
  1. 我不属于交易团队,但已经融入了交易现场。我知道,入司培训很快就要结束了。

    I hadn 't made the team but I was clearly on the field . I knew , however , that spring training would soon come to an end .

  2. 作为中国工程机械行业的领军企业,三一重工公司在其发展历程中建立了具有自身特色的培训体系,通过开展入司培训、岗前培训与在职培训,帮助员工提升技能。

    As the leader company in Chinese construction machinery industry , Sany heavy industry company has established its own training system during the development , and helped employees to upgrade themselves by conducting them into pre-job trainings , job training and in-service training .