
rù shì
  • Accession to the WTO;be born;go into the society
入世 [rù shì]
  • (1) [go into the society]∶步入社会;投身于社会

  • 他是个刚入世的雏儿

  • (2) [be born]∶佛家语,与出世(脱离俗世)相对,生于世上

  • 其气浩然,常留天地间,何必出世入世之面目。--清. 全祖望《梅花岭记》

入世[rù shì]
  1. 入世以来,WTO法律规则对我国各方面的影响正逐步凸现,在吸引外资方面,几乎取得了立竿见影的巨大效应。

    After China ' entry into the WTO , great progress has been made in the part of attracting foreign investment .

  2. 加入WTO对中国汽车工业的影响标准化与贸易技术壁垒&入世后车辆产品标准化面临的新课题

    Standardization and Trade , Technology Barriers & The New Subjects of Standardization of Car Products after Entry into the World Trade Organization

  3. 中国已于2001年12月11日正式成为WTO的缔约国。随着中国的入世,外国商品在华倾销将会越来越频繁,给我国经济发展带来的负面影响也必然会随之越发严重。

    China has joined WTO on December 11, 2001.After China 's accession to WTO , more foreign products will be dumped into China .

  4. 第一,思想观念先“入世”,跳出固有的思维模式,从WTO角度看问题;

    The first , in respect of ideology , jump out inherent regulation , and treat a question from the angle of WTO .

  5. APEC对入世后中国的意义

    APEC Will Still Be of Significance to China Who Had Entered WTO

  6. WTO与中国&中国企业该如何迎接国际市场的挑战,为入世作准备

    The WTO China * How Chinese Enterprises Can Prepare For Entry Into The WTO , And For The Opportunities And Challenges Of The Global Market

  7. 第四,人才开发先“入世”,领导干部首先要成为WTO事务的内行,同时还要培养出一支精通WTO事务的高级人才队伍;

    The fourth , in respect of ability development , first become the expert about WTO , meanwhile , train senior staff who can master WTO routine .

  8. 目前郑州市农业保护水平较低,与WTO的有些政策措施规则相抵触,入世后,郑州市亟待按照WTO的有关规则,调整和完善农业政策。

    At present , the agricultural protection in Zhengzhou is rather weak , which contradicts with the related policies and measures of WTO . After china entered WTO .

  9. 第二部分,结合WTO《农业协议》和我国入世承诺,分析入世后我国农业支持与保护的空间。

    The second section analyzes the space of supporting and protecting agriculture after entering the WTO , according to " the WTO Agriculture Agreement " and our promises .

  10. GIS中矢量与栅格数据相互转换方法研究入世后中国人力资源开发面临的机遇与挑战

    RESEARCH FOR DATA TRANSFORMATION METHODS BETWEEN RAFTER STRUCTURE AND VECTOR STRUCTURE IN GIS The Opportunity and Challenge of the Chinese Human Resource Development Rafter China 's Entry of WTO

  11. 入世后,我国PVC糊树脂将从现行实施税率16%在5年内降到6.5%。

    Current implementing tax rate for the imported PVC paste resin will be decreased from 16 % to 6.5 % within 5 years after WTO entry .

  12. 随着入世后高等教育市场的逐步开放,中国以其旺盛的高等教育需求,成为国际高等教育消费的大国,但在高等教育发展方面并非强国,与WTO的一些成员国相比还有很大差距。

    With the progressive opening of higher education market , China is becoming a great-nation of higher education service , but a powerful modern educational country is not set up now .

  13. 在阐述了WTO的主要内容后,本论文通过比较入世前后,以及中外法律服务的不同,揭示出中国法律服务业存在的法律问题。

    The thesis exposes the matters of law in law-service trade , comparing the situation before we coming into WTO with after , and the situation in China with in other countries .

  14. 在此基础上,通过分析中国入世以来经历的案例,对中国利用WTO争端解决机制举证责任规则提出一些建议和看法。

    On this basis , the author puts forward some suggestions on how to utilize rules of burden of proof in DSM by analyzing those cases involved by China since its entry into WTO .

  15. 我国旅游业要在遵守WTO基本原则和履行入世承诺的前提下进一步对外开放,要妥善处理旅游服务贸易摩擦,消除旅游业发展的壁垒,逐步实现旅游服务贸易自由化。

    The tourist industry must abide by WTO rules and perform promise of further opening-up , deal with properly trade friction , clear up tourist developing barriers , and realize gradually freedom of tourist trade .

  16. 入世以后,根据WTO原则的要求,外国文化产品将会大量进入中国市场,对我国文化产业造成较大冲击。

    After China 's entering into the WTO the foreign cultural products will flow into China 's market in a great quantity according to the WTO principles and this will shock our cultural industry violently .

