness in stressing on ideological content and neglecting Poet ' special feeling .

  23. 虽然,你可以通过图片或是透过文字的描述来了解、走进长江和三峡,但是最真切、最独特的感受还需要你亲身去游历和体验。

    You can look at pictures , read descriptions but for something so unique as the Yangtze and its Gorges you really have to see it for yourself .

  24. 总体上来讲,我们的餐饮团队对食品及服务技艺方面非常讲究,给每位客人以真实及独特的感受。

    Our F & B team in general is very attentive to the craftsmanship aspect of food and service , giving to every guest a true and unique experience .

  25. 他们在继承了前人写梦文学的同时,融入唐代特定的文化和他们独特的感受,使得唐代梦境小说焕发出灿然夺目的光彩。

    While absorbing previous dream-written literature , Tang writers also integrate the specific culture in Tang Dynasty and as well as their particular sensation , making the dreamland novels spectacular .

  26. 其中随着社会思潮的变迁和发展,社会的氛围和动向,作为一位从属于每一个时代的画者其独特的感受即情感也就不同,那么画面产生的美感也自然不同。

    With the thought of the social changes and development , social atmosphere and trends , as a subordinate to the times of every one of its unique artists feel that emotion is different , then the screen beauty naturally different .

  27. 只有积累了大量的生活写生素材,我们才能从中生发出独特的感受激发出强烈的感情,提炼出深刻的思想,创造出鲜活的形象,从而真实的反映生活的本质。

    Only accumulated a lot of live sketch material , we can from the Health issued a unique experience to inspire strong feelings , extracted from the deep thoughts , to create a vivid image , true to show the nature of life .

  28. 符合《普通高级中学语文课程标准》阅读与欣赏第4条要求注重个性化的阅读,充分调动自己的生活经验和知识积累,在主动积极的思维和情感活动中,获得独特的感受、体验和理解。

    It meets the 4th requirement of reading and appreciation in " normal high school language curriculum standards ", pays attention to personalized reading , fully mobilizes their own life experiences and knowledge accumulation , gets unique feelings , experiences and understanding in the proactive thinking and emotional activities .

  29. 文学翻译是一种独特的主体感受活动。

    Literary translation is a special perception of the subject .

  30. 鲁迅以其深刻的现代意识和独特的现代感受,创建了现代讽刺幽默小说;

    Luxun , based on his deep modern sense and unique modern experience , created modern ironic humorous novels .