  17. 入世对中国而言,最重要的是对中国法律制度的冲击,即中国法律面临着与WTO规则接轨的问题。

    To be admitted into WTO , the most important is the impact that the law system of China is given . So China 's law system must be in keeping with the rule of WTO .

  18. 实际上,这一规定并没有违背我国入世时对金融服务所作出的水平承诺和具体承诺,故我国没有违背我国在WTO项下的义务。

    This provision , in effect , does not run against China 's horizontal commitments and specific commitments concerning financial service as China 's entered WTO , thus China does not evade its obligations as a WTO member .

  19. 此外,前景展望部分本文还结合运用灰色系统预测模型GM(1,1)对入世后中美贸易额、农产品贸易额、纺织品服装贸易额进行预测。预测得到的结果与定性分析的结论一致。

    In settlement plan , the thesis will use the forecasting method of GM ( 1,1 ) to forecast the Sino-US trade value , farm products trade value , textile and garment trade value .

  20. 欣喜于成功入世之余,我们还必须认真思索加入WTO为我国总体经济发展和不同经济领域带来的挑战和机遇,从而抓住机遇,迎接挑战。

    After being cheerful for the successful entry into WTO , we must ponder about the challenge and opportunity faced by our country 's overall economic development and various economic fields , so as to catch the opportunity and welcome the challenge .

  21. 同时,依据我国对入世的承诺,加入WTO后五年内外资工程造价咨询业将获得在中国境内成立独资公司从事工程造价咨询业务的权利。

    Meanwhile , according to our promise to the WTO , foreign capital project cost consultation service industry will achieve the right of establishing sole capital company to carry on engineering cost consultation practice within five years after China 's joining into WTO .

  22. 充分认识入世对中国传统法律观念的冲击,主动运用WTO规则促进中国法律观念的变革,有助于实现法治现代化,促进中国经济的发展。

    It will have great influence on China 's WTO entry and Chinese traditional legal ideas . Using the principles of WTO will promote the conversion of legal ideas and help to realize the modernization of legal governance and advance Chinese economic development .

  23. 结合我国国有医院普遍存在的问题,对我院的现状与未来发展进行了SWOT分析,并就入世后医院未来发展策略提出了建议。

    Combined with general problems exiting in state-owned hospitals , the author does SWOT analysis of situation and development of People Hospital of Wuhan University and puts forward some suggestions for development of the hospital .

  24. 针对STL文件的特点,以及入世后社会对快速逆向工程(RRE)的更高要求,提出一种高效反求系统的建模方法。

    According to the characteristic of STL and the higher require to RE , the efficient modeling method system of reconstruction is put forward .

  25. WTO是建立在自由、平等、公正、开放基础上的国际贸易体系和法律规范体系,入世对中国产生了很大的冲击和影响。

    Chinese traditional legal ideas and the fixed form of cultural system have restricted the development of economy , politics , culture and some other aspects . WTO is based on free , equal , fair and open international trade system and legal canonical system .

  26. 我国已经加入WTO,必须适应入世需求,在政府管理理念、管理体制、管理机制及人才管理体制等诸多方面实现全面的创新。

    Now our country has been accession to WTO , so we must adapt the requirement of WTO and conduct all-round innovation on many aspects such as the idea of government administration , management system , management institution and the management system of talent and etc.

  27. 我国加入WTO后,国内各个行业所受到的影响程度是不同的,本文通过对化肥行业受其影响的分析,来研究探讨化肥行业在入世后应采取的发展战略。

    The effective degree to the different industry is different after our country entry WTO , the article mainly analyze , research the effective degree to the China 's fetilizer industry and explore the development strategy and solutions we will adopt , so as to face the challenges .

  28. 虽然我国已成为WTO的成员,但由于我国入世在反倾销问题上的承诺,我国在入世15年内应对外国反倾销时仍将受到非市场经济地位的制约。

    Although China has become a member of WTO , due to the commitments made when entering into WTO , our country is still subject to the restrictions of the status of non-market economy within 15 years after its accession into WTO when China copes with foreign anti-dumping actions .

  29. 加入WTO,是我国资本账户自由化所面临的新形势,因此本文又分析了中国入世过渡期内,我国资本账户自由化的进程安排及资本管制形式和方法的转变。

    Because entry into WTO is a new situation for the Chinese capital account liberalization , this paper also analyzes the course 's arrange of our country 's capital account liberalization and the change of capital control 's form and method in the transition period of China entering into WTO .

  30. 从GATS和中国与其他WTO成员国双边协议承诺的有关内容分析,中国流通业将面临着入世之初的严峻挑战。

    The Chinese circulation industry will be faced with rigorous challenges in the initial stages after China 's entrance into WTO according to analyses on GATS and related contents promised in the bilateral agreements between China and other member states of WTO respectively